Archived News
Latest News 2023

The Club is hosting two TRY BOWLS events with the 1st one on Sat 22nd April from 2pm-5pm and the 2nd event on Fri 28th April from 6.30pm to 8pm.
These events are open to anyone who would like to give the game of Lawn Bowls a go.
There is no obligation to join, the club will provide ALL equipment and to top it all off, it is entirely free.
Feel free to pop in anytime; our members and coaches will be ready to answer all your questions and show you around our top-class facilities.
For more information contact David on 07852230477 or email John at
All new memberships are less than half price at £30 for the 1st year. and remember, there is NO OBLIGATION TO JOIN, just come down and have some fun.
Opening Night 2023
The Green will be opened on Sat 15th April at 6.30pm by President James Tunnah.
The official opening will be followed by the traditional Presidents team v Vice Presidents team and this event is free and open to all.
New players are welcome to come down and join in.
If you wish to take part please be down at the club for 6pm and add your name to the list.
Live Music will follow in the clubrooms from 8pm till Late with local singer Kim Brown.
This event is open to all. ( A £5 charge is required for those staying on for the entertainment)
Contact Dougie on 07714008982 for more information.

Memberships fees are now due.
***2023 New members Offer £30***
Full / OAP Membership £70
(Pro rata available)
Regional Membership £30
Junior Membership £10
Social Membership £10
Playing fees are to be paid before the 1st Gents league match which is on Wed 3rd May
to pay by BACS or for more information CLICK HERE
The Club held it's Agm on Wednesday 22nd March in the clubrooms with a near 50% turn out of members in attendance.
A minutes silence was held for the passing of former members and the meeting then went on to hear the business from the President, Match Secretary and Treasurer.
The meeting then elected its new committee with President Jim Tunnah and vice president Tony Turnbull electing to do a 2nd year in office. Long standing Treasurer Steven Fisher stood down from his role and was replaced by Rob Hogg Snr. Steven was then elected as a life members for his contribution in guiding the club through a very strenuous financial time for the club, with the spending of over £275k to build our new clubhouse which also included a 70k 10 year loan, which was fully paid back in 9 years as well as steering the club through the financial difficulties that were posed by the Covid 19 pandemic.
A life membership was also awarded to George 'Podge' Somerville for his services to the club over many years.
The treasurer proposed that a full membership be raised from £60 to £70 per year with all other fees being frozen at their current levels.
Happy New Year
The New year is now up on us and the club is busy putting together an exciting year.
Watch this space!!
Click the year to reminisce
Latest News 2022
What's on @ JBC this week, 25th April;
Mon; Hat Night. Names in 6.30pm
Tues; Free Play.
Wed; Gents League team practice night. 6.30pm
Thurs; Free play
Fri; Free Play
Sat; Free play
Sun; The Agnes Veitch Cup. (Ladies Only).1.30pm.
Starrett Cup 2022
It Quite fitting that the winners of today's tournament, the Starrett Cup, are all former employees of the company that donated this trophy.
Well done to club President Jim Tunnah, Davey Laidlaw and Laura Lightbody (skip), for winning the opening tournament of the season by winning the triples tournament on points and shots.Well done to all who took part on what turned out to be a bitterly cold day.Opening Night.
With bowling clubs all around the Borders beginning to open their greens for the start of the 2022 outdoor season, it was the turn of Jedburgh to make use of the pleasant spring evening to open theirs.
President Jim Tunnah welcomed the enthusiastic members down to the club and invited his niece, Nicola Galloway, to throw the 1st Jack.
After Jim raised the Club flag, a game between a Presidents select and the Vice President select took place with the Presidents squad winning by 1 shot.
Jim went on to say, “I am very proud to have been asked to be the President of this ancient club and I am looking forward to seeing all of the members having a great season.”
Opening Night.
The club will open the green on Saturday 16th April.
Members are asked to be down at the club for 6pm with the first Jack being rolled at 6.30 pm.
A game between a Presidents team and a Vice presidents team will then take place.
There will be entertainment after the game with local singer Kim Brown providing live music from 8pm.
Tickets are £5 per head with partners and friends invited along.
Please contact John Taylor on 07761407540 or any committee member if you would like to book your tickets.
Booking is advised.
AGM News.
The AGM of the club took place with a decent show of members out to support the election of the clubs new president.
After a heart felt speech from out going president David Lightbody, David nominated Jim Tunnah to the chair and this was accepted by the meeting. Jim went on to say " I am extremely proud to be elected as the club president for the 2022 season and I am looking forward to what the season may hold." Jim then went on to nominate Tony Turnbull as his vice
The election of the committee and office bearers then took place.
The 2022 committee can be found hereCLICK HERE2022 Committee
Our AGM will be held on Wednesday the 23rd March at in the Clubrooms.
All are welcome to attend.
Happy New Year All.
Now that the pandemic restrictions have been lifted, we are now in a position to invite you down to watch the Guinness Six Nations Championships in our Clubrooms.
We will be screening all of the Saturday Games live in Hd with the the Bar open and Soup available at HT.
Please contact us through this site or through any club member if you wish to attend, hust so that we have an idea on numbers for catering.
See you all there!
Latest News 2021
2 Bowl Pairs
32 players took to the green to compete for the club 2 bowl pairs trophy.
The pairs were all drawn from that hat and with the sun beating down a fantastic tournament played out.
4 groups of 4 teams played 3 games of 6 ends with the winners of each group progressing to the semis.
such was the competitive nature of the groups, two of them had to be settled via play offs as pts and shots could not separate them. One of the groups actually had a 3 way tie.
Once the play offs had been decided, the semis between the Lindores duo and S fisher and D Bell ended with a comfortable win for the Lindores team. Ali White and Gregor Taylor played well to get past the pair of Ann Gilfillan and Podge Somerville.
The final produced some great shots with both the leads playing well. Pup Lindores saved his best bowls for the final and played some telling shots under pressure from Ali. In the final end, Ali and Gregor found themselves 3 shots down and with the final bowl tried to burn the end. Ali played the strike and unluckily only managed to bin it gaining only 2 shots .
Final score R and E Lindores 8 - 7 G Taylor & A White.
2nd Warm Up Tournament
The 2nd warm up tournament of the season took place on sat 15th May and the Club members took part in 3 games of triples with the winners of both sections playing off in a final.
The winners of today's tournament being Chloe Stewart, Craw Law and Laura Lightbody who defeated Irene Waters, Babs Hogg and Tony Turnbull by 11 shots to 2 in the final.Well done.Next week, will see the start of the traditional club tournaments.First up is the Starrett Cup to be held on Sat 22nd May at 1.30pmWe are now restricted to 50 players on the green so let's get as many names in as possible.Inside bar with draft beer will also be back.Contact John Taylor to confirm your entry.Monday Night Hat nights
The Monday night Hat Nights have returned.
Due to Covid restrictions, please contact John Taylor or David Lightbody to book your entry. All names have to be in by 6.30pm for a 6.45/50 start.
Format will be decided on the night.
Warm Up Tournament 2 bowls Triples
After Saturdays tournament was postponed to Sunday to avoid the worst of the weekends weather,, a hardy group of members turned out for a little warm up tournament.With names drawn from the hat, The format was 2 bowl triples in a round Robin format.The winners being Ian Dick, Elaine Turnbull and Tony Turnbull.Well done All.Members Fees 2021

Opening of the green 2021
With the easing of Lockdown restrictions the club will be opening the green for play on Sat 1st May at 2pm.
Some restrictions will still be in force with only a maximum of 30 players being allowed on the green and bar facilities will only be available out side.
Places for the opening day game will be available on a 1st come 1st served basis.
Of course, all new members will be made very welcome with all new members enjoying a years subscription for only £30.
All equipment can be provided to new players for free un till you feel confident enough to purchase your own.
For more information on playing bowls click here INTRODUCTION TO BOWLS
Jedburgh Bowling Cub AGM Wednesday 24 March 2021 will be held via Zoom
Dear members, 2020 has been a year none of us will forget in many ways, but on the playing side it is the first time in our history that no ties were played. We were however able to commence play in the second half of the season, albeit in a very restricted and controlled manner, and for this we are grateful to the hard work by Tony Turnbull in creating a risk assessment allowing safe play within the Scottish Governments guidelines for sport.
This year's AGM will unfortunately not be done face to face but will instead require to be done through Zoom (this is an app which can be played through laptop, tablet or mobile phone, once you download the app onto your chosen device. Should you feel that this is an inappropriate way to hold the AGM please let me know as soon as possible but in order to hold our AGM in some fashion a majority decision will prevail?
The Agenda will be along the following lines, and if you have any comments or questions please come back to me before the meeting and we can arrange for a Question & Answer (Q&A) sheet to be compiled and sent out to everyone.
During the meeting you will be asked to turn on your video symbol so that you can be seen. Everyone will be "muted" by David to ensure no background noise, with only the speaker "unmuted". Should you wish to ask a question please either press the hand icon or simply raise your hand so that you are visible to the camera and David can then "unmute" you.
Happy New Year to all our members.
Lets be honest, 2020 was possibly the strangest year in the the clubs 162 year history. Coronavirus (Covid 19) has it the world hard and it certainly looks like 2021 isn't going to be plain sailing either.
The Pandemic looks like it is going to prevent the return to normality for the bowling community over the next 12 months but the Jedburgh Bowling Club will strive to provide as safe an environment as possible for its members and we look forward to welcoming you all for the 2021 season.
Season 2020 review.
The Club was eventually able to open the green for play during the Covid 19 pandemic in mid July, However, strict guidelines were put in place so that we were able to follow all Covid rules.
In August the restrictions were relaxed a little and the Bar area was allowed to open and tournament rules were relaxed which allowed us to play larger tournaments and finish the season off with a flourish
** Special New Members Offer **
Looking for something to do during lockdown? Why not try Bowls!
Now that lock down has entered phase 2, the Jedburgh Bowling club is now able to offer new members this fantastic opportunity on becoming a playing member of the Club.
£10 for the remainder of the year,
£30 for next year.
Normally £60 per year
Membership includes access to the clubs facilities (Current Covid 19 rules apply,) a loan of bowls and shoes and free tuition on request.
All for just £10 for the rest of the season. Also included is the whole of next season for just £30.
To take up this fantastic offer please email the club at, PM the club on Facebook, call David Lightbody on 07852230477 or Contact any club member.
Download a membership form here CLICK HERE
The Club is happy to announce that with the Scottish Executive moving to phase 1 of lock down relaxation and in conjunction with our governing body, Bowls Scotland, We will be opening the green to its members at 11am on Saturday 30th May.
This phased opening will take place under strict guidelines which are posted at the end of this statement Any question regarding the guildines contact
John Taylor on 07761407540 or David Lightbody on 077852230477.
The Guidlines must be obeyed AT ALL TIMES and the club will have a designated person in charge at each session.
Session times will be in 1 ½ hr slots and should be booked through John Taylor 07761407540with at least 12hs notice.
The allotted time slots are 11am-12.30pm. 1pm-2.30pm. 3pm-4.30pm and 6.45pm till 8.15pm. The green may be closed on various days to allow for green maintenance
You will only able to play as a pair with someone in your household and 1 other pair that live as a couple, as a singles match with any person or on your own. When booking the rink you must state all players that will be on the rink.
The green is only open to pre paid up members and if you have been to self isolate due to a medical issue, you MUST NOT attend.
Social distancing must be observed all all times.
COVID-19 Instructions for Getting Back on the Green
If you who have COVID-19 symptoms or if anyone in your household displays symptoms should stay at home and follow NHS guidance. No one who is self-isolating should attend the club. If you are deemed at a higher risk and have health issues/shielding you should stay at home.
If you are 70 or older (with or without certain chronic medical conditions or compromised immune systems) you are at moderate risk (clinically vulnerable) you should stay at home as much as possible. If you are leaving the house it is important you follow the advice on social distancing
No play is allowed if there is any maintenance being carried out on the green or the surrounds
The Clubhouse and toilets will remain closed.
The person in charge of the session will use the master key to fetch bowls locked in a locker. Members must change outside and must not use the benches. We suggest that you change your shoes in your car
There will be a person attending each session to remind members of the instructions around play
If you are looking to play you must go through the clubs booking system and not just turn up to the green to play, otherwise you will be turned away. When booking please contact John by phone or text John:- 07761-407540 and advise who will all be playing on the rink. Do not turn up more than 5 mins before due to play. Please arrange the day before you wish to play to allow session to be properly organised and confirmed. This also gives person in charge of session the required information
There must always be an empty rink between each rink in use. e.g if using rinks 1,3&5 then 2,4&6 remain closed
We will operate a one way system on the path. Please always go in a clockwise direction
Please check where the entry and exit points are for the rink you are playing on.
Bring their own hand sanitiser and use this throughout play (only use it at edge of green not it)
The 2m social distancing rule must be observed on and off the green
Players should only play individually, with members of their own household or between members of two households where social distancing can be maintained.
Please us hand sanitiser when entering the gate
Please sanitise your mats and jack before starting and before leaving. Please see the guidelines on sanitising the equipment.
During play the same person should set the mat at the required position throughout the game. Have a jack available at both ends and set them at the desired position with your foot. Do not touch the jack if you can avoid it.
DO NOTS: pick up another players bowl. Share equipment eg cloth. shake hands, high-five. Moisten hands with saliva (lick fingers or spit on hand). Drive or play running bowl that will go into the next rink
Please stick to your allotted time and sanitise the mats and jack before leaving. The next session cannot start till you leave so please do not loiter or congregate around the green
Players must not consume alcohol before, during or after play at the club, smoking at the green is also not allowed. No spectators are allowed, and nobody should sit on any of the benches.
Please take any rubbish home with you, we ask that you do not touch the rubbish bins at the club.
COVID-19 Guidance for Getting Back on the Green
Phase 1 – Bowls included in extension to daily exercise guidelines (22nd MAY 2020)
Effective from: 29th May 2020 (Subject to the Scottish Governments final decision being made on the 28th)
Bowls Scotland continues to fully support and follow the Scottish Government guidelines relating to COVID19, including ensuring the safety and well being of all members of Bowls Scotland. Working in partnership with the Scottish Government, Sportscotland and our members, we have produced guidance for clubs in line with Scottish Government guidance on sport and physical activity.
This guidance is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach as we appreciate bowling facilities vary across Scotland and as such individual bowling clubs should risk assess appropriately to ensure these procedures can be implemented. Please continue to err on the side of caution; clubs should not open unless all the necessary measures to ensure the safety of players and volunteers can be implemented. Players should only play if they feel fit, well and can adhere to the guidance put in place by their home clubs.
There is absolutely no urgency or pressure to return to the green, however if clubs and players feel ready and the following guidance is adhered to, bowling activity can resume but should ONLY include practice individually or games with members of your own household or between members of two households where social distancing can be maintained.
This guidance is split into four sections and will be subject to review once the Scottish Government issues further advice and guidance:
1. Guidance for Clubs
2. Guidance for Players
3. Guidance for Bowling Activity
4. Additional Information
1. Guidance for Clubs:
• Clubs should carry out and document appropriate risk assessments for all relevant areas of their facility
• Club house facilities (including toilets) should remain closed until further notice. However, where the green can only by accessed through the clubhouse the club must ensure that players enter and exit one at a time, ensuring physical distancing guidance is adhered to at all times. Players should not cluster within the club facility
• No club friendlies, internal competitions/club ties or external matches should take place whatsoever.
• Bowling clubs are responsible for ensuring the club and members comply with Scottish Government legislation and follow the guidance outlined within this document
• All club volunteers should work from home (where possible) apart from Greenkeepers who can maintain the green as per guidelines set out on the Bowls Scotland website.
• Club meetings should not be held face to face.
• No alcohol consumption to take place before, during and after play at the club and we encourage all members not to smoke/vape/electronic cigarettes at the green
• Clubs should check with their insurance company that the correct and full cover is in place before any play can take place.
• Clubs should advise their members if and when their bowling green is open and ready for play and what procedures must be followed for those planning to play
• Clubs should check with their landlord that they have permission to re-open
• All other Bowls Scotland policies and procedures must be adhered to.
• No spectating should take place
• Clubs should ensure a clear plan is in place for the cleaning of equipment before, during, and after play and provision should be made for this. For example, disinfectant spray must be made available by the club and accessible for those playing. More information is available here
• Consideration should be made for members who require mobility support
• Clubs should organise a system for booking and allocation of rink times that ensures the safety of Players • Clubs are not required to open their green/s and should decide on what best suits the club and its members.
2. Guidance for Players:
• Players who have COVID-19 symptoms or if anyone in their household that displays symptoms, those players should stay at home and follow NHS guidance. No one who is self-isolating should attend the club
• If a player/s are deemed at a higher risk and have health issues (those aged over 70 and/or those with chronic medical conditions or compromised immune systems), they should remain at home until Scottish Government guidelines change
• Players who are shielding should not attend the club
• Players should check if the club is open for play. Please be patient and understanding if the club cannot open the green
• Players should go through the clubs booking system and not just turn up to the green to play
• Players should only play individually, with members of their own household or between members of two households where social distancing can be maintained.
• Players should not consume alcohol before, during or after play at the club and smoking at the green should be discouraged
• Players should not attempt to enter the club house as these facilities will remain closed. However, where the green can only by accessed through the club house players should enter and exit one at a time, adhering to social distancing guidance at all times. Players should not cluster within the club facility.
• Players should follow the ‘Guidance for Bowling Activity’ section set out below
• Players travelling to bowling greens should do so in line with the Scottish Government Travel/Transportation Guidelines E.g. It is permitted to travel short distances for outdoor leisure and exercise but advised to stay within a short distance of your local community and travel by walk, wheel and cycle where possible
3. Guidance for Bowling Activity:
Green Set Up prior to play
i.Ensure green is fit for play.
ii. All equipment to be removed e.g. 2m Sticks, Score Boards, Chalk, pushers etc (except rink markers)
iii. Benches, ashtrays, and bins to be removed, covered or sign-posted in such a way that members do not touch or use them.
iv. Consider what support your members might need to play (for example those with mobility challenges)
v. Players must bring their own hand sanitiser and use this throughout play
vi. There must be one rink space (an empty rink) between each rink in use. As an example, a 6- rink green should have rink 1, 3 and 5 in use or 2, 4 and 6. i. Bowling Clubs with more than one green need to ensure that compliance is achieved across all greens.
Before Play
i. Clubs should organise a system for booking and allocation of rink times that ensures the safety of Players
ii. Clubs should allocate 30 minutes between booking slots to minimise the number of players arriving and leaving at any one time and allow for any shared equipment to be sanitised
iii. It is recommended clubs should allow a maximum of 4 people (1 Pairs Game) can play per rink at any one time and in accordance with Scottish Government requirements.
iv. For each session clubs should collect essential information for all players including emergency contact details
Arrival and Waiting to Play:
i. The clubhouse and locker room facilities will remain closed. Limited essential access for example to remove bowls and shoes may be allowed by the club and should be coordinated appropriately e.g. if the key holder looking after the facility placed the items outside for collection, but clubs should risk assess and ensure appropriate measures in place.
ii.Clubs to communicate in advance with players to advise on social distancing requirements that are being applied on arrival at the club. It is advised that players do not arrive until 5 minutes before play and must stay outside the parameters of the club until it is safe to enter, and the previous players have left.
During Play
i. Mats and Jacks: i. Players should use separate mats and jacks, however if this is not possible, whichever player collects the mats and jack is responsible for all contact with the equipment before, during and after the game.
ii. Disinfectant spray must be made available by the club. Players must use the disinfectant spray after each game to cleanse all mats and jacks (ensure these are completely dry of disinfectant before use on the green again)
iii. As a suggestion jacks or mats can be set at short, medium or long by the same player after each end rather than rolling the jack down the rink for position ii. A maximum of 4 people (1 Pairs Game) can play together
iii. The 2m social distancing rule must always be observed on and off the green
iv. Other bowls equipment cannot be shared between players (e.g. cloths, measures etc).
v. Players should always practice safe hygiene
Players should not:
i. Pick up any other players bowl that doesn’t belong to you
ii. Share equipment out with your rink- e.g. cloths, measures, etc
iii. Moisten their hands with saliva before delivery
iv. Shake hands, high-five or have any physical contact with other people on the green (out with their household)
After Play
i. Players must leave the premises immediately after conclusion of play, making sure they have sanitised the mats, jacks and their hands.
The above guidance has been produced to allow a phased return to the outdoor lawn bowling greens of Scotland, where practice individually or games with members of your own household or between members of two households can take place. All players and clubs have a responsibility to take care of themselves and their members.
Dear Member,
The committee have been in contact with each other over the past couple of weeks to discuss the impact that Covid-19 (Conronavirus) will have on the club.
At the moment the clubhouse remains closed and the green is not open for play. We do however need to maintain the green so that when play can commence the green is ready. Mick is presently cutting the green 3 times a week and STS continue to maintain the green as required, they have in the short term halved their fee.
Bowls Scotland have added a Question & Answer section to their website which gives good advice and suggestions as well as keeping us updated on playing issues
Steven has looked at the prospect of a 3 month shutdown (April, May and June) and how this affects the clubs finances.
Main losses of income would be – Lottery (profit), Bar (profit), Sponsorship, Coffee Morning (June date) and misc income.
Some savings could be achieved from – Annual Fees to Bowls Scotland etc., slight reduction in utilty bills and potentially some savings on green maintenance work.
Over the 3 month period he has estimated this will cost the club in the region of £5,000, this is on the assumption that all members paid there subs.
The committee therefore is asking that members pay their 2020 subs in full providing they are in a financial position to do so.
(We appreciate the some members have already enquired and paid this year's subscription and we thank them for that)
You can safely make payments to the Club as follows:
1. Via Mobile/Online Banking
• Set Jedburgh Bowling Club up as a new Payee
• Account details - Sort Code 83-23-14 & Account Number 00170892
• Use reference field to quote your name (Forename & Surname)
• Send payment to us electronically, based on the fee summary above
2. Postal Payment
You can pay by cheque (making cheques payable to Jedburgh Bowling Club), by posting your 2020 subscription to:
The Treasurer
Jedburgh Bowling Club
Allars Mill
• Please do not send any cash by post
• Please don't deliver by hand as we are trying to adhere to the Governments stay at home policy.
Whilst none of us know what the weeks and months ahead will bring, we must hope that following the Governments advise things will improve as quickly as they can. We will of course keep you updated in the situation at the Club via Facebook, Website and email.
In the meantime we hope that you all stay safe and well
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Jedburgh Bowling Club, Committee
Opening Night will be on Sat 18th April at 6.30pm with entertainment in the club house after. All welcome.
The Club held a Charity Gin night with over 40 members and friends turning up for a great evening of tasting and quizing.
Each person recieved 6 x25ml gins of various types and were set a series of questions on each gin after Steve, from Majestic Wines in Berwick had given a short talk on each Gin.
after the Gins had been sampled a raffle took place with all the proceeds of the evening going to a local good cause close to the clubs heart.
Many thanks goes to Steve from Majestic Wines, Brian Liddle for all his help in arranging the evening and to all the businesses who donated prizes for the raffle.
The Club held its Bi annual Scots evening on Sat 18th January.
67 members and friends squeezed into the clubrooms to enjoy an evening celebrating all things Scottish.
President Nagle opened the evening with the Selkirk Grace and Compere for the evening, Ivor Hughes invited piper Graham Michie to lead the Haggis on a tour round the hall.
Main Club Sponsor, Alan Learmonth (Butchers) gave a stirring rendition of Burns's Address to the haggis as the company tucked into a meal of haggis, tatties, neeps and roast beef. Pudding followed.
A fine immortal memory was delivered by ex Melrosian Roy Mack and the hall was also entertained by the fine voice of Langholm stalwart Eric Laidlaw accompanied by John Mabon on Piano.
The toast to the lasses was delivered by ex Kelso Bowling Club president Ronny Fleming with the reply coming from Jed BCs Ann Gilfillan. In between the toasts Jedburghs Roy Ferguson, making his debut on the afterdinner speaking circuit, gave a fabulous rendition of 'Cotters Saturday Night' by Rabbie Burns
The ladies of Gwen Mabon and Florence Mack then closed the evening with emotional renditions of some great Scots songs.
Another great night. Thanks to all who made it happen.
Following our very successful Scots Night, we are hosting a Gin Night. The evening will be hosted by a gin expert from Majestic Wines and tickets are £15 each. For this you will receive 6 gins and during the evening a small quiz on gins (to see if you have been listening!!)
To book a ticket please contact David Lightbody on 07852230477
Happy New year from all at Jedburgh Bowling Club.
1st up for the Club this year is our bi annual Scots Night.
Latest News 2019
Presentation Night 2019.
The season comes to the end on Sat 23rd Nov when the annual presentation night will take place in the Clubrooms.
Doors open at 7 pm with the presentation of the trophys at 7.30pm
Afterward there will be live Music and dancing into the night.
Tickets are priced at £5 and all intending to go should contact David Lightbody on 07852230477 to reserve a Ticket. Limited numbers so be quick.
2019 News will appear here shortly. sorry for the delay

Gents borders League Div 1.
Jedburgh 75 - 60 Melsrose
With last weeks game away to Ettrick Forrest being called off due to the weather the gents returned to league action against the top of table Melrose team.
The Melrose side travelled to Jed with high hopes of a victory which would've seen them clear at the top of the division but the home team had other ideas and put together a great show of nerve determination to get them over the line in what was a close game throughout.
4 rinks up and 1 draw in a close game is a great team performance with a great come back from 7-13 down for team Nagle to win 15-13 and a solid 18-11 win for team White were particular highlights.
Full result
D Munro | 15 | 12 | R Nichol |
A White | 18 | 11 | L Haldane |
D Lightbody | 14 | 10 | M Thin |
G Nagle | 15 | 14 | I Crawford |
E Lindores | 13 | 13 | N McNally |
Total | 75 | 60 | Total |
Top Rink; R Lindores, G Robson,C Hogg, A White (skip)
Although its early doors yet, the result puts Jed joint top of the table but with a game in hand.
Gents Border League Div 1.
Jedburgh 75 - 63 Earlston
The Gents got the 2019 league season off to a good start with a solid home win over Ealston by 12 shots.
The game was a tight affair throughout with Earlston taking an early lead but the home side soon caught up and by the half way stage had a slender 8 shot lead. The game remained tight with all 5 games being within touching distance of each other but the Jed side managed to hold on to the lead untill the final bowl.
No top rink (shared equal 4 shots up)
D Munro | 19 | 16 | S Greer |
D Lightbody | 13 | 9 | N Kellett |
A White | 15 | 13 | P Scott |
G Nagle | 14 | 10 | G Cessford |
E Lindores | 14 | 15 | M Goodfellow |
Total | 75 | 63 | Total |
Seniors League.
Ettrick Forest/ Selkirk V Jedburgh
The Senior Gents team opened up the season with a heavy away defeat at the hands the Ettrick Forrest / Selkirk combination team going down by a score of 67-43. and only 1 triple up.
Next week is at home v St Ronans
Starrett Cup 2019
The annual opening tournament ,The Starrett Cup, took place in gloious weather and a health entry of members.
This years competition was in pairs format with only one pair making it through all three games of 6 ends undefeated .
This years winners were Podge Somerville and John Taylor (skip)
Well done!
Opening Night
On a glorious Saturday evening the Club opened the green for the 2019 season. After a minutes silence for our recently departed members and friends President Greg Nagle raised the club flag and asked his friend Stacey Redpath to roll the 1st jack.
The annual Presidents team v Vice presidents team game then took place with the Presidents team winning by a slender 1 shot.
The evening was finished off in the clubrooms with a night of dancing and merriment late into the night.

The Draws for the 2019 Scottish Bowling Championships are now available to download by clicking here
The fixture cards are now available to pick up in the Clubhouse or alternatively you can down load a copy by clicking here
The Bowling Club will officially be opened by President Greg Nagle on Saturday 20th April at 6pm.
Greg will Raise the flag and the first jack of the year will be played which will offically open the green.
Following this there annual Presidents team v Vice Presidents team game will be played .
All intending players and members are asked to have there names in for 5.30pm ready for a 6pm start.
Following the bowling there will be music in the club house from Spectrum Discos who will play music for all tastes. this will start around 7.30pm
All new members, guests and hingers oan are welcome to attend.
AGM 2019
The Club held its AGM on Wed 20th March. Out going President, Brian Liddle, thanked all the members for all the hard work that has been carried out over the past year and congratulated all of last seasons trophy winners. He then handed over the chair to the new president for 2019 Greg Nagle..
Other changes of note this year are Phil McCabe standing down as green ranger and Mike Nichol taking over. Niki Hill and D Lightbody take over on the gents selection from Euan Lindores and Greg Nagle and Dougie Munro stepping down from the bar with the general committee taking over the duties.
Subscriptions will remain the same as last year at full member £60, and social and youth members £10. A £1 fee is requested to enter all singles and pairs championships.
Full Committee update can be viewed here. Committee

The AGM is to be held in the clubrooms on WED 20th March at 7.00pm. Please make the effort to attend. ***NOTE THE CHANGE OF DAY***
Six Nations
The season hasn't started yet so to keep us all entertained through the long winter months the Club will be open for all of Scotlands Guinness Six Nations Games.
The Club will be open 1hr before all games and food will also be available. Please contact the club for more information.
The Ladies triple took top honours at this years Border Championships winning 4 games on the way to lifting the title against a strong Beccleugh team on their own green.
Well done Ladies
Scores to follow....
Winning Triple. S Cockburn, J Chapman, B Hogg (skip)
After a fine 2-6 win away from home to Ancrum the Jed gents top 10 team went out in the 2nd round at home to Earlston 2-2 but down on shots by 3.
Latest Results Updates.
Hawick 93 - 54 Jedburgh
Jedburgh 95 - 58 Kelso
Jedburgh 79 - 71 Melrose
Jedburgh 121 - 50.5 Ettrick Forrest
The final qualifiying round of this years National Championships was held on Sunday at Lauder BC. Jedburgh were represented in two sections, the triples and the mixed pair with Euan Lindores playing in both along with David Lightbody and Alister White (skip) in the triples and Laura Lightbody in the Mixed pair.
The triples were against Wilton Bc and played well as a three all morning only loosing 2 ends throughout the whole match, winning by 20-6.
Unfortunatley, the mixed pair didnt fair as well and after going 6-0 up at the start fell away against Waverley and lost by 18-9.
Well done to the Triple for making it through to Northfield.
They play on Thursday 26th July at 12pm for anyone who wishes to go and support.
Waverley 73 - 60 Jedburgh
Jedburgh 89 - 65 Peebles
Earlston 89 - 72 Jedburgh
The Jedburgh Bowling Club finally got its hands back on the Tweedside trophy for the 1st time sine 1983 when the lifted the cup at Ancrum.
Playing as two rinks the Jed team first had to qualify for the final at Ancrum by defeating Berwick and Chirnside on home soil, a feat the managed with room to spare.
After winning at Jed, they then moved to Ancrum to take on the winners of that green in Kelso.
The match was a tight afair early on but some nice play by both rinks set uo the victory and handed Jed the title.
Winning rinks
D Lightbody, G Robson, G Nagle, E Lindores (skip)
J Taylor, R Lindores, D Munro , A White (skip)
The Championships and pairs have now been drawn and members are requested to play the ties asap.
Names are now being taken for the club Triples on Sunday 10th June.
With the Gents qualifying at the quarter finals stage only the Triple of D Lightbody, E Lindores, A White (skip) has made it this far defeating Ancrum and Eyemouth to date.
The mixed pair of L Lightbody, E Lindores have made it to the same stage defeating Kelso A and B on route.
Unfortunatley all of the Ladies teams have failed to make it through to finals day.
The Triple play Gordon at Newtown on friday evening (1st june)
The Mixed pair play Eyemouth at Spital on Monday 4th June at 7pm.
Good luck
Melrose 85 - 75 Jedburgh
Ettric Forest 67 - 65 Jedburgh
Jedburgh 74 - 98 Abbotsford
Newtown 58 - 104 Jedburgh
This is a catch up league scores over the month of May.
1 win from the first 5 games is the worst start the club has had to a season in many a year. However, a win on the road at the improving Newtown club got the club back on the right tracks.
The Ladies annual club pairs was held on a glorious sunny day at the Club with 5 pairs entering for the round robin tournament.
The wining pair was decided by games won and then shots difference and as only one pair managed 4 wins the title went to the duo of Ann Michie and laura Lightbody.
Winners: Ann Michie, Laura Lightbody (skip)
After a fine away win at Kelso the Jed gents were looking to take some of that for into the first home game of the season.
This wasn't the case as the home side never really got going and along with the visitors bringing their A game it ended as a one sided affair.
A bad day at the office for the Jed team but they must regroup quickly for their next game away to Melrose.
E Lindores 16 - 9 R Thorburn
G Nagle 11 - 19 G Thorburn
J Taylor 12 - 27 D Miller
D Munro 5 - 18 R Nicholson
N Hill 5 - 25 D Wilson
Top Jed Rink: B Liddle, A Law, D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
With League restructuring on the horizon for next season, it is vital for the Jed team to get a good start to the start to this year as the bottom 4 teams will be relegated to help change the league from 2 teirs to a 3 teir system.
Jed certainly started with a bang which saw them take a solid victory away at Kelso.
With 3 rinks up, 1 draw and 1 loss the Jed side managed a solid win by 46 shots
S White 11 - 24 A White
C Patterson 9 - 22 E Lindores
CW Patterson 10 - 10 D Munro
R Paxton 8 -30 G Nagle
G Brown 17 - 15 N Hill
Top rink. G Somerville, K Cassie, J Taylor, G Nagle (skip)
Full League can be vied here:
The 2018 club fixture card is now available to download.
Click the links or pick up a card in the clubhouse.Fixtures 2018
The draws for the 2018 Scottish Championships have been made.
You can download them hereScottish Draws 2018
The gents team final practice night is on Wed 25th April.
Names to be in for 6.30pm
All players looking to play in the league team are requested to attend if possible.
The 2018 Starrett cup was held on Sunday 22nd April with a large turn out of 32 members taking part.
This years tournament was in rinks format with each rink playing 3 games of 6 ends with the winners beng decided on games won then shots difference.
This years winners were the rink of B Hogg, D Lightbody, I Watters, G Nagle (skip)
Well done to all who turned out to help get the season off to a great start.
On Sat 14th April, President Brian Liddle officially opened the green to get the 2018 season under way.
The raising of the club flag and the rolling of the first jack was watched by the members and the annual President V Vice President team game took place with the Presidents team winning by 1 shot.
The Club Agm was held in the club rooms on Sunday 25th march.
Outgoing President Tony Turnbull, thank all the members for their support over the last year and commented on that continuing upward trend of the clubs successes giving a special mention to the Ladies section for a fantastic win in the Top 6 competition.
He then nominated Brian Liddle to succeed him in the chair.
Subscriptions will remain at current levels but members are asked to keep supporting the weekly lottery ticket sales as these numbers are slowly dropping off.
Brian closed the meeting by wishing everyone a good season.
Green will open on the weekend of 14th/15 april. more details to follow..
The Club AGM will be held in the Club rooms on Sunday 25th March at 2pm.
All members are requested to attend.
Thanks, The Committee.
The Club House will be open for all of Scotlands Natwest Six Nations games.
Food will be provided at halftime and as always the bar staff will have a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eye.
All Welcome
The Club will be hosting a Scots night on Sat 20th January.
Not quite a Burns supper the Club will have guest speakers and singers from near and far as well as a traditional Burns Supper meal.
Tickets cost £6 and are available from D Munro, J Taylor or contact the web site here Contact
Hurry as tickets are selling fast.
The 2017 Presentation night will be held on Sat 4th Nov in the clubrooms at 7.30 pm.
All Welcome.
On Sunday 2nd Sept club champion, Euan Lindores, traveled to Ayton BC to take part in the Champion of Champions competition.
After seeing off the home challenger from Ayton aswell as the Selkirk Bc champion Harry Bell and Lauder Champion Billy Nisbit, Euan found himself up against Neil Kellett from Gordon BC.
Kellett had most of the play but a large comeback saw the Jed Champ take home the title with a 21-20 win.
Well done Pup from all at Jed BC.
In a repeat of last years final, Euan Lindores took on the defending champion Greg Nagle to see who would take the gents champion trophy home.
In a fantastic match Nagle got off to a flyer and took command early on. However Lindores fought back into it and tied things up at 10 all.
It then went nip and tuck until Lindores took a count of 4 to move 18-14 up.
Nagle did recover a little but it was not to be and Lindores lifted his 3rd title by 21 shots to 17.
Euan now goes on to represent the club in the champions of champions on sunday the 3rd sept at Ayton.
Good luck Pup.
The Ladies final was between Laura Lightbody and Elaine Turnbull.
in a close start to the match there wasn't much to separate the girls but as the game went on the experience of Lightbody began to show as she pulled away to win her 4th title by 21...9.
Well done Elaine for getting to the final on your first attempt. Laura also won the handicap the night before when she beat Shirley Cockburn 21-14 to repeat her feat of double champion for 2 years in a row.
Well done Ladies and thanks to everyone that came down to support the finals.
The qualify for the Border Championships took place on various greens across the Borders and the Jed team entered into the Pairs, Triples, Rinks, and Senior Rinks competitions.
Pair Robert Hogg and Greg Nagle narrowly missed out of a place in the semis loosing to Earlston in a closely fought match.
Triple of Mike Nichol, Dougie Munro and Euan Lindores were defeated by 1 shot in the 1sr round by Ancrum.
The Senior Rink of Fisher, Law, Hogg and Somerville were defeated 16-9 by Ancrum in the final qualifying game.
Jed did manage to get one team through to finals day with the rink of Brian Gray, Grant Robson, John Taylor and David Lightbody defeating rinks from Berwick, Kelso and Chirnside.
The rink were defeated 16-13 in the Semi Final.
Leading 11-6 at the halfway mark, they could get over the line in what was a closely contested match.
Having narrowly missed out on the ladies Border League this year by finishing 3rd overall on points and 2nd overall on shots scored the ladies turned their attention to the Top 6 competition.
After narrowly missing out on the title last year to the St Ronans Club, the ladies once again made it to the final after beating Abbotsford and Waverley, they found themselves up against a tough Hawick side on the Selkirk green.
Hawick had just come off the back of winning the league title and were looking to complete the double but the Jed ladies had other ideas.
In the singles, Jeds Irene Watters came up against former Scotland player Joyce Dicky. A formidable challenge lay ahead for Irene and she managed to hang on in there and by sticking to her guns she managed to tie the scores at 16 all, Irene changed the length of the jack and moved into the lead for the 1st time in the game as she picked up a vital 2pts for the Jed Ladies by claiming counts of 2 and 3 to win the match.
The Triple of Jean Ervine, Margaret Gray and Ann Gilfillan(skip) didn't fare so well as they were soundly defeted by 25-4 by a Hawick triple led by Allison Clarkson.
The vital match was in the pairs with Jeds mother and daughter combo of Babs Hogg and Laura Lightbody needing a win.
The pair started well and as the Singles match was completed they were 10-3 to the good. However, a slump in form saw the scores close to 10-9 and some worried looks from the traveling support started to appear.
Suddenly the Jed pair clicked back into action and over the next few ends picked up two counts of 3 and one of 5 to go on and clinch the title by 21-10.
A tremendous team performance by all 6 Ladies over three games sees the Jed Ladies pick up the clubs 1st bit of team silverware.
Well done Ladies
The Jed team having successfully defeated the Stow Club by 15 shots and Wilton Club by 18 shots, both away, now face Melrose at home to make the final.
Come on Lads.
The Gents finished the season with a narrow defeat away to Melrose.
This result left the Jed Lads unable to defend their title and finish this year in 5th place.
Still another solid top 6 outing for the lads in Blue and plant of encouragement to mount a challenge for next season.
The title was won by the Gala Abbotsford Club. Well done from all at Jed.
The 2 bowl singles took place on Sunday with a great afternoon of bowling taking place.
On route to the final there were a few 'big name' fallers, but once the dust settled on this tricky competition the final was played out between David Lightbody and Euan 'Pup' Lindores, with the Pup going on to win the very close final by 9 shots to 8.
The club decided to hold a 24hr bowlathon with all proceeds going to this years chosen charity of The Margaret Kerr Cancer Care Unit at the Borders General Hospital.
Teams of 4 took to the green in 3 hr sessions to play from 6pm on friday to 6pm on saturday.
The event ended with all competitors taking to the green for the final hour.
The final total raised will be in the region of £1850.
Well done to all who took part and thanks to all the gifted prizes for the raffle and food for the competitors.
League scores update.
Jedburgh 73- 86 Kelso
Waverley 97 - 66 Jedburgh
Jedburgh 85-68 Melrose
Jedburgh 85 -84 Waverley
The ladies continued with there fine run with a 5pt win over Gala away from home.
Wins for both rinks helped them to a commanding 37-15 win.
The ladies have reached the final of the top 6 for a second year in a row with a solid win over Gala Waverley away from home.
Wins in the single by Irene Watters 21-18 and a win by the pair of Babs Hogg and Laura Lightbody, 20-15 , saw them clam a 4-2 win with only the triple dropping the points.
The final is to be decided V Hawick
The Ladies have continued their fantastic start to the season by collecting all 10pts that were available against Buccleugh and Abbotsford.
The ladies have now played 5 games and have only dropped 4.5pts in total and lead the league by over 5 points.
A bad night at the office, was how this result was described by the Jed Lads.
Ancrum had all the answers to the League leaders on the night and as a result 2pts were dropped in the race for the title.
C Skeldon 9 - 16 N Hill
D Oliver 13 - 13 D Munro
Col Skeldon 16 - 13 G Nagle
G Scott 20 - 15 J Taylor
C Cowan 19 - 10 E Lindores
Top Rink, H Fisher, B Liddle, D Lightbody, N Hill (skip)
The Gents got straight back on the horse this week with a solid 13 shot win over Wilton away from home.
With two rinks shooting into large leads this gave the Jed lads a good cushion from which to play some nice bowls.
At one stage the visitors were 30 shots up but this was to prove difficult to sustain.
Any win away from home is a good win and this was no exception.
A Kyle 14 - 18 E Lindores
A Flockhart 11 - 27 D Munro
A Brady 11 - 13 N Hill
C McDougall 15 - 12 G Nagle
R Brady 21 - 15 J Taylor
Top rink; B Gray, R Hogg snr R Lindores, D Munro (skip)
The Ladies continued their fine start the the season with a solid 3pts at home to Wilton.
With 1 rink up by 8 and the other down by just 1 shot, the ladies made sure of the overall win which keeps them in the upper reaches of the league and also sees them unbeaten so far.
11.5 pts out of a possible 15 is a great start to the Season.
The Ladies secured a draw with a late comeback away to Selkirk.
With one rink up by one and the other down by one they secured 2 1/2 points.
The Seniors managed a 2nd win in the league by defeating Gala Waverely at home by 63-42.
The wheels fell of the Jed gents form with a thumping 31 shot loss away to Abbotsford.
A tough place to go and the Jed lads never really got going. 4 rinks down didn't help the cause.
C Hancock 8 - 14 J Taylor
G Bowers 13 - 11 G Nagle
T Newall 14 - 10 E Lindores
K Johnstone 21- 9 D Munro
K Campbell 27 - 8 R Lindores
Top rink: S Fisher, H fisher, G Robson, J Taylor. (skip)
The Ladies league team has got off to a flyer with a thumping 47-13 win over Newtown. Both rinks won well, securing 5pts for the home side.
The Gents senior team started their season with a defeat at home to Selkirk going down by 47- 58.
A week later they managed an away win of their own with a 54-60 shot win over the St Ronans team.
The Challenge pairs has been put back a week to the 21st May instead of the 14th.
The 3-2-1 competition that was meant to be on that date has been cancelled altogether.
Please remove your name from the sheet if you are unable to play.
Thanks, Tournament Committee.
The Gents continued their good start to the season with a stuffy 18 shot win over Hawick.
G Nagle 19 - 11 C Spalding
E Lindores 25 - 11 L Clarkson
R Lindores 21 - 17 B Anderson
D Munro 14 - 17 S Clarkson
J Taylor 14 - 19 M Christy
Top Rink; T Turnbull, A Law, D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
The Gents got their league title defence off to the best possible start with a thumping win over Selkirk at home.
G Nagle 37 - 14 D Weir
D Munro 37 - 6 D Carruthers
E Lindores 30 - 8 H Bell
R Lindores 24 - 9 C McKinnon
J Taylor 10 -13 G Smith
Top rink; M Weekley, R Hogg snr, M Nichol, D Munro (skip)
The draws for the 2017 Scottish Championships have now been made and can be viewed by clicking here. Scottish Draws 2017
The 2017 Starrett Cup was played on Sunday afternoon with a healthy entry taking to the green.
Played in Triples format, with 3 games of 6 ends, the afternoon sun shone down on some good bowling action.
The winners were the unbeaten triple of Babs Hogg, Jim Tunnah and Podge Somerville.
The entry sheets are now up for all club singles championships (ladies and gents), the club pairs and the Starret cup.
The gents Scottish Championship entry sheet is also up in the gents locker room. Please put your name down if you wish to be considered for selection.
Sheets are also up for the league practice night v Ancrum and the 2 dogs cup v wilton. Names ASAP please.
There is a league team practice night on WED 19th April.
Names to be in by 6.15pm for a 6.30 start. Ladies and gents.
The 2017 Fixture list is now live click. Fixtures 2017
Scottish Disability Sport is delighted to announce a team of twenty seven bowlers, directors and coaches that will compete in the upcoming Home Nations International in Newport Wales from Friday 21 April to Sunday 23 April and Jedburgh BC's adopted son, Mike Nicholl is among them. The event is one of two Home Nation international fixtures in 2017, with preparations for the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games in 2018 starting to gather pace.
The best of Scotland’s para bowlers will compete against the leading players from England and Wales, to be crowned champions. In addition, the event serves as an opportunity for coaches and selectors to try differing combinations and analyse team and individual performances against top level opposition. Furthermore, it will allow the squad the opportunity for much needed team building, as several new players and coaches will be involved. Commenting on the team selection, SDS Performance Manager Gary Fraser said: “SDS are delighted to announce a strong team of players to represent Scotland at this Event and having been involved in the programme over the past 6 months, it will be great to see the players compete at this level. It is an exciting time within the sport as we head into a busy competition period.”
Performances at this event will go a long way in determining who will be selected for the Multi Nation Event and Training Camp in Broadbeach, Australia in May. This event has a major significance on our programme as it contributes to qualifying the nation for the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. For a full list of players please see below.
Name Classification Town Local Authority
Billy Allan B6 Cowdenbeath Fife.
Gary Clelland B6 Linlithgow West Lothian.
Mike Nicoll B6 Jedburgh Scottish Borders.
Garry Brown B7 Kirkmuirhill South Lanarkshire.
Don Chalmers B7 Buchlyvie Stirling.
John Hughes B7 Stewarton East Ayrshire.
Martin Hunter B7 Burntisland Fife.
Barbara McMillan B7 Cowdenbeath Fife.
Michael Simpson B7 Auchtermuchty Fife.
John Wardrope B7 Ayr South Ayrshire.
Brendan Handling B7 Stranraer Dumfries & Galloway.
Robert Barr B3 Glasgow Glasgow.
Billy Edgar B2 Saltcoats North Ayrshire.
Irene Edgar B2 Saltcoats North Ayrshire.
Maria Spencer B3 Dunfermline Fife.
Mary Stevenson B2 Barrhead Renfrewshire.
The call up for makes Mike the 1st Internationalist in Jed bc history.
Well done Mike and Good luck.
Outgoing President, George Somerville thanked all the members for their support and was honored to have led the Gents to the League title.
His last act as President was to nominate Tony Turnbull as President for 2017 with Greg Nagle as Vice.
Subs were increased from £55 to £60 for full membership and will remain the same for Junior and Social memberships.
The Green, weather permitting, will be opened for play on Sat 15th April with the official opening and rolling of the 1st Jack being on Sat 22nd April at 6.30pm.
Live entertainment by Western Rhythm will follow the President V Vice President match 8pm approx. All welcome £5 entry. Names in advance please. Names to be taken by any committee member or at the bar.
The club will be hosting the Gents Championship Final on Sat 20th at 6 pm followed by a title party for all club members.
All welcome.
Jed traveled to Hawick Wilton knowing a win would give them the title no matter of results else where, although the title could still be theirs if other results went their way.
As it turned out other results didn't do their way and a win was needed and that what they got, (just).
Unlike last week, a positive start from the Jed men saw them race into a 8 shot lead after 2 ends with great starts from Lindores and Taylor helping things along.
Wilton did recover and with Munro, Hill and Nagle in dog fights and Lindores and Taylor being reeled, in the Wilton boys took the lead.
Nerves were being shredded by the shot but a big 6 followed by a 5 by team Nagle turned things again. Lindores started scoring again, Munro clawed things back. Hill hung on and Taylor kept things tight.
With the scores close, Lindores lost a 4 and Hill a 3 on the second last end which looked liked ending things for Jed but Skip Taylor played a wonder bowl to trail the jack into the ditch for , a 5 shot turn around and this gave the Jed men belief.
The last end saw Nagle gain a 3, Lindores a 2 but Taylor lost 1 and Hill 2 meant Jed were 3 up with 1 Wilton Bowl to come.
A Trail of the jack would've given Wilton a 5 and the match. However the yung skip was a fraction tight and he caught a short bowl giving Munro 1 shot and securing the 2016 Border Bowling League Title. A 5th title overall and the 1st in 10 years.
Well done lads. A great end to a long hard season!
C Macdougall 14 - 21 G Nagle
A Waugh 13 - 14 J Taylor
A Brady 17 - 22 E Lindores
D Smyth 14 - 14 D Munro
A Kyle 19 - 10 N Hill
Top Rink: B Gray, B Liddle, R Hogg jnr, G Nagle
The Jedburgh Ladies have reached the semi finals of the first ever top 6 series having defeated Kelso by 4-2 and receiving walkover over Earlston.
Wins in the pairs by Hogg and Lightbody and the Triples by Ervine, Gray and Watters was enough to see them over the line.
Semi final is on 18th Aug. opponent yet to be confirmed.
The Jed gents had an opportunity to win the league for the first time since 2006 as a win against Hawick would've all but secure the Championship.
A slow and nervy start was not what the home side wanted and early on the went 15 shots down.
The usual Jed comeback ensued but every time Jed pulled it back to level the Hawick men would pull away again.
A nervy last end did give Jed a chance with a count of 2 by team Nagle and a 3 from Munros quartet put Jed level on the score board. Jed were holding 3 shots on the last game left on the green with team Taylor but Hawick skip Clarkson wicked in for shot and Jed could only manage to knock another short Hawick bowl up up when trying to chap the shot out of the head.
A disappointing night but it is still in Jeds hands a a win away to Wilton on the last night of the season should be enough to see the men in blue to the title.
G Nagle 17 - 16 N Amos
D Munro 19 - 15 W Anderson
J Taylor 16 - 14 L Clarkson
N Hill 16 -20 E McGregor
E Lindores 16 -21 S Clarkson
Top rink; M Weekley, D Laidlaw, M Nicoll, D Munro (skip)
Jedburghs Mike Nicoll was invited to take part the the Disability Scotland Bowing championships at Northfield in Ayr and came away with the gold medal.
Well done Mike who faced Scottish Internationalists on his way to the final and now hopes to make Team Scotland himself for the Home nations game v Wales next year as well as the next Commonwealth Games in 2018.
Full Report.
A significant development in Para-bowls has been the inclusion of a series of national competitions within the mainstream championships organised by Bowls Scotland at Northfield, Ayr. The event is coordinated over a weekend by
Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) and the leading male and female Scottish players in the B6, B7 and B8 classes are invited to compete in their respective sections.Recent initiatives by SDS and partners have led to an increase in physically disabled players with performance potential in Scotland and a number of the newcomers made their mark at Ayr.
This was year two of the event and Disability Sport Fife (DSF) was well represented once again, although world champion Martin Hunter from Burntisland had to call off through injury. Martin’s international team mate and defending champion Michael Simpson from Auchtermuchty and Strathmiglo Bowling Clubl had another fine tournament in the B7/B8 class, losing narrowly in the semi final 20-21 to Ian Brown from Kilbirnie.
Two DSF members, international Barbara McMillan from Cowdenbeath Bowling Clubt and newcomer Mary Wilson from Edinburgh, contested the ladies open semi final with Mary winning through to the final 19-18. In the final she met experienced bowler Tracy Black from Alloa who was also making her first appearance in a major Para–bowls competition. Mary clearly has a future in Para-bowls but on this occasion she found her Central Scotland opponent just too strong.
Scottish international Billy Allan from Cowdenbeath has a fine home record in major competitions and once again he reached a B6 final. On this occasion he came up against new find Mike Nichol from Jedburgh who played an impressive semi final tie against international Gary Clelland. Billy had to settle for an excellent silver medal performance when he went down 12-21 to his Borders opponent in the B6 final. Bowlers in the B6 section are more physically restricted by their impairment than those in the B7/B8 section.
There is no doubt that the quality of physically disabled bowler contesting all of the three sections at Northfield has risen dramatically in one year. This is great news as Scotland prepares for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, the Home Nations in 2017 in Wales and the next IBD World Championships.
The Australian Pairs will take place on Sunday 7th Aug.
Names to be in for 12.30pm and pairs will be drawn from the hat.
Round Robin format.
If Last weeks game was a cracker, this weeks was an epic!!!
Abbotsford, sitting in 2nd place, needed to beat Jed by 7 shots to overtake them at the top of the league and with 11ends gone they were looking good to do that as they were 25 shots to the good.
Jed though, were down but not out, and in one of the clubs best ever come backs they took the lead with the last play of the game to win by 3.
Good performances by team Taylor and good fight backs from Nagle and Hill saw the game on an knife edge.
Team Munro suddenly out of nowhere lost a 6 on the 3rd last end after a great bowl from the abbotsford skip. On the very next end though a great shot by jed 3rd Mike Nicoll and two good draws by Munro saw them claim back 5 of the 6 they had lost.
On the last end with Jed two shots up overall Munro faced 4 against and with 1 bowl left he chose to fire and he clipped 2 shots out to loose a 2 thus leaving the match all square.
Whilst this was going team Lindores had played their way back into their game and two cracking draws by Lindores and one by Hugh Fisher saw the visitors lying 3 shots.
The home skip had one bowl left and although he played a nice shot it just fell short and Jed Claimed 3 to win the match.
A Massive win and one that sets up an opportunity to lift the title next week at home against Hawick.
G Bowers 15 - 17 N Hill
K Campbell 17 - 19 E Lindores
T Mann 11 - 14 J Taylor
C Hancock 15 - 15 G Nagle
S Thomson 20 - 16 D Munro
Top Rink, S Fisher, T Turnbull, G Robson, J Taylor (skip)
A Must win game for both teams saw a cracker of a match take place on the Jedburgh green.
With Melrose sitting in second place, a win for the visitors would hall them into contention to retain their title but a win for the home side would keep them at the top clear of the chasing pack.
Things didn't look good for the home team as after 10 ends played they were 15 shots down across the board.
Within seconds though the game turned as Niki Hill drew shot with his last bowl when 5 against and at the same time Greg Nagle took a bowl Melrose bowl out for a 6.
This seemed to kick start the home team and within 4 ends they had taken the lead and moved off to win by 9.
A great team performance keeps Jed at the the top still only by 2 shots as Abbotsford moved into 2nd place
G Nagle 31 - 10 R Nichol
N Hill 18 - 12 L Haldane
E Lindores 15 - 15 K Johnstone
J Taylor 10 - 19 N McNally
D Munro 10 - 19 I Crawford
Top Rink: B Gray, C Hogg, R Hogg jnr, G Nagle (skip)
With the League now split the Jed boys traveled to the Waverley club looking to extend their lead at the top of the division.
A Good start by the visitors was soon halted when a passing shower moved away and the home side took control of the game.
Good wins by teams Munro and Taylor were not enough to help the team as Nagle and Lindores struggled to make an impact and the side went down by 7 shots
Jed did manage to stay at the top of the division though as rivals Melrose, were also defeated.
R Nicholson 10 - 18 D Munro
D Wilson 9 - 14 J Taylor
D Miller 21 - 13 E Lindores
C Thorburn 19 - 10 N Hill
R Thorburn 23 - 10 G Nagle
Top Rink: M weekely, D Laidlaw, M Nicoll, D Munro
Traveling to the current champions and league leaders Melrose, the Jed gents had a point to prove and knew if they had any ambitions for the title this year a win would go along way towards it.
A slow start again didn't help but after a few ends the team settled into the quicker paced green and soon caught up.
A great team performance saw them go 5 up with only 2 ends to go but a Melrose fight back saw it go to peels with only 2 rinks left on the green.
Team Lindores were facing defeat but despite this the front end of H Fisher and A Law played 4 good bowls which was enough for them to collect 1 shot and move the visitors into the lead.
Over on rink 3 team Taylor had just seen 3rd, G Robson, chap and lay a cracker to give hope to the watching men in blue.
Home skip L Haldane had one bowl left and managed to move the jack but luckily the jack move to a Jed bowl thus cementing a narrow 2 shot victory to push the Jed boys 2pts clear at the top of the league at the split.
K Johnstone 13 - 18 G Nagle
L Haldane 11 - 18 J Taylor
B Swanston 15 - 20 D Munro
I Crawford 19 - 12 N Hill
N McNally 21 - 13 E Lindores
Top Rink: S Fisher, T Turnbull, G Robson, J Taylor (skip)
With the league now split there are only 5 games remaining and Jeds fixtures are Waverley (A)
Melrose (H)
Abbotsford (A)
Hawick (H)
Wilton (A)
Current Table (top 6)
1 Jedburgh 0 0 0 0 933 789 144 16 pts
2 Melrose 0 0 0 0 927 795 132 14 pts
3 Hawick A 0 0 0 0 894 809 85 14 pts
4 Waverley A 0 0 0 0 882 830 52 14 pts
5 Abbotsford A 0 0 0 0 908 833 75 12 pts
6 Wilton A 0 0 0 0 865 794 71 12 pts
Winners; I Hughes, Babs Hogg (skip)
Playing their last home match before the league splits against the team who was joint 2nd in the league with them, the Jed boys knew this game could define their season already.
The game was tight from start to finish with both sides playing big shots.
Last weeks top rink ended up the only down but with them only loosing by 4 and all four other Jed rinks up it saw the home team push on to go joint top with the reigning champions, Melrose.
N Hill 14 - 12 D Wilson
D Munro 14 - 11 G Thorburn
J Taylor 16 - 12 B Blackwood
G Nagle 15 - 15 R Thorburn
E Lindores 14 - 18 D Miller jnr
Top Rink: S Fisher, T Turnbull, G Robson, J Taylor (skip)
The Gents traveled to bottom side Kelso looking to return to wining ways and avoid a potential banana skin.
kelso may currently be the bottom side in the league but with players such as the White brothers in their ranks the are still a side to respect especially away from home.
Jed didn't start to bright but once they found their feet on the tricky green they soon started to make head way.
Decent comebacks from the rinks skipped by Hill and Munro helped the team push on and with Taylor and Nagle holding slender leads over tough opponents, it was the rink headed by E Lindores that pushed the team over the line, Picking up a 6 on the last end to secure the win.
The result pushes the team back up into 2nd place after last weeks defeat saw them drop to 3rd.
D Poloczek 20 - 23 G Nagle
C Patterson 13 - 17 D Munro
A White 12 - 15 J Taylor
S White 27 - 9 N Hill
R Paxton 6 - 26 E Lindores
Top Rink: H Fisher, A Law, D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
The Ladies Rink of Laura Lightbody, Shirley Cockburn, Ann Gilfillan Irene Waters (skip), traveled to Coldstream to take part in the finals to take on a rink from the Berwick Club.
The ladies battled out a close match but despite there best efforts they could only muster 1 shot on the last end when needing 2 to take it to an extra end loosing by 13-14.
The Jed gents traveled to Earlston need a win to keep them at the top of the league. However, the loss of two skips had a big impact on the team and although they were in shout for most of the game they fell away at the end to go down by 15 shots.
G Cessford 17 - 11 R Hogg
S Greer 15 - 22 R Lindores
P Scott 17 - 13 J Taylor
N Kellett 21 - 12 N Hill
R Beattie 18 - 15 E Lindores
Top Rink; M Weekley, m Nichol, R Lindores (skip)
Sitting at the top of the league the home side were looking for another solid display to ensure top 6 status for the second half of the season.
The Jed team started well and raced into an early lead with Teams Nagle and R and E Lindores all playing well.
Nagle and E Lindores kept up the fine form but R Lindores team let a 10 shot lead slip and ended up loosing by 3 shots.
A Solid Performance by team Taylor and a close match between Munros 4 and Scotts also contributed to a fine win over the local rivals.
G Nagle 22 - 8 B Cowan
J Taylor 17 - 10 D Oliver
E Lindores 27 - 7 C Skeldon
D Munro 13 - 17 G Scott
R Lindores 16 - 19 Clk Skeldon
Top Rink: H Fisher, A Law, D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
To View the current standings click
With the triple and both the junior and singles dropping out in the quarter finals it was left to the pair of John Taylor and Euan Lindores to try and make it through to finals day.
The game started badly for the Jed lads loosing 7 shots in the 1st 2 ends. Chances did come and they did manage to crawl back to 7-5 however, the Gordon BC pair of Callum Donaldson and Craig Martin were playing well and never looked like giving up the lead going on to win by 18-9.
This result leaves the Jedburgh Ladies rink as the only qualifier for the Area finals on Sun 19th June at Coldstream BC.
Jedburgh BC sent 2 rinks to the Duns club to take part in the Tweedside competition.
The winners of this contest moved on to the Chirnside green to take on the winners from that area.
Jed were grouped with Kelso, Berwick and Duns and after 7 hrs of play they emerged as Group winners winning all 3 games.
They traveled the short journey to Chirnside to take on Coldsteam and with three ends to go in the final the Jed boys were 6 shots up and looking good.
Disaster struck though and on the final end with the game all square one of the Jed rinks lost a 5 on the last end and the other could only manage to gain 1 condemning them to a 3rd final loss in the last 4 years.
Rink1; D Lightbody, J Tunnah, J Taylor, E Lindores (skip)
Rink2; G Somerville, M Weekley, R Lindores, D Munro (skip)
The Jed Team always knew a tricky match was n the cards when the pulled up in Inerleithen to take on the St Ronans Club.
It was nervy start from the visitors but they did manage to pull out lead over the home team. The nerves never really left the side as when even 20 shots up the struggling rink skipped by E Lindores always left doubts in the Jed teams heads.
However, they did manage to scrape 5 shots together in the last 3 ends and combined with fine wins from teams Nagle and Taylor, they finished the game 17 shots up.
This win takes the team to the top of the league on shots difference.
To View the current standings click here
A Borthwick 7 - 24 G Nagle
I Thorburn 16 - 17 R Lindores
J Borthwick 6 - 20 J Taylor
D Pearce 13 - 11 D Munro
R Crawford 20 - 7 E Lindores
Top Rink: M Nichol, C Hogg, R Hogg jnr, G Nagle.
All gents are reminded to have their championship 1st round ties played by the end of the week.
Please make the effort to push the ties on.
Pairs ties are also drawn and we are looking for the 1st round to be completed by Jedburgh Festival time (8th July).
With the Junior single, Grant Robson, Single, Dougie Munro, Pair, John Taylor and Euan Lindores and Triple of Steven Fisher, David Lightbody and Niki Hill all making it through to the east area semi finals it was up to the ladies to see if they could make an impression in this years qualifying.
The single of Babs Hogg and Pair of June Jackson and Ann Michie fell at the 1st hurdle but the rink of Laura Lightbody, Shirley Cockburn, Anne Gilfillan and Irene Watters managed to qualify for finals day on the 19th of June by defeating rinks from Tweedmouth and Lauder.
A result which sees a ladies rink from Jedburgh in action on finals day for the 4th time in 6 years. Well Done Ladies.
Jed gents moved into 2nd place in the league with a great win over table toppers Wilton.
The home side continued their fine form with a ruthless win with only team R Lindores suffering defeat.
Jed took the lead early on and never looked back although Wilton did close the gap around 12 ends the home side dug deep to fend off any chance of a come back to put themselves into second place in the league.
G Nagle 19 - 8 C Miller
J Taylor 16 - 7 C Sutherland
E Lindores 24 - 11 A Kyle
D Munro 18 - 11 C McDougal
R Lindores 12 - 20 A Brady
Top Rink; H Fisher, A Law, D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
With the Jed side sitting 3rd from bottom in the league they knew they had to step it up if they wanted to keep their top 6 ambitions alive.
A win at last years runners up would certainly help and that's exactly what happened.
Fine wins for Munro, E Lindores and Taylor, combined with a great come back from 12 shots down by R Lindores to earn a draw saw them record a fine win.
The only blip being a loss by team Nagle didn't distract from what was a gutsy performance from the boys in blue.
E McGregor 12 - 24 D Munro
W Anderson 11 - 20 J Taylor
C Spalding 11 - 20 E Lindores
S Clakson 20 - 20 R Lindores
M Christy 19 - 11 G Nagle
Top rink D Laidlaw, M Weekley, B Gray, D Munro (skip)
Playing a second consecutive game at home the Jed boys knew a win would push them towards the top of the league but the Gala lads had other ideas.
A steady performance from most of the team saw them in with a chance but over on rink 1 the wheels fell off as they went down b 25 shots condemning the team to a 5 shot defeat
E Lindores 21 - 11 K Campbell
J Taylor 17 - 14 G Bowers
G Nagle 18 - 6 T Newall
N Hill 7 - 32 T Mann
R Lindores 16 - 21 C Hancock
Top Rink; C Hogg, B Liddle, R Hogg, G Nagle (skip)
The Jedburgh Gents, playing at home for the 1st time this season, took on a young Ettrick Forrest with both sides looking fora win to kick start their seasons.
After the usual slow start from the home side, Jed soon took control and decent wins for Nagle, Lindores and Munro saw the gents record an impressive win.
G Nagle 24 - 8 C Sandilands
D Munro 23 - 14 G Sandilands
E Lindores 23 - 6 G Rees
R Lindores 16 - 12 P McVie
J Taylor 18 - 18 S Bell
Top rink: H Fisher, A Law, M Nichol, E Lindores (skip)
The gents team started their league campaign away to Selkirk and looked to start with a bang.
This did not happen as a slow start gave the team a lot to do and the team went down by 6 shots with Niki Hills rink the only one to score a win after coming back from 11 shots down.
H Bell 16 - 18 N Hill
J Purves 12 - 11 G Nagle
I Borthwick 17 - 16 J Taylor
D McLeod 15 - 13 D Munro
C McKinnon 21 - 17 E Lindores
Top Rink; G Somerville, K Cassie, D Lightbody, N HIll (skip)
The sheets are now on the boards for up coming tournaments.
If you wish to enter the tournaments please get your names in asap.
The sheets are also up for the club pairs, which will now take place over the year, as well as the championships.
Names down by the 9th May or you will not be entered in the championships. (memberships must be paid to enter the championships)
Please can ALL memebers make the effort to enter the tournaments where possible.
All Gents wishing/willing to play in the Gents team are requested to attend the club on Wed night (27th) at 6.30pm for a practice match.
The League gets underway next week and we hope to hit the ground running so a good attendance is a must.
Selection Committee.
The Draws for the Scottish Championships have been made and are available from the menu or by clicking here Scottish Draws 2016
The first competition of the 2016 season got underway with a solid entry taking part on what was a seasonable April day.
The Competition was dawn from the hat and was played out in a round robin format.
The winning team on the day was settled by shots difference with the pair of Patt Watts and Babs Hogg (skip) edging Podge somerville and Dougie Munro (skip) both pair having won three games each.
Winners P Watts, B Hogg (skip)
The sheet is now up for names to be taken for this Sundays Starrett cup.
Please put your names up asap as it will NOT be drawn on the day.
Draw will be on Fri at 8pm.
The Jedburgh Bowling Club held its opening day on Sunday 17th April with President Somerville Raising the Club Flag and his wife Isobel throwing the 1st Jack.
A decent turnout played in the President v Vice President game but with the weather still feeling like a January afternoon, a shortened match was had with the Presidents team sneaking a win by 1 shot.
Good Luck to all our members for the up and coming season.
On Sunday 20th of March the club held its A G M in the club rooms with a large turnout attending.
A Minutes silence was observed for the passing of club members Joe Lamb, Robert MGinn and life member William Richardson.
President Lindores thanked the members for all the support during his term in office and stated that the gents reaching the last 8 in the Top Ten in Scotland was a particular highlight and congratulated Babs Hogg and Dougie Munro for winning the championships and gave a special mention to Dougie for winning the Champions of Champions.
The committee reiterated the fact that ALL members should keep buying and SELLING the lottery tickets as we still have some way to go the repay the loan for the new clubhouse.
President Lindores ended his term in office by nominating John Taylor as a Life Member to thank him for the years of hard work he put in to secure the new clubhouse for the future of Jedburgh Bowlers.
He then Nominated George Somerville as the new President for 2016 and wished him well.
Office bearers and committee can be found here Office Bearers 2016
Opening Day: Sun 17th April 2pm
Gents 1st league match: 4th May, away to Selkirk
Ladies 1st league match: 10th May, home to Melrose
Seniors 1st league match: 17th May, away to Buccleuch
All Welcome
The Clubhouse will be open on New Years Day from 12 noon till Late.
Everyone welcome!
The Gents team travelled to the Gala green on Sunday to take part in the re arranged Knock out Cup Final against the Gala Abbotsford Club.
The team arrived in good spirits and were determind to hit the green in top gear against the club that had been in the final on eight other occasions only to loose them all.
Jed, in their third final, were going for their first win since 2006, were quick out of the blocks with 4 of the 5 rinks taking leads into the second end.
The momemtum swing to the Abbotsford men and they then clawed back to take a narrow lead.
The game was fairly evenly matched with only 2-3 shots in it at anytime the difference. Then on the 10th end, four of the Jed rinks got decent results and this put the men in blue up by 10 shots.
Bad losses of 4 shots on the last end by team Hill and Team Lindores could've ment disaster but these drops were covered by team Nagle and team Munro and this left team Taylor to complete a victory for the Royal Blues by 7 shots.
Abbotsford 61 - 68 Jedburgh
Due to bad weather earliier in the season the club has decided to extend the season by a week to sqeeze in 2 unplayed tournaments,
The season will now end on Sun 27th with the playing of the scott and Foggon cup instead of the Presidents v Vice Game.
On Sun 20th the Laing Robson singles will take place and on sat 19th the Welsh Shield will be held has normal.
Please put your names down asap.
Gents Champion, Dougie Munro travelled to Selkirk to take part in the Borders Champions of Champions competition on Sunday.
Dougie hit top form over the weekend and after overcoming the ayton Champion in round 1 he faced the Abbotsford Champion in the second round.
A solid performance their saw him take on Billy Nisbit of Lauder in the Semi Final and after a sluggish start he dug deep and sneeked over the line to make the final.
In the final he faced Stevie Richardson from the Hawick Club and not wanting to get caught in the blocks he hit top form right from the off racing in to a 12-5 lead.
He did loose a couple of 3s along the way but Dougie did emerge victorious winning by 21-11.
A first for Dougie after 7 attempts and and first for Jedburgh Bowling Club.
Well done Dougie
The 2015 Gents Championship was contested out bu 3 times winner Dougie Munro and first time finalist Michael Weekely.
The vastly more expierienced Munro quickly took the game to Weekley and opened up an early lead. Weekley fought hard and managed to close the gap slightly before Munro stepped up a gear and won the title for a fourth time by 21-7.
This result sees Dougie have the most titles by a current player and also draws him level with the all time number of titles won by any Jed memeber since 1859.
Well done Dougie and congratulations to Michael for making the final.
The Rink and Triples both failed in thier bids to become Border champions as they both went out at the semi final stage to Melrose and Abbotsford respectively.
Sat 29th also sees The Jedburgh Triple of G Somerville, J Taylor and G Nagle and the Rink of M Nichol, B Gray, D Munro and E Lindores all compete in the finals of the 2015 Border Championships.
Good Luck Lads, lets Bring home some silverwear!!
Sat 29th Aug sees the return of the Leicester Tourers to the club. The touring side is made up of a range of clubs from the Leicestershire area and the club looks forward to meeting old friends.
A reminder to all members that club dress is required.
After a narrow victory over the Wilton club back in July the Jed boys travelled to Galashiels to take on the the Gala Club in the second round of the cup.
A bad start from the visitors saw the men in blue fall some 17 shots behind with 3 rinks strugling.
With 3 ends to go the Jed boys, still 12 behind, didn't give up hope and in a dramatic last end which included a great bowl from Dougie Munro's 2nd, Connor Hogg, two great bowls from Skip Robert Hogg and the shot of the match from skip Niki Hill, who converted a 5 dwn to a 1 up with his last bowl, all help Jed to sneek over the line by 3 shots.
Top Rink, D Scott, C Hogg, B Gray, D Munro (skip)
The two narrow victorys sees the Jed boys earn a home semi final v the league runners-up, Hawick on Wed 27th Aug.
16 pairs took to the green on sunday as the annual club pairs were held.
As usual there was some great bowling on display and after 8 hours of heated battle it was the pair of David Lightbody and Euan Lindores (skip) that edged passed Rob Hogg and Mike Nicholl (skip) in the final.
The Clubs 'Stars' Night was a spectular evenings entertainment. Six talented artists entertained a full house at the club in to style.
Robert Hogg (Elvis), Connor Hogg (Bill Withers), Rebekkah Lawrie (Eddie Reader), David Lightbody (Eddie Calvert), Bib Hogg (Megan Trainor) and Greg Nagle, Rob Hogg and Micheal Weekley frankie valley and the bowling seasons put on a fantastic evening with the delightful tones of Dougie Munro keeping the procedings moving.
Watch out for Stars 2 next year.
Six wonderfully talented...??????? sorry six deluded mugs will take to the stage on Sat evening in Jedburgh Bowling Clubs 1st ever Stars in Their Eyes Night.
Each act will perform as their 'idol' in front of a full house in what what promises to be an unmissable eveings entertainment.
Tonight Mathew Im gonna be...............
After a bye in round 1,Jedburgh defeated the Wilton Club away from home in the 2nd round by 59 -67.
This result sets up a tie away to Gala on Wed 19th aug at 6.30 pm
Due to unforseen circumstances, this site as not been updated for some time. The next section is a shortend guid to what has gone on over some of the season.
Kelso 95 - 64 Jed
Wilton 63 - 82 Jed
Jed 120 - 42 Selkirk
Melrose 84 - 65 Jed
Waverley 68 - 80 Jed
Jed 98 - 69 St Ronans
Jed 70 - 84 Hawick
Jed 77 - 85 Abbotsford
Earlston 62 - 82 Jed
Jed 85 - 71 Kelso
Selkirk 54 - 94 Jed
Jed 78 - 68 Melrose
These results see Jed finish joint 3rd in the League with Melrose Champions in front of Hawick then Abbotsford and Jed.
The Jedburgh Ladies team finished their league campaign in 4th place overall. This is the best result the team has had since the league was formed and lets hope the ladies can build on this result for next year. Well done!!
Kerr Memorial Pro Am
Winners; W Lightbody, E Laidlaw, T Johnstone, D Lightbody (skip)
Tom Hutchison Open Singles
Winner; G Scott (ancrum)
Trades Pairs
Silver Jack 2 Bowl singles
Winner; D scott
Australian Pairs
Winners; B Liddle, D Munro (skip)
The Gents team welcomed Earlston BC to Jedburgh and got stuck in from the off.
Determind to make up for a poor show against Hawick the jed boys got off to a flier and never looked back with all 5 rinks recording a win.
Thsi result put the Jed team in a 5 way tie at the top of the Division.
G Nagle 19 - 13 G Cessford
D Munro 16 - 11 R Beattie
R Lindores 32 - 18 N Kellett
J Taylor 17 - 10 P Scott
M Nicholl 15 - 12 P McNally
Top rink: J Straker,C Hogg, N Hill, R Lindores (skip)
The Jedburgh Top Ten team travelled the long journey to the Fife village of Strathmiglo to play in the last 8 of the Scottish Top Ten.
Arriving to a warm welcome from the Fifers the team took to the green looking to make the finals.
Unfortunatley the team failed to win enough shots and fell short of the task in hand.
The rink fought hard and dug deep to claim a fine four shot win 19-15 and 2 pts
The Pair also dug deep after a flying start to hang on to a 1 shot win 15-14 and another 2 pts.
The single was unfortunate and only the great play by the home single stopped him from the win, going down to an unflatering 21-14 scoreline.
The triple had a disaster and were humiliated by 32-3 after three poor performances came up against three great ones.
It was still a great achievement for the club to make it this far if not a little dissapointing to be knocked out after such a great run.
The Jed gents travelled to the Abbotsford green in Gala, a place where they rarely pick up a win and managed to do that for pnly the 4th time since the turn of the century.
The green was heavy with water after a cloud burt before the game which made conditions tricky but the Jed boys dug deep and even with a couple of heavily deafeted rinks managed to dig out the 2 league pts.
G Nagle 9 - 22 K Johnstone
D Munro 10 - 22 T Newall
R Lindores 11 - 14 E Hancock
J Taylor 26 - 11 K Campell
E Lindores 23 - 6 T Mann jnr
Top rink; N Ervine, R Hogg snr, M Nichol, E Lindores (skip)
The Club is running a bus to the Strathmiglow club for the Top Ten game this Sunday (31st)
Your support is greatly needed!!!!! Anyone wishing to go on the bus should contact Dougie Munro on 07714008982.
Cost and times will be arranged later.
Come on!!!1 support the boys on this historic occasion.
After winning the Border top Ten Championships last year the club took up the challenge of representing the Borders in the Scottish Top Ten.
Playing at home in glorious weather the team welcomed the Edinburgh Champions, West End bowling club to Jedburgh and the game got under way with the visitors also bringing a large vocal support with them.
The triple and pair shot off into early leads with the triple leading 9-1 and the pair dominating to lead by 7
The rink was slower out of the blocks but soon found some form and led 7-5.
The single then started and another good start left the Jed side in confident mood, but this was not to last!
The single was always in front, but only just, and with the scores at 19-18 a score of 2 gave the home side 2pts
The triple started to leak shots and found themselves being caught and eventually went down by 4 shots at 11-15 handing the Edinburgh boys 2pts.
A fine display by the pair helped the Jed cause greatly and the continued their form to win by 13 shots.
After taking a narrow lead the rink lost the advantage and slipped to a 11-20 loss but some fine bowling kept the score down whish helped the team over the line by a mear 3 shots to the good after both teams ended with 4 pts each.
The result puts jed into the Last 8 in Scotland and an away tie to the Fife Champions at the Strathmiglo club on Sun 31st May for a place in the finals
Jed team:
Single: E Lindores
Pair: R Lindores, D Munro
Triple: D Lightbody, R Hogg jnr, G Nagle
Rink: S Fisher, B Gray, M Nichol, J Taylor
Jed travelled to Hawick in a boyant mood after a fine win the previous week.
The mood didn't last long as the team started badly and didnt really recover.
A 31 shot defeat is one of the worst in recent history and one that the club hopes not to repeat.
G Nagle 10 - 23 B Anderson
D Lightbody 15 - 29 S Clarkson
R Lindores 13 - 12 N Amos
J Taylor 11 - 19 M Crysty
E Lindores 21 - 18 L Clarkson
Top rink; S Fisher, R Hogg, M Nichol. E Lindores (skip)
The Challenge Pairs were held on Sun 17th.
Playing 3 games of 7 ends, the finalists from the 2 pools were I Waters and G Nagle against T Binnie and R Lindores.
The final went all the way to the wire and with scores tied the game went into an extra end.
In the end, it was to be the pair of Tom Binnie and Robbie Lindores that took the honours.
Insurance has been taken out on the cup as Robbie does have a reputation for loosing them.
The team will be playing the Edinburgh West End Club on Sun 24th May at 2pm.
People are advised to come early as seating could be limited around the green.
We understand the visitors are bringing a large support so it would be great to see the same form the home team.
See you there.
The Ladies triple of Laura Lightbody, Ann Gilfillan and Irene Watters (skip) were defeated in the 2nd round of qualifying by a strong triple from the Eyemouth Club by 13 - 7
They had previously defeated Abbotsford ladies in the 1st round.
Back at home and playing the undefeated Wilton club, the Jed boys knew they'd have to dig deep.
Playing in better conditions the team were slow out of the blocks loosing 11 shots and gaining 4 on the 1st end and by end three were 15 shots down across the board.
However, Jed soon found form and slowly turned things around and by the half way mark led and never looked back.
Helped by the form of the rink led by E Lindores as well as a big contribution once again from G Nagles 4, the team ended with a fine 27 shot win!.
G Nagle 23 - 12 C MacDougal
D Lightbody 20 - 17 A Kyle
R Lindores 17 - 20 C Suherland
J Taylor 15 - 12 S Anderson
E Lindores 24 - 11 A Brady
Top Rink: S Fisher, R Hogg Snr, M Nichol, E Lindores (skip)
On a dark at very wet night the Jed team travelled the long road to the St Ronans green in Inerleithen looking to get the season back on track after a defeat the previous week.
The game did start with a glimmer of sunshine, however, the rain soon started and kept on right to the 14th end.
The Jed team didn't fair to well in the damp conditions and were down some 18 shots accross the board before playing better once the rain cleared.
Big wins for Teams G Nagle and E Lindores helped cover the losses on the other rinks and help the visitors to a slim 6 shot win.
On reflection a tricky tie in tricky conditions and 2 pts was a job well done.
G Nagle 25 - 11 J Dougal
D Lightbody 13 - 19 D Pearce
R Lindores 9 - 17 M Ormiston
J Taylor 12 - 20 A Borthwick
E Lindores 24 - 10 F Wilson
Joint top rinks were: S Fisher, R Hog snr, M Nichol, E Lindores (skip)
B Liddle, C Hogg, M Weekley, G Nagle (skip)
Well done to Steven Fisher and Euan Lindores on thier selection for the Borders team.
The Gents team opened up the 2015 season with a home tie against the defending champions, Gala Waverley.
The Jed team were in the game till around the 11th end before a collapse saw them loose 20 shots accross the board in only 2 ends leaving them to much of a gap to claw back.
Jed hads new players making debuts for the team in Brian Gray, Grant Robson and Mike Nichol.
G Nagle 13 - 19 B Blackwood
D Munro 9 - 22 D Wilson
R Lindores 12 - 23 D Miller
J Taylor 6 - 15 R Nicholson
E Lindores 26 - 12 R Crawford
Jed top rink; S Fisher, R Hogg Snr, M Nichol, E Lindores (skip)
SUBS, Members are reminded that the subs are now due asap and that they need to be paid if you wish to play in the championships.
Championships, If you wish to play in the club championships please put your name on the sheet in the locker rooms asap.
To view all the draws for this years Scottish Championships
Click here, Scottish Draws 2015
FIXTURE CARDS are now available in the club house or alternatively, the fixtures are available online on the FIXTURES page or click here Fixtures 2015
Practice Night II is on Wed (29th) at 6.30 pm. All league players, male and female are asked to attend.
Green Closure, The green will be closed for maintenance ALL DAY on Fri 1st May and will open again on Sat evening at 6pm.
A decent turnout of members attended the annual Starrett Cup tournament on Sunday.
Playin in a triples format, each team had to play 3 games of 5 ends, the winners were the team with the most games won.
The weather did play a part in proceedings with a shower of hail mixed in with the sunshine but theis was not enough to put off the winners of Babs Hogg, David Hynd and David Laidlaw (skip)
Winners; B Hogg, D Hynd, D Laidlaw (skip)
There will be a practice night for both ladies and gents who intend to play in the leagues on Wed 22nd April.
Players are requested to attend if possible as the selectors will consider those who play on the night.
Names to be in for 6.30 for a 6.45 start.
On Saturday 18th April, President Lindores invited his wife, Sheila to roll the 1st jack of the 2015 season to officially open the green for play.
With a good turn out of old and new members to witness the president hoist the club flag they then took part in the president team v vice presidents team game with the presidents team winning by 1 shot.
President Lindores then wished all the members well for the season and looked forward to his year in office.
Club opening SAT 18th April at 6 pm. (club dress code applies)
Gents 1st league match; Wed 6th May v Waverley (h)
Fri 8th May v St Ronans (a) both 6.45pm start.
Ladies 1st league match; Tues 12th May v Lauder (a) 7pm
Seniors 1st league match; Tues 28th April v Selkirk/Ettrick (a) 11am
Out going President, John Taylor welcomed a large turn out of members to the 2015 JBC AGM.
After a minutes silence in honour of the passing of David Cook, John thanks all the club for a exciting and memorable 2 years in office adding that it was a privelige to be at the helm during the construction of the new club house.
He want on to to wish Robbie Lindores well for his term in office and thanked the committee for making his term an easy one due to the hard work put in by all.
Johns last act as President was to nominate Darrie Scott and James Straker as Hon Life Members for all their hard work over the past 40 years.
Robbie then elected George 'podge' Somerville as his Vice and thanked John for his hard and mostly unseen worked in helping with the funding of the new premises.
Subs were increased by £5 to £55.
It was decided that the green would be opened on SAT 18th April at 6pm. A game will take place followed by a social night in the clubrooms. please note. Club dress required where possible
Hope you all have a good season.
The Club will be holding its AGM in the Club house on Sunday 29th March at 2pm.
All members are requested to attend.
The Club will be looking for new committee members to join its hard working team at the AGM, so if you may be interested please come forward.
We are also looking for a tournamnet convenor as well as a gents team selector.
Could all memebers please take part in the survey that the club has sent out. This is an important way of finding out what the members want and valuable to moving the club forward as one of the most forward thinking clubs in Scotland.
The race night has had a change of date please see the section below for further information.
The Club will be holding a Race Night in the clubrooms on Sat 28th March.
The tapes will go up at 7.45pm with live racing INSIDE the clubhouse.
Tickets are priced at £5 and this buys you ownership of a horse for a set race.
Tickets are available from the bar on monday evenings or from John Taylor on 07761407540 or Dougie Munro on 07714008982.
Come a long and why not bring a friend or two.
This is a light hearted evening where there will be a 'no holds Baird' look at Rabbie Burns.
Tickets are priced at £10 and this includes Champit Tatties, Neeps Haggis and a bit o coo. puddin' to follow.
The speakers are Ex Jetharts Callants John 'Tosh' Donald, Jim Miller as well as current Herald and club sponsor Alan Learmouth.
Tickets are available from the club on Monday evenings or from John Taylor on 07761407540. Hurry as there are limited spaces.
The Club has two short Matt Carpets and a few sets of carpet bowls for over the winter months.
It is hoped a winter league can be set up over time but for the moment a series of fun evenings will be held to get you used to the game.
The first of these will be on Sat 18th oct starting at 7 for 7.30pm.
Please come along for a fun night.
Ladies and gents welcome.
The coffee morning sheduled for sat 27th sept has been postponed due to a double booking. Watch this space for a new date.
The Presentaion night will be held in the Clubrooms on Sat 8th Nov. at 7 pm.
Music is by George Ingles
Tickets are priced at £5 per head and are available at the bar.
Please note there is no buffet so have your tea before you come. (have your names in quick as there are limited spaces)
The Club is representing the Borders area in next years Top Ten tournament.
The draw has been made and we have a home tie on Sat 24th May 2015 against the Edinburgh Champions West end (Edinburgh).
Keep the date in your diary!!
The full draw can be seen here
President Taylor called time on the 2014 seson on Sunday after the playing of the traditional ex presidents v the rest match.
This was as ever a hotly contested grudge match and after a stewards enquirey and some dodgy counting the match was declaired a draw.
The Welsh shield competition took place on a glorious sunny autumnal afternoon.
22 players took part in a round robin tournamet of 3 games of 5 ends.
The winning triple on the day with three wins from three were, J Tunnah, A Gilfillan and J Taylor (skip)
The Club Championships have been played off and this years finals were as entertaining as ever.
The Senior Championship was between Hugh Fisher and Scott Sinton with Sinton taking the honours at the 1st time of asking.
The Gents Championship was between the former winners of David Lightbody and Club President John Taylor.
The game was fairly evenly matched but Taylor eventually won the Title and with it became the only pPresident in office to win the Champinship in the same year.
The Ladies final was between Multiple winner Jean Ervine and first time finalist Ann Gilfillan.
This too was a good game with only the expeirience of Ervine coming toi the fore late on to claim another title.
The 2014 Club Pairs was held on the green on a blustery Sunday afternoon.
The final was between last years runners up Ian Dick and George somerville against first time finalists Micheal Weekely and Robert Hogg jnr.
The early stages were a close affair but the young guns of Weekley and Hogg soon found some form with hogg imparticularly playing the better bowls.
The Young pair ended up winning the tournament by 8 shots to claim their 1st major title.
This years Silver Jack was won for the first time bycurrent club four bowl champion Euan Lindores.
Euan played steady all day and in a real ding dong battle managed to pip former two time champion Dougie Munro in an enthrolling final.
Names are required for the friendly match V Tynemouth on Sat 16th Aug
6 mixed rinks are needed.
All intending to play should have their names down on the sheet and be at the club at 1.30pm
Club dress is also requested.
A social night will also be held after the game starting at 7.30pm so feel free to invite family and friends down to make a night of it.
Food will be provided in the form of a buffett.
The Austrailian Pairs will be held on Sunday 10th Aug.
Names are to be in the hat for 12pm sharp.
The Trade holiday tournaments take place this Saturday and Sunday with the playing of the Pairs and Singles.
The Pairs will be held on Sat with the singles on Sunday.
Both Tournaments will be drawn from the hat on the day with names to be in for 12 noon with bowling starting at 12.30pm.
Its been a busy month on the green reseeding bare areas, maintaining the mowing regime and identifying areas that will require attention in the close season and future years. It is very important to plan ahead both in the short and long term and the recent soil sample report (copy on notice board) is a useful tool in that planning. If only mother nature would play ball on a more regular basis with our plans.
The very wet conditions at the end of May beginning of June resulted in a very wet green. This resulted in some damage to heads particularly opposite the clubhouse which have proven difficult to repair. Despite being pro-seeded twice by Sports Turf Services (STC) on the 30th of May and 13th of June, these heads did not recover as expected and had the green keepers and STC nonplussed. There are two main reasons for seed failing to germinate either the soil is too wet and the seed rots or there are high levels of nitrogen present and this inhibits germination. Having received a copy of the soil sample report it did not seem likely that the latter was a reason for the poor germination. Given the high rainfall at the beginning of the month it appeared that this may have been a reason as it was noted that this end of the green was saturated. Some members will recall the big puddles that used to form on that area of the green prior to last years hollow tining.
Taken this into account on the 13th of June prior to re-seeding STC deep solid tined the whole green using thicker and deeper tines on rinks 6 and 7. However the results were still not satisfactory and further reseeding took place on the 27th of June at the same time special fertilisers and top dressing that encourage germination were applied. This work together with work carried out by the greenkeepers has resulted in better results and although it is not great to look at just now, there are encouraging signs that grass is becoming established on the barer parts of the green. Many bowlers will know that the green plays a yard or two longer towards the clubhouse which, together with the water retention indicates there is a slight slope on the green. To overcome the water logging and try and limit future damage STS plan to over the next two or three years to raise the areas on rinks 6 and 7 using top dressing, whilst improving drainage on this area of the green.
As the soil report shows low PH (Acidic soil) and low calcium levels it also planned to apply lime at the end of the season. It may require more than one application to 'sweeten' the soil so this process may take two or three years too. Also the less acidic the soil the less moss may reappear. STS are also working on their maintenance plan to address the high phosphorous and low potassium levels.
As we are still in an unusually – for Scotland- warm summer the green keeping program continues. Mowing has continued on average five days per week and this has improved the pace. The plan now is to try and maintain this pace whilst ensuring that the green does not become too fast and almost unplayable. To this end mowing may be curtailed and if necessary the green will be watered overnight.
Finally, A couple of members have said that when the green becomes wet and more prone to skinning and other damage that they intend to stop bowling. This attitude is very welcome and appreciated. Fortunately we have a solution stored in the Keter box at the end of the clubhouse. Inside the box are two sets of mats and some roofing tacks. These mats are designed to be pinned to the heads and they will help prevent damage to the green. So if the green is wet and are likely to skin the heads or you bring beginners for a game, please use the mats and continue to enjoy your bowling.
The Jedburgh Club travelled to Berwick and Spittal Bowling Clubs on Saturday to compete in the semi and final of the Top Ten Championships.
This was only the second time in the Clubs history that they have managed to make it this far.
They got there by defeating the Gordon, Newtown and Kelso Clubs over the previous weeks.
On Saturday morning they travelled to Berwick to take on the Hawick Buccleuch.
Wins in the Singles, Rinks and Triples and a draw by the Pair saw them reach the final at Spittal where they met former champions Chirnside.
The Final was a tense affair with the rink and triple starting well but the pair were struggling.
The single soon got under way with Euan Lindores getting the upper hand of his opponent Jamie Mitchel. Euan managed to bag the first 2 points for the club with a very hard faught 21-16 win over the Scottish U25 Cap.
The pair of David Lightbody and Dougie Munro started slowly but as the game progressed and at 14-6 down they began a fight back which ended with a fine 19-15 win and a further 2 pts to the Jed team.
The rink of Steven Fisher, Robert Hogg jnr, Ryan Miller and John Taylor seemed to be in control for most of there game, However the Chirnside four fought back well and overturned the Jed team on the last end to win by 3 shots giving the Chirnside team there first 2 pts.
Fortunatly for the Jed side the triple of Hugh Fisher, Robbie Lindores and Greg Nagle were on great form and there result never seemed to be in doubt as they stormed ahead to eventually win by some 15 shots giving the Jed side the title.
The Jed side are now in the final 32 in Scotland and have to wait till September to find out who they will face next year.
D Munro 21 v 13 Ian Crawford
R Lindores 15 v 11 Bill Swanston
J Taylor 18 v 11 Neil McNally
N Hill 10 v 25 Lee Haldane
G Nagle 13 v 16 Kenny Johnstone
G Nagle 19 v 10 A Weir
J Taylor 10 v 30 A Gilchrist
R Lindores 12 v 16 C Ainslie
D Munro 9 v 15 B Ogilvie
N Hill 22 v 11 I Hogarth
Euan Lindores 20 v 13 Alex Moffat
Greg Nagle 20 v 9 Steven Greer
Dougie Munro 22 v 8 Neil Kellett
D Lightbody 14 v 22 George Cessford
John Taylor 6 v 17 Pat McNally
The Scott and Foggon Festival Trophy is back on due to the cancellation of the Top 10.
The tournament will be held on this friday (4th )
Names to be in for 6.45pm with a start of 7pm for this round robin contest
Names are drawn from the hat.
Please tell all of this change
The Club will be open on Festival friday from 12.30pm till 5pm.
Please feel free to come along for a laugh and sing song and help the Club decorate its lorry for the fancy dress parade.
Why dont you bring your own picnic.
Anyone interested in joining in on the parade lorry please contact Dougie Munro asap.
The Jed team travelled to Abottsford on good form and looking to continue climbing the league but the men from Gala had other ideas.
David Lightbody's for didnt quite get the results they were looking for and although the score line suggested a comfortable win for the home side it was only really the last four ends that saw the difference as they went from 11-10 up to 20 -11 down in quick time.
Euan Lindores had similar fortunes as his four also struggled to make any impression in the match. Skip Lindores did play some big shots to save some counts but it was all in vain as they went down by 10.
John Taylor's rink started slowly but soon found form as they raced away in to a good lead. Skip Taylor had was in great form as he led his team to a 12 shot win.
Greg Nagles game emulated that of Lightbody and Lindores. Close but no cigar as they faught hard but still fell away to loose by 9.
Dougie Munro's rink shot ot of the blocks and nearing the halfway stage were 12-0 up. This rink gave the flagging visitors some hope but things turned for the worse as they slowly lost there way and only the fine bowling of Munro saved them from a defeat as the scored 2 on the last end to scramble a draw.
Difficult night for the Jed team. Lets hope for an improvement at home next week.
Top Rink, S Fisher, D Laidlaw, N Hill, J Taylor (skip)
Greg Nagle 10 v 19 Colin Hancock
Dougie Munro 15 v 15 Tommy Mann
Ewan Lindores 7 v 17 Tommy Newall
David Lightbody 11 v 20 Ecky Hancock
John Taylor 22 v 10 Keith Campbell
The Club will be holding a coffee morning in the upstairs hall of the British Legion this sat (28th). at 10pm Entry is £1.
Members are asked to supply cakes and traybakes for the cake stall, raffle prizes as well as bottles for the bottle stall.
Members are also asked to attend to help out on the stalls. Anyone willing to help can meet at the Legion at 9.15pm.
The 2 bowl pairs will be held on sat 28th June.
Names are to be in for 1pm with play starting as soon as possible.
Pairs are drawn from the hat
The Laing Robson singles tournament will be held This sinday (29th)
Times to follow.
Singles tournament, open to all played over the best of 2 sets. every round is re drawn.
The Jedburgh Gents welcomed local rivals Ancrum to Jedburgh on a glorious sunny evening.
In what was near perfect bowling weather the two sides got stuck into each other and it was only the later stages of the game when the Jed boys pulled away to secure a 6th straight win and which keeps them in 2nd place in the league.
D Lightbody's four went into this one in great form but things didn't start to well and they soon found themselves 7-1 down after 3 ends. In an amazing 4th end the Jed side scored a maximum 8 shots to haul themselves back into the match. The game ebbed and flowed from there as the Ancrum team applied the pressure. The Jed rink did well to keep up but went down by 2 shots.
E Lindores didn't start to strong either but as the match wore on the four started to apply the pressure and only the fine bowling of the Ancrum skip kept them in it. The Jed rink did slowly pull out a lead and ended up by 6
G Nagle's game was also a close one with both teams playing some good bowls. Another strong finish from the home team saw them stretch off to a 5 shot win.
D Munro's game was the cushion the home side were looking for. He took an early lead and never looked like letting it slip. A fine 13 shot win was just the thing the home side were looking for from this inform rink.
John Taylor's four started well but Ancrum Skip, D Oliver, played some superb bowls early on as they took the lead. The home rink kept the heat on though and eventually wore the visitors down. They were never in front till the very last bowl when the recorded 2 shots to sneak the win by 1.
Top rink; D Scott, C Hogg, H Fisher, D Munro (skip)
Greg Nagle 18 v 13 Bruce Cowan
Euan Lindores 20 v 14 Stuart Skeldon
John Talor 17 v 16 Davy Oliver
Dougie Munro 20 v 7 Colin Skeldon
David Lightbody 18 v 20 Brian Law
To view the current league table and past results click here
After a run of 3 straight away games the Jed boys returned home to play the re-arranged game against the Hawick Wilton Club.
Jed had still to register a home win this season after a loss and a draw so this was one the didn't want to lose.
It was to prove no easy feat over a Wilton side looking for a 3rd straight win.
Greg Nagle's team had a close one but he did play possibly the shot of the day when faced with a tight scoreline over the boards and lying 4 against the skip draw a perfect shot to claim 1 shot and a 5 shot swing in the home sides favour.
John Taylor’s game saw a battle of the leads as newly selected Borders player Steven Fisher took on the Veteran, ex Scottish Singles Champion, Colin Rae. This was leading at its best with neither player really claiming the win. The score line didn't go the home sides way though as they went down by 4.
David Lightbody's rink kept their terrific run of form going with a solid 5 shot win over Alan Bradys. The home rink was helped by another fine performance from Rob Hogg at 3rd and Noxie Ervine at lead.
Dougie Munro is fast becoming known for his strong finishes. After a great start the team were 10-1 up. However, a slip in form saw the lead vanish. Trailing 11-10 the home rink turned the gas back up and shot away to 6 shot win.
Euan Lindores's rink were sluggish out of the blocks and trailed early on. They soon found some form and some fine bowling from all four saw them claim a 4 late on to cement the win.
Top Rink D Scott, C Hogg, H Fisher, D Munro (skip)
John Taylor 12 v 16 Chris macdougall
D Lightbody 17 v 12 Alan Brady
E Lindores 15 v 13 Reece Taylor
Dougie Munro 22 v 16 Colin Sutherland
Greg Nagle 16 v 16 Andrew Kyle
To view the current league table and past results click here
After a run of decent results the Jed team travelled to Gala Waverley with confidence but also mindful of the task in hand.
The Waverley is by far the most successful team in the league and are always in the hunt for the league title year on year.
On rink 1 Euan Lindores led his rink well but early on they were down by 5. After a decent fight back they briefly took the lead but some decent play from the home rink saw the Jed team go down by 9.
The match on rink 2 was not going so well for Greg Nagles team. With 2 ends to go they were 13 down and looking out of it. However, Skip Nagle saved his best bowls for the last 2 ends and turned both heads to claim 3 shots on each end resulting in only a 7 shot defeat and one which helped the visitors over the line.
Rink 3 saw a tight match. John Taylor’s rink, bolstered by the return of Niki Hill, played a steady game and after a decent closing spell ended up with a narrow but great 3 shot victory.
Game 4 saw the rejuvenate Dougie Munro team play a great match. Home skip Wilson, did his best team keep his rink in the game with drives to save counts of 3 and 4. The Visitors applied the pressure and scored 7 shots over the last 2 ends to win by 12.
David Lightbodys rink continues to play well as a four but a remarkable game from Robert Hogg at 3rd saw a great victory over the vastly experienced skip Robert Crawford. All four played their part in a 13 shot win.
Top Rink; N Ervine, M Weekley, R Hogg jnr, D Lightbody (skip)
David Lightbody 21 v 8 Robert Crawford
Dougie Munro 22 v 10 Dougie Wilson
John Taylor. 14 v 11 Ralph Nicholson
Greg Nagle. 13 v 20 Davy Miller
Euan Lindores. 12 v 21 Brian Blackwood
To view the current league table and past results click here
The Kerr Memorial Pro am will take place on Sat 14th June.
This is the biggest tournament on the clubs calender so please check the draw below and please be at the club 15 mins before you are due on the green to help with the smooth running of the day!
12 pm Start - SHARP
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
1. R Lindores 1. Jed Thistle "A" 1. F Gallagher
2. R Miller 2. C Hogg 2. Jed Thistle "B"
3. K Cassie 3. D Lightbody 3. T Hyland
4. Watters 4. M Gray 4. N Scott
Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
1. P Richards 1. G Nagle 1. M Weekley
2. G Somerville 2. Callants 2. R Hogg snr
3. R Hogg jnr 3. M Dick 3. L Lightbody
4. I Williams 4. N Kerr 4. D Scott
The Picnic pairs will be geld on Sat 7th June.
Names will be drawn from the hat with members wishing to play to have their names in by 12.30pm.
The tournament will commence at 1pm.
Please feel free to bring down family and friends to watch and to enjoy a picnic if you so wish
All members please note!!!.
When playing ties please book your rinks using the rink booking forms provided.
These can be found on the bar.
When booking ties please be aware that 1 rink at all times should always be free for bounce games so that the green isnt blocked up.
Members are requested to check this folder before play so that you make sure you are not going onto a pre booked rink.
If we all do this it will help in the smooth running of the green.
The green keeping staff are keen to inform the members of what has been happening with the green and with all the work that has been carried out. Every so often an update will appear here for your information.
March / April 2014
The green was looking in very good shape. Sports turf Services (STS) had done a lot of work over the the close season, The edges on the bank side had been raised and turf replaced where necessary. The whole green was hollow tined, reseeded and repairs were done to worn parts of the green. This work resulted in a thick lush sward for the start of the season. Not ideal for bowling on but a good base to work from. The only down side was the reappearance of moss and fusarium on certain parts of the green.
The fusarium and moss was treated with varying results. The fusarium was halted but the moss returned after a couple of weeks (see May entry)
The mower was set to cut a 5mm to allow the grass to grow through the moss and help prevent bald patches caused by the removal of dead moss.
Other work carried out by STS in April included repairs to the badger damage and verti-cutting to improve the pace and remove the dead moss.
The mower was lowered to 4mm on the 25th of April as the grass was still growing well. STS recommended that we cut the grass six days a week.
The weather at the start of the month was sunshine and heavy showers so the grass continued to flourish and the moss was proving stubborn to remove. STS continued verti-cutting and the green was cut by club members at least 5 times per week with and awful lot of grass coming off the green. The average grass taken per cut is 3-4 mower buckets. To give you an idea the average for the first two weeks in May was 6 buckets with Monday the 4th of May having 11.5 buckets coming off in one cut. This amount of grass is not going to result in a fast green but it does slow down moss growth.
The second fortnight in May saw the green speeding up as the spring flush of grass slowed and STS continued with the verti – cutting and moss treatment (16th and 30th). On the 30th it was also fed with granular fertiliser (whole green) and aerobic fertiliser around the edges (think Yakult yogurt for greens). The edges and bare patches were tined and reseeded as was the repair at the far corner. The green continues to be cut regularly at 3+mm and the average is now down to 3buckets of grass per cut. The moss appears to be dead and the aim now is to maintain/ improve the pace of the green. Whilst ensuring the green remains in good health.
Final note. Soil samples have been taken from the green by STS as it has been noted that certain areas are more prone to moss. Details in the June newsletter.
Jed's gents travelled the short distance to local rivals Kelso with many expecting the game to be off after a day of prolonged rain but a break in the weather saw the match go ahead and the full 17 ends played.
Kelso is not a green that the Jed team has a lot of success on however after a slow start the team dug deep to record a 3rd straight win on the road.
John Taylor's rink got off to a terrible start, soon finding themselves 10-1 down. The rink did start their come back and managed to get the score back to within three. Another set back ensued as a loss of a 6 meant they had to recover all over again. They did this well and in the end only went down by 4 shots. A great fight from the Jed side kept the team in the hunt.
Greg Nagle enjoyed success with a solid overall display from his rink. Never playing short the Jed side were always keen to be into the head thus converting a lot of shots. A 9 shot win was a great result.
Novice skip David Lightbody is enjoying playing behind a rink that is playing well at the moment with his front three all generally getting the better of the Kelso side. M Weekley and R Hogg jnr changed a lot of heads and only the bowling of 2012 Scottish Singles Champion, Ali White kept the home side in it.
Euan Lindores's four had one of those night were they couldn't buy a shot early only. Lady luck was not shining down on the visitors however, at 15-3 down, fortunes changed and a come back started with the young skips side clawing the scores back to only a loss of 5 shots.
Dougie Munro, inspired by a good win the previous week, raced into an early lead and held onto it for the duration of the game. All four played well in parts with the skip guiding his team to build some decent heads. The Kelso men did come back a little but the Jed team held out well to win by 7.
E Lindores 13 v 18 R Paxton
G Nagl 17 v 8 C Martin
D Munro 19 v 12 G Frogley
D lightbody 17 v 14 A White
J Taylor 17 v 21 D Poloczek
Top rink; J Wilson, D Laidlaw, R Lindores, G Nagle (skip)
To view the current league table and past results click here
The Green Keeper will close the green for play on Fri 30th till 6pm. This is for esential works.
Gents are reminded the the Championship and H'Cap ties are now drawn and members are requested to check the boards and ALL 1st round ties MUST be played by 12th June.
The Jed boys travelled to the League Champions with little form and didn't expect too much from this game.
Once on the green though they saw an opportunity to cause an upset, and they took it.
Greg Nagle's rink had a tough one and were in a nip and tuck game all the way through. However, on the penultimate end and lying 3 shots, Nagle saw an opportunity to make 6 and he took it, removing the Melrose bowl and giving the team a large shove towards the win. The rink ended up winning by 5 shots.
John Taylor was up against it all evening with the Melrose front end on top form. The rink did stick in though but still went down by 15 shots.
Dougie Munro was still searching for a 1st win this season and came up with goods at the perfect time. Steady front end playing and some great play from H Fisher helped Dougie to his best game in a while and a 10 shot win.
Euan Lindores's four were in a real ding dong battle and the lead changed hands on several occasions. Some big bowls from both 3rd Ryan Miller and Euan helped the Jed team to a 14 all draw.
David Lightbody's team raced in to a 10-1 lead with the skip playing some decent shots to convert some heads. However, a change of length saw that lead eroded over the next few ends and they went behind by 2. Some dogged determination from the whole rink saw them fight back over the last few ends to win by 6.
Overall a great team spirit saw the Jed boys win away at Melrose for the 1st time since 2008.
G Nagle 17 - 12 K Johnstone
J Taylor 9 - 24 I Crawford
D Munro 18 - 8 M Thinn
E Lindores 14 - 14 N McNally
D Lightbody 19 - 13 L Haldane
Top Rink: D Scott, C Hogg, H Fisher, D Munro (skip)
The Jed team returned to home action looking to follow up their superb result against Hawick with home win against newly promoted Lauder.
The Jed team did start well and for 16 of the 17 ends led the way. However, a collapse by the home side saw the lucky to scrape a draw in the end.
Dougie Munro was hoping to lead his four to a first win of the season and raced off to an 8-1 lead. This was not last as the Lauder boys fought back and on the last end when the Jed rink were holding 5 shots, trailed the jack to claim a two and cemented their win.
D Lightbody's rink was unlucky to loose this one. lying 2 shots on the last end with the scores tied, the Lauder skip trailed a bare jack to claim 1 shot and the win.
E Lindores's four will feel hard done by after this one. Third Ryan Miller was having an inspired game and helped the Jed rink lead by 6 with only a few to go. A sudden loss of 7 shots in one end saw the visitors take the lead and on to a 2 shot win.
John Taylor’s four never really got started in this one. They did manage to take the lead however, a slow finish saw the eventually go down by 3.
The only Home rink to take a win was skipped by G Nagle. After a slow start the rink clicked in to gear and took a commanding lead to win by 9 shots.
Overall this draw feels a bit like defeat and thing need to improve before Mondays game away to last years champions Melrose. J Taylor 14 v 17 Ian H
D Lightbody 10 v 11 A Gilchrist
D Munro 15 v 18 C Ainslie
E Lindores 15 v 17 A Weir
G Nagle 22 v 13 L Wilson
Top Rink: J Wilson, J Straker, R Lindores, G Nagle (skip)
The Jed team finally got their season off and running with a fine away win over the previously undefeated Hawick.
John Taylor’s rink continued their fine form with another steady win. helped by his third, Rob Hogg snr, the rink ended up 13 shots to the good.
Euan Lindores played well early on to keep his rink in it and slowly the rink crept into a steady lead. The team ended up by 8. Ryan Miller also played well on his return to the team after 3 years out, playing his first game at third.
Greg Nagle's four once again found the going tough. With the Hawick front end out bowling the Jed side the young skip always had a lot to do finally losing by 21-6.
Dougie Munro’s rink suffered from inconsistency but did manage to score a five and four to keep themselves and the team in the game. going down by 4 shots the team did well to hang on.
David Lightbody was playing his first game at skip and was helped greatly by the front end of Noxie Ervine and Michael Weekley both having great games. The young skip was also mentored well by Niki Hill at third and this all contributed to a fine 11 shot win.
D Lightbody 19 v 8 G Scott
J Taylor 23 v 10 N Amos
G Nagle 6 v 21 B Anderson
E Lindores 16 v 8 L Clarkson
D Munro 14 v 18 G Lyall
Top rink; S Fisher, G Renwick, R Hogg snr J Taylor (skip)
The Jed Ladies went into this year championships looking for another good run in the tournament after the rink and the singles all have had good runs in recent years.
This year proved a bit more difficult though as the rink of J Ervine, M Gray, A Gilfillan, I watters (skip) came up against a strong Hawick rink.
The scores were quite even in the first few ends but the Hawick ladies stepped up their game and the Jed girls couldn't quite find the response going down in the 1st round by 22 - 8.
Current ladies champion, Laura Lightbody, faced former British Isles Champion, Marie Todd for the second year running. She started her game in determined mood racing into a 5-1 lead. The vastly experienced Todd soon found her range and started to put Laura under pressure. Laura did well to hang on to Marie but for the second year running had to admit defeat losing 21-13.
After Wednesday nights opening defeat the Jed boys hit the road to take on an Earlston team high on confidence.
A couple of call off’s meant a few positional changes although this cannot be an excuse for another below par performance.
Team E Lindores started off well and by the half way mark had raced off to a 7 shot lead. This however, didn’t last and over the last few ends their lead had been eroded and a loss of 3 shots on the last end left the game in a tie.
G Eagles four seemed to have a mirror imaged game to Lindores as they were 7 down before coming back to claim a draw.
Team Hill, playing against the veteran Patt McNally had a tough night. Never giving up the team were always up against it and lost by 14.
Team Munro were also struggling for the second game in a row. A few near misses by Munro might have changed their fortunes but this was not to be as the rink went down by 7.
John Taylor led his rink well once again but they had to dig deep for the victory. The game was quite even with each side taking turns in leading. However, a late push for home by the Jed rink saw them finish the only Jed rink up by 6
P Scott 13 19 J Taylor
A Moffat 15 15 E Lindores
G Cessford 13 13 G Nagle
P McNally 21 7 N Hill
N Kellett 18 11 D Munro
Top rink: S Fisher, G Renwick, R Hogg Snr, J Taylor (skip)
The Gents team stuttered into league action, beginning this years campaign with a disappointing loss at home to the Gala Abbotsford boys.
Playing in terrible conditions the team struggled with the wet conditions but did offer a glimpse of hope near the end when they were 2 shots up within end to play. Sadly this lead was not held onto and the team went down by 4
Team Taylor had a great tussle against the experienced Tommy Mann jr and after being 4 down, managed to turn things and claim a 2 shot win.
E Lindores led his rink well and managed to stride off to a comfortable 15 shot win.
Dougie Munro's four struggled with the conditions and a lot of inconsistent bowls meant they were always under pressure losing by 10-22.
Niki Hills team could feel hard done by as they rallied well from being 8 down to taking the lead. However, a draw might have been a fair result on the night.
Greg Nagle's team also suffered with the conditions, leaving the skip with a lot to do. This resulted in the rink going down by 9 shots. Scores;
E Lindores 22 v 7 J Purves
J Taylor 14 v 12 T Mann jnr
N Hill 13 v 13 E Hancock
D Munro 10 v 22 B Anderson
G Nagle 8 v 17 JHardie
Sweep Winners, H Fisher, A Law, D Lightbody, E Lindores
The Agnes Veitch Ladies Pairs took place on Sunday with a decent turnout from the clubs ladies.
Drawn from the hat and played over a round robin format, the ladies enjoyed a great afternoon's bowling.
As the day continued the pair of Ann Michie and Babs Hogg emerged as victors with Babs winning the trophy for the second year running.
Winners; A Michie, B Hogg (skip)
The gents selectors are requesting as many members of this weeks league teams to come down to the club on Monday and Tuesday nights to get some much needed practice in.
The green has been set out on new rinks and it would of great benifit to the team to get used to these to increase the home advantage.
Please make an effort to get down.
Preparation is key.
The Border bowling League is proud to announce the creation of its new website.
All results from all leagues and cups will be posted on here.
Please click here for further information.
What once started out as a fun event has now transformed into one of the hottest contested games in the club calender.
The 'Auld Yins v Young Yins' game goes ahead tonight at the club with the young yins looking to claim victory after last years defeat.
Rumour has it though that the young yins are missing a couple of key players so have already put the excuses in.
This event is open to all. Names to be in by 6.45pm
This should be a close match, that is if the auld yins can get them up and the young yins are allowed to stay up after 8pm.
This years tournaments got off to a great start with the playing of the Starrett Cup.
A Solid entry took to the green to play a round robin pairs tournament of 3 games of 5 ends.
The winners are decided by games won then shots but once all the scores were in it was the pair of George Patterson and President John Taylor that were declared the winners by winning all three of their games.
Winners: G Patterson, J Taylor (skip)
Here are the draws for the ladies and Gents Scottish Championships.
Please click the links to download.
The Starrett Cup will be held on Sun 27th April. Names are to be in the draw by 12.45pm for a 1pm start.
This tournament is drawn out of the hat and will either be a pairs or triples format depending on entry numbers.
A great tournament for all level of bowlers.
Calling all Ladies!!!, Names are required for the annual Ladies Pairs competition on Sun 4th may
This is a great starter competition for all standards of bowlers. Names are drawn from the hat so please add yours to the list on the sheet in the ladies locker room ASAP.
On Sat 19th April the members of Jedburgh Bowling Club turned out in force to witness President John Taylor open the green for the 2014 season.
With the green bathed in sunshine over 50 members turned out to see the president raise the flag and the see his partner Anne roll the first jack.
The weather has been kind to the green over the winter resulting in a great playing surface on which everyone enjoyed a great afternoons bowling.
Entertainment was provided in the club during the evening for all to enjoy a dance and a small libation.
On Sunday 20th April the members met to compete in the annual Presidents team v Vice Presidents team.
Another glorious afternoon paved way for the Presidents team to come away with a narrow victory.
Next up is the mixed league trial match on Wed night. Names to be in by 6.45pm622.
On Sat evening after the Border trial match the green will be open to all for a hat night. Names to be in the hat by 6.45pm.
The members of the club have been extremely busy over the last few week as they work hard to prepare the club for the season ahead.
The shed and water pumphouse has had a coat of paint as have all the benches.
Hall and Gibson have installed more paving around the green so that the disabled access is in top condition.
The flag pole has been refurbished and installed ready for the brand new flag
Perhaps the biggest the biggest job is the removal of the grass banking which was no longer fit for use.
High maintenance and mossy and due to recent years of high rain fall, drainage problems were also a major factor, the old banking was dug out and the construction of a Crib wall is now nearing completion
All work has been carried out by the members of the club who turned out in force to help.
It is hoped the once completed, the top of the wall will be levelled off back to the hedge and slabbed and with the installation of safety rails, a raised viewing area will be installed.
Yet another way that the Jedburgh Bowling Club looks to always move forward.
President Taylor will officially open the green ready for the 2014 season on SAT 19th April at 4pm.
This will include the raising of the new Club Flag followed by a bounce match.
After this match there will be a Social evening in the Clubhouse.
Food will be provided as well as entertainment in the shape of live music from local singer Alan Fenning
The evening will commence at 7.30pm
On Sunday the 20th the annual Presidents team V Vice Presidents team will take place. Names to be in the hat by 1.30pm
Lets get this exciting season off to a great start by supporting your local club and why not bring a friend.
On friday 4th April the members of Jedburgh Bowling Club gathered in force to witness the official opening of the new clubhouse
President John Taylor with his Vice, Robert Lindores and Immediate Past President, Robert Hogg welcomed the official party of Jedburgh Provost Richard Gordon, Grant Duncan from Sports Scotland, Colin Hutchison from Bowls Scotland along to witness this historic occasion in the club and towns history.
After photos were taken the assembled company were invited into the clubhouse to witness Provost Gordon address the club and then cut the ribbon to officially open the facility.
President Taylor then invited Colin Hutchison to say a few words.
He commented the both he and is colleagues at Bowls Scotland were very impressed by the forward thinking nature of the club and that Bowls Scotland looked forward to working with the club in the future.
Grant Duncan from Sports Scotland was next to speak. He added that although it had taken a few years and lot of patience that the final outcome was a credit to the Club. He added that he looked forward to seeing the club go from strength to strength over the coming years.
President Taylor closed the evening with presentations to the party of club ties and went on to thank everyone concerned with the building of the facility, highlighting the the commitment of the main contractor, Hall and Gibson, in getting the building completed on time and in budget.
The evening concluded with refreshments in the lounge and a tour of the building for the officials.
To view pictures of the event Click here clubhouse opening pics
All pictures were taken by local photographer Steven Somerville
You can view more of stevens work here
A record turnout was in attendance for the clubs 2014 AGM.
President Taylor started the meeting requesting a minutes silence for the passing of members during the close season.
The meeting continued with the President thanking all for putting up with very tough circumstances last year while the new clubhouse was being built. He also went on to thank all who helped out with the running of the club during last year.
The treasurer reminded the members that although we now have a great facility that weekly lottery tickets were still needed to be purchased in order to assure a healthy bank account.
President Taylor was the re-elected for a second term in office.
Robert Hogg stood aside as Vice President and Robert Lindores was elected in his place. All other office bearers were re-elected with the addition of George Somerville to the general committee.
To view the full Committee and office bearers click here Office Bearers 2014
The Club house will be officially opened by Provost Gordon on Friday 4th April at 6.45pm and the green will be opened by President Taylor on Sat 19th times to be arranged. A social night will be arranged for that evening. Watch this space for further details
Club president, John Taylor was interviewed by Bowls Scotland about the benifits of the membership drives that the organisation have been running.
To view the video click here
The brand new club house will be formally opened by Jedburghs hon Provost Richard Gordon on Friday 4th April 2014.
The Club will also have representatives from Bowls Scotland, Sport Scotland, The Border Bowling Leagues as well as our local councillors and Heather Batsch who were all very helpful in assisting with the grants.
We hope that as many members as possible are able to attend this historic event in the clubs history all members are invited to come down for the ceremony.
The evening begins at 6.45pm sharp, photographs will be taken so ALL members are requested to wear club colours and past presidents in blazers and ties.
Club ties are available from John Taylor.
The Club house will be open for refreshments afterwards.
We look forward to seeing you there.
The Club will be open for all three Six Nations games this weekend (15th)
Doors open at 1pm with food provided between matches.
All welcome!!
The Clubhouse will be open on Sat 8th March for the Scotland V France game.
Refreshments will be available at half time.
Doors open at 2pm
The Club house will be open on Sat 8th Feb at 1.45pm for the Wales V Ireland match (ko 2.30pm) and for the Scotland v England game at 5pm.
Food will be provided at half time.
The Club house will be open on Sunday 2nd Feb for the Ireland V Scotland rugby game.
Doors open at 1.30pm with KO at 3pm.
The game will be shown on our 42" flat screen tv with the sound piped through our speaker system.
Half time food will also be available.
Hurry down to claim yer seat!!
The Club will be holding a Burns evening on Sat 25th Jan starting at 7.30pm
Although not a full Burns Supper the Club will host a celebration of the Bard in the Clubhouse with tatties neeps and haggis all on the menu.
The haggis will be provided and addressed by Club sponsor, Alan Learmouth and the main address of the Imortal memory will be given by Tosh Donald.
Jock Steede will recite some Burns Classics while entertainment on the evening will be provided by Gordon Kelly and Dod Ferguson.
Tickets are available from Rob Hogg snr on 07746361569 priced at £10 per head.
Hurry sales are going fast!!
A great day was had by all that attended with merryment and a wee sing song were the order of the day.
The Club is holding a darts and domino night in the clubhouse on Sat 2nd Nov starting at 7 pm.
Please feel free to come along to an evening of wit and banter
There will be an Italian theme night in the Clubrooms on Sat 12th Oct starting at 7pm.
Tickets are priced at £3 for which will include a gourmet (ish) Italian meal.
There will also be some fun and games aswell as live music.
Please get your tickets from behind the bar or by contacting Rob Hogg Snr or Dougie Munro.
The annual Welsh Shield competition took place on Sat 5th Oct and this year the format was pairs.
Each pair played 3 games of 8 ends and the winners being the pair with the most wins then shots up.
After a great afternoons bowling in some fantastic October sunshine the eventual winners were the pair of Mabel Dick and John Taylor with 3 wins from three. The runners up were the pair of Bye Hogg and David Lightbody with 2 wins and a draw.
Winners; M Dick, J Taylor (skip)
R-UP; B Hogg, D Lightbody
The annual Welsh sheild competition will be held on Sat 5th Oct.
This is a triples tournament drawn out of the hat.
Could all intended entries have their names in the hat for 12.45pm
The Club will be closing the green on Sunday 6th Oct.
The annual past presidents V the rest game will take place before President Taylor brings the playing side of the Season to a close.
Anyone intending playing please be down for 1.30pm with the game starting at 2pm
The Clubhouse will be open throughout the winter for various functions.
Winter Opening hours are
- Monday Evenings 7pm - 11pm
- Friday Evenings 7pm - 11pm (only when the darts team are at home)
- Saturday Evenings 7pm - 11pm
Please keep an eye on this website for forthcoming events
The annual presentaton night will be held in the Clubrooms on Sat 16th November.
Tickets are priced at £5 but due to limited space, only 60 places are available and will be sold on a 1st come 1st served basis.
This year there is no buffet and music is provided by Vince Ervine.
Tickets are only available from behind the bar.
Hope to see you there!!
The Open Pairs has been re sheduled for Sun 29th Sept after the origional date was rained off.
Entries can be taken by D Lightbody on 07852230477 or G Nagle 07929763451, or names on the sheet in the clubhouse
This Years final was played between reigning champion Laura Lightbody and Margaret Gray.
On a damp and dreich night the ladies took to the green and gave the watching spectators a very entertaining game.
Laura was the 1st to score and moved into a 3-1 lead before Margaret managed to find her range.
Margaret was playing well and started to dominate procedings leaving Laura having to play some great bowls just to stay with her.
The scores reached 13 all and then Margaret surged ahead in to a 17-13 lead. Laura had to dig deep and she managed to level things up at 17 then 18 all.
On what proved to be the last end Laura was lying the 3 required shots and Margaret had one remaining bowl. She had 3 shots in waiting at the back of the head so she decided to play a heavier shot to trail the jack back to lay game herself.
Margaret was a touch unforunate in the result as she did manage to hit the jack but she was only able to glance it sideways and Laura remained with the 3 shots to win the game and title by 21-18
Winner; Laura Lightbody
R-up; Margaret Gray
On Sunday 8th Sept, the Jedburgh Club hosted 42 bowlers and members from the Tillicoultry and Devonvale Bowling Club.
The visitors arrived at 1 pm and 6 mixed rinks took the green at 2pm.
The game was played in great spirit with both teams hoping to avoid their dreaded worst rinks awards.
This acolade in the Jed Side fell to the rink skiped by Dougie Munro with Connor Hogg, Sally Munro and Tommy Hyland all acceplting their wooden spoons with grace.
When the dust settled on the green and the scores were added, it was found the score ended in a draw.
The day also ended in great spirits (namely Vodka) when after tea the evening was rounded off with a live band led by Jed member Scott Taylor and a rousing rendition of Jetharts Here led by the Jed Bowling 'choir'.
For more info on our visitors click
This years Ladies Championship Final will take place on Monday 9th Sept at 6pm.
The final will be contested between Margaret Gray and reigning Champion Laura Lightbody.
This years gents Championship final was played between reigning Champion Euan Lindores and 1st time finalist Robert Hogg jnr.
Both players were in great form before the final so expectations were high for a cracker.
Hogg started well and was soon 3-1 up but the Lindores soon found his range and began to take control.
With Lindores in control and the scores at 14 -5. Hogg started a come back, reducing the cap to 3 shots. The Scores then moved on to 17-14 then 19-16 befor Lindores managed to get over the line with a 2.
Robert did well in his first final and will benifit from the experience
The result also gives Lindores 2 titles in a row.
Amazingly this is the 1st stime the title has been retained since Laing Robsom did it way back in 1978/79.
Well Done Euan!!
Champion; Euan Lindores
R-Up; Robert Hogg jnr
The Gents team were knocked out of the cup by Ancrum whern they were defeated away by 17 shots.
In a game where they never really got to grips with the pace of the green the Ancrum boys proved to much and the jed bid to reach the final faultered.
This brings an end to the 2013 season for the team with a fifth place finnish an the league and a semi final finish in the league leading to a decent season for the side under the difficult circumstances.
The 2013 mixed pairs were held on Sunday 1st of September with a large entry all taking up the challenge.
In this tournament the ladies are required skip each team.
Playing in two groups, the semi finals lined up with A Dalrymple and J Jackson playing D Lightbody and B Hogg with the later claiming a 1 shot victory.
The second semi saw defending champions J Taylor and A Gilfillan sqeeze past G Somerville and M Dick.
The final was always going to be a tight affair. Taylor and Gilfillan had previously defeated Lightbody and Hogg in the group stages but thoughts of a victory were put on hold as Lightbody and Hogg raced into a 4-0 lead with only 2 ends left to play.
Taylor and Gilfillan had to hit back and they did as they claimed a 1 then a 3 to to tie the game up and take it into an extra end.
The extra end wasn't a classic but once the dust had settled it was the pair of Lightbody and Hogg who ended up the shot.
Winners; D Lightbody, B Hogg (skip)
R Up; J Taylor, A Gilfillan (skip)
This years gents championship final will be between the defending champion Euan Lindores and 1st time finalist Robert Hogg jnr.
Both came through tough semi finals with Euan defeating Greg Nagle and Robert getting the better of former 2 time winner John Taylor.
The Final will be played on Thursday 5th september at 6pm.
All welcome,
Members are reminded that there will be no other play on the green during the final.
After last weeks W/O over St Ronans BC, the Jedburgh gents faced a tough match at home to Hawick Buccleuch.
The home side got off to a flyier and neverreally looked back from there.
At the half way stage the Jed side were 31 shots to the good, a lead which they never recinded and come the last come bowl they were 28 up.
There was no top rink as both the rinks skiped by E Lindores and G Nagle were both 14 up.
This result sees the Jed side in to the semi final where they travel to local rivals Ancrum.
Rob Hogg snr claimed his first singles championship as he went on to defeat Euan Lindores in an enthroling final.
Hogg was playing in his third consecutive Laing Robson final and after tasting defeat in the previous 2 occasions, he was determind not to let this happen again.
The tournament had been played over the whole season in the past but this year it was decided to play it off in one day. This was not detrimental to the tournament has around half the membership of the club turned out for the 10 am start.
The final itself was a belter as Hogg was playing out of his skin. Lindores was having to play some great shots to stay in the match but in the 1st set with the game lying at 5 all, Hogg drew 2 great shots to claim the 1st set.
Lindores started the second set in better form, however Hogg was still peppering the white, drawing near with his 1st bowl on every end and putting Lindores under pressure from the off.
Hogg rounded off the tournament by claiming the 2nd set 7-3 to win by 2 sets to 0.
In the semi finals Hogg saw off his sister Irene Watters 2-0 while Lindores overcame Michael Weekley 2-0.
Winner; Rob Hogg snr
R-Up; Euan Lindores
The Laing Robson Tournament will be held this Sunday 25th.
All entries are requested to be at the club for 10am.
This years tournament will have a change of format. Instead of playing the best of 3 sets and the 1st to 7, it will now be over 2 sets 1st to 7 with a one extra end play off if required. At the end of every round, all the winners will be put back into the hat to be drawn for the next round. This way no one knows who they play next.
Reminder: All entries to be down for 10 am
Catering will be provided
The Gents Club Pairs was won on Saunday by the defending champions David Lightbody and Euan Lindores.
The played the vetern pair of George somerville and Ian Dick in the final and ran out convincing winners in the end.
The pair won through to the final after seeing off Darrie Scott and Jim Straker in the semi whilst Sommerville and Dick managed to defeat the current area champions of John Taylor and Greg Nagle in the other Semi.
Winners; D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
R-up; G Somerville ,I Dick (skip)
Although a grand opening is not planned until next year the new Clubhouse will be opening its doors to members and guests for the 1st time on Sat night (17th).
Doors open at 6pm and a hat night is planned so if you wish to play please have your names in for 6.30pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!!
Like many bowling clubs across Scotland, the Jedburgh Bowling club has signed up to take part in the Bowls Scotland £10 membership drive.
This entitles anyone to join the Club for the remainder of the season (6 weeks) for a mere £10 and this will entitle you to full access to the green and of course the brand new clubhouse as well as a loan of bowls and shoes and also four free coaching lessons.
The lessons will take place on the green on Tues 27th Aug, Thurs 29th Aug, Tues 3rd Sept and Thurs 5th Aug all starting at 6.30pm.
To take part in this scheme please follow this link Contact or pop in at the Club where we will be delighted to see you.
For more information click
With the opening of the new Clubhouse nearing (16th Aug), there are a number of tournaments and games coming up which needs the support of as many members as possible.
On tuesday the green will be closed due to the landscaping works. Re-opens 6pm
The keys to the new clubhouse will be handed over on fri 16th, we are looking for as many members as possible to come down on friday night and sat morning to help clean the interior and set it up for use. The more the merrier and we will be opening for business at 6pm on Sat night.
Names are required for the gents Club Pairs on Sun 18th Aug. Also on Sunday The Club is being featured in the National press. The Sunday Mail will do an article on our club. this is with the support of Bowls Scotland.
The Club will hold the Laing Robson tournament on Sun 25th Aug. All entries be aware that this will be a morning start with everyone to be down for 10am. If you cant play please remove names from the sheet. The format will be changed for this year with it now being played 2 sets of 7 ends with a sudden death play off if required. At the end of evey round the winners will go back into the hat to be re-drawn for the next round, much like the F.A. cups.
On Sat 31st Aug the Club will host a touring side all the way from Leicester. The 'Leicester Tourers' will arrive at 1pm with the game commencing at 2pm. 5 MIXED rinks required for this. Names to be in asap. There will be a social night in the clubhouse after the game. ALL welcome.
On Sunday 8th September another side will be visiting us. This time a team from Tillicoultry will stop off to play us. Starting times to be confirmed. 6 MIXED rinks required.
Please support these events as much as possible. This is an exciting time in the history of the club so lets make sure the new Club house opens with an bang.
Although Etrick Forrest have offically been relegated nfor a few weeks now, they turned up at Jed in a determind fachion.
The game was a lot closer that the previous encounter with the Soutars giving their all. Fortuantly the home side were in good form and managed to hold them at bay.
Team R Lindores didnt fair to well in the encounter. Playing on the favoured rink 4 the home side never found their stride and went down by 10 shots.
Dougie Munros four had a great night. With all four playing well, lead Hughie Fisher gave them a great platform whilst skip Munro was also solid. they went on to win by 13 shots.
Niki Hills squad were embroiled in a great tussle. The lead changed hads several times but come the 17th end it was the plucky Jed side that held a slender, but valuable 2 shot lead.
G Nagles four continued their fine run with a fantasic 11 shot win. THey all played well and this result helped the game stay at a comfortable state for the home side.
Team E Lindores were not quite at the races either as non of the four particulary played well. Although some miss fortune shot in their direction this wasn't really and excuse as the were defeated by 5 shots.
R Lindores 7 v 17 S Bell
D Munro 24 v 11 G Rees
N Hill 15 v 13 I Hogg
G Nagle 23 v 12 J Wilson
E Lindores 12 v 17 P Mcvie
Top Rink: H Fisher, M Weekely, S Fisher, D Munro (skip)
The Australian Pairs were held on Sin 11th Aug in the shadows of the nearly completed clubhouse.
11 pairs entered and a good days bowling was had.
The final was contested between Pat Watts and Dougie Munro against Margaret Gray and Jean Ervine.
The game was played in great spirits with all four playing well and it was the pair of Watts and Munro that went on to win the title by some 7 shots.
Winners; P Watts, D Munro
R-up; M Gray J Ervine.
The Jedburgh Club sent out a single, pair, rink and senior rink out in an atempt to qualify for this year Border Championship Finals held in Earlston on sat 24th Aug.
The Single of Euan Lindores had a good start playing Dod Smith from Newtown in his 1st game on the Greenlaw green as he went on to win the match 21-15.
In his 2nd game he didn't fair so well as he was defeated by Neil Kellit from Earlston 21-17.
The pair of David Lightbody and Dougie Munro played Earlston at Kelso and were defeated in the opening round by 14-12.
The senior rink made it to the final round of qualifying where they played Ancrum at Greenlaw. In a game they should've won when lying 2 shots up on tyhe last end, they lost a count of 4 to loose by 13-11.
The rink of Alister Law, Rob Hogg snr Jim Straker and Steven Fisher faired much better. Playing at the Gordon Club, the foursome, after recieving a bye in the 1st round, went on the beat Kelso. That victory saw them meet Ancrum in the final qualifying match.
After a disasterous start when they were 7-0 down after 4 ends, the Jed side rallied and found some good form. They clawed their way back in to the match and went on to win by 17-11.
This result means the the Jed Club has some representaion at this years finals. Well done boys.
On Sunday, with the weather being kind again, the annual 2 bowl singles tournament took place. with a decent entry all competing for the silver jack.
This is a silver plated jack that was 1st used to open the Jedburgh green when the club moved to Allars Mill way back in 1898.
The first Semi final was contested between Noxie Ervine agianst Euan Lindores. This was a straight forward game for young Lindores as he ended with a comfortable win over the steady playing Ervine,
The other Semi was a real close affair played between John Taylor and David Lightbody. The game went down the last end tied at 7 all and with Taylor only a few inches away Lightbody managed to just sneek infront of his bowl and claim the win.
The final was set up to be a cracker with both players playing in top form.
Lightbody struck first claiming 1 at the first end Lindores hit back with one of his own. Lightbody scored again, this time with a 2, before a single from Lindores made it 3-2
With the scores at 3-2, Lightbody then pushed into a 6-2 lead before Lindores scored again. Euan then pulled the mat up and caught his oponent out as the collected 2 more singles.
On the last end David was 6-5 up as Euan drew his 1st bowl within a foot. David followed that up by drawing shot within the foot. Euan then played a cracker by chapping on Davids bowl forcing it out of the head leaving himself lying game. David stepped back, composed himself and drew the shot to claim the win.
A cracking final played in great spirits and was enjoyed by the decent crowd that stayed to watch.
Winner; D Lightbody
R-Up; E Lindores
The Silver Jack, two bowl Singles competition will be held this Sunday 4th August.
Names are to be in for 12pm with the competition starting at 12.30.
Please come along and support one of the oldest tournaments in the Club.
In the 1st meeting of these two sides, Kelso gave the Jed side a lesson on how to stay focussed and secure a win. This time the Jed side decided to show what they had learned that night and put on one of their best displays of the season.
R Lindores's foursome didn't get the best of starts and were 6 shots down in the opening exchanges. Determind not to buckle, the home rink took command of the game and shot off to win by 9.
D Munro's rink has been in a purple patch of late and this game was no different as they started well even without regular 3rd David Laidlaw. Steven Fisher stepped up well from lead and gave his skip plenty of options as they run off with an 11 shot win.
Niki Hill's squad were another team slowly away but they dug deep and never let the Kelso boys dominate. With about 5 ends to go they hit the front and never looked back and ended the night 6 up.
G Nagles rink has struggled for consistancy all season but tonight the four all stuck to the task and after a really tough battle ended up with a credited 2 shot win.
Euan Lindores's team threatend to pull away from their Kelso counterparts on several occasions but the Kelso boys were having non of it. A couple of poor ends from the home rink kept the tweedsiders in it at 12-12. Some improvements came from all four of the Jed side and they went on to win by 8.
On reflection this game didn't have a lot riding on it as both team sit mid table unable to be relegated or win the league. Pride was all that was left to play for and it has been many years since the Jed boys have beaten Kelso with all five rinks up.
Top Rink: H Fisher, M Weekley, S Fisher, D Munro (skip)
R Lindores 21 v 12 S White
D Munro 23 v 12 R Paxton
N Hill 17 v 11 W Scott
G Nagle 17 v 15 D Poloczek
E Lindores 20 v 12 G frogley
The Jedburgh pair of John Taylor and Greg Nagle made the 2hr trip through to the Northfield Bowling Club in Ayr to take part in the 2013 Championships after qualifying as the Borders representaives.
In the 1st game the Jed pair took on the Area 24 Champions Hillington Estate and after a slow start loosing 3 shots in the first two ends, the Jed two some soon found their range and shot into a 15-3 lead.
Taylors leading was inspired which gave Nagle plenty of chances to make scores, which he duely did.
A loss of two shots couldve seen the Jed pair worry but this didnt seem to faze them and Nagle played a great shot to convert the head and claim 3 more.
From there they didnt look back and went on to win by 22-9
In the 2nd game the Jed pair took on the Area 17 Champions, West Barns.
This pair were vastly experienced with both having played for Scotland.
Things didnt go to well for the Jed side with the West Barns boys playing some superb bowls.
At the half way stage, with Jed playing well enough, the score was still 9-2 down and things didn't really pick up from there as the West Barns pair went on to win by 18-6.
Overall a decent show from the Jed Pair with both of them certainly rising to the occasion.
The defeat to West Barns was no disgrace as the duo went on to win title defeating Didhope 20-7 in the Final.
This was a game that the Jed team thought they had a good chance of stealing when an under strength Waverley train game to town.
The game was nip and tuck up untill around the 14th end when the Gala men managed to pull away and secure the 2 pts, keeping themselkves in the hunt for the Div 1 title.
G Nagles rink led the Jed effort with a decent display and with the back end of J Taylor and Nagle heading to the Scottish Pairs Championships, this was a good win for them before setting off winning bu 4 shots.
Dougie Munro also led his rink well and with only a few shakes of the head and a couple of mat throwing exploits the rink pulled off a nice 1 shot win.
Things didn't go to well for team E Lindores as the back end of Lightbody and Lindores struggled for consistency. A decent performance from Ervine and C Hogg kept it close though as they went down by 2.
Niki Hills rink came up against an in form Dougie Wilson and couldn't really get themselves into the game. The Waverley vetern came up with the shots time and time again thus restricting the home rink to only 5 shots all night whilst gaining 18 of their own.
The night was summed up by team R Lindores as they kept their game fairly tight untill the last few end when at 14 all they never scored again and lost a total of 9 over the last 4 ends.
With only 3 games to go, the Jed side look almost safe from relegation. having said that 3 wins from 3 would almost gaurantee 3rd spot which would be a fantastic acheivement in the difficult circumstances
G Nagle 20 v 16 D Miller jnr
D Munro 14 v 13 B Blackwood
E Lindores 16 v 18 R Crawford
N Hill 5 v 18 D Wilson
R Lindores 14 v 23 C Elliot
Top Rink: S Fisher, I Dick, J Taylor, G Nagle (skip)
In a game that Jed had to win to stave off the fear of relegation, the home side set off with great determination and acheived the required win.
Euan Lindores's rink went into this one in great from but struggled to gain any consistant momentum. They did manage to get into the lead with three ends to go but the loss of 8 shots in the last two ends put an end to their run of 10 consecutive wins in a row.
Robbie Lindores's four started brightly enough but a loss of a bad 5 put the Abbotsford men in charge of the game to win by 9 shots.
Greg Nagles rink had been through the mill of late and and early loss of 5 shots looked like putting them back in trouble. However, some dogged determination from the Jed boys took them in to a commading lead and onto a fine 14 shot win.
Team Hill had a great tussle and in a game that was nip and tuck they managed a worthy two shot win.
Dougie Munros squad also had a fine win and with 3rd Davie Laidlaw consistantly playing well the team soared away to a fantastic 11 shot victory.
This win leaves the Jed side only 1 point from gauranteeing Div 1 Status for next year with 4 games still to go.
E Lindores 19 v 23 C Hancock
R Lindores 13 v 22 B Anderson
G Nagle 26 v 12 J Manczak
N Hill 15 v 13 G Bowers
D Munro 21 v 10 T Mann jnr
Top Rink: G somerville, G Renwick, J Taylor, G Nagle (skip)
report to follow
A win for Jed would have confirmed Div 1 status for next season however, the plucky Ancrum team came with different ideas.
The home side started well enough as they picked up shots at regular intervals.
Team R Lindores were in a tight one but but former Jed player and champion, D Oliver, managed to dig deep and end the night 5 up.
President Taylor were always hanging to the coat tails of the Ancrum team but let things slip in the last few ends to go down by 10.
Team E Lindores faired better as the skip inspired his rink to a fine 15 shot win over a strong Ancrum four.
Niki Hill also had a good night with 3rd Darrie scott and the skip playing particulary well. A 14 shot victory was the final outcome.
The big disaster of the evening was the complete colapse of team Nagle. Playing on the favoured rink 1 the team got off to a bad start and then it got worse. losses of 4s and 5s kept coming and everyone thought it would get better but it didn't. More losses of 3s and 4s came their way and the ended the evening with a record defeat of 29 shots.
With two very tough games heading our way an improvement all round is needed.
Top Rink: N Ervine, C Hogg, D LIghtbody, E Lindores (skip)
R Lindores 11 v 16 D Oliver
E Lindores 25 v 10 S Skelton
G Nagle 7 v 36 B Law
N Hill 21 v 7 G Scott
J Taylor 13 v 23 B Cowan
The annual Scott & Foggon Festival Trophy due to take place this Friday evening will now take place on this Sunday (7th) with names to be in for 12.30 aiming for a 1pm start.
The tournament will take the form of pairs or triples and will be in a round robin format and takes the place of the Open Pairs which is cancelled due to the on going club house rebuild.
Just a reminder to all members that there will be the usual Coffee Morning to be held in the Royal British Legion on Sat 6th July. with a 10 am start (or just after the cavalcade leaves for reidswire)
Please come along and support, helpers required as well as bottles cakes and raffle prizes.
Although the Jed side were missing a couple of players themselves they managed to gain a decent win over a depleted Wilton side.
After last weeks draw, a win was required to keep them in the top half of the table. Although the league title looks to be out of reach the Jed side side are looking to finnish as high up the table as possible.
Team Munro continued their run of form with a decent win of 12 shots helped mainly by fine perfomances by S Fisher, M Weakley and D Laidlaw.
Robbie Lindores men also had a great result with home debutant Kenneth Cassie playing well.
John Taylor, who was moved up to skip to cover the missing Euan Lindores, led his rink well and a storming show from lead Noxie Ervine ment that his team had a great start and helped them to 8 shot win.
Niki Hill will feal a little disapointed after a count of 5 on the second last end put his rink into the lead for the 1st time in the game. However, a loss of 4 on the last end left them with a 1 shot loss.
Team Nagles score doesnt really tell the true story after he lost a 6 on the last end. This came about by trying to play an unlikey shot after checking the team was assured the overall win. 4 missed drives from the back end left the Wilton rink with easy draws to claim themselves a decent win.
A Great result from the home side means that 2 more points in the league will leave it mathematicly impossible to be relegated thus insuring 1st Div status for the opening of the new Clubhouse.
D Munro 22 v 10 S Anderson
R Lindores 26 v 9 C McDougal
J Taylor 19 v 11 R Taylor
G Nagle 13 v 23 C Sutherland
N Hill 16 v 17 A Kyle
Top Rink; A Law, K Cassie, J Straker, R lindores (skip)
The Final qualifying day for the Scottish Bowling Championships, held in Ayr, took place on the Hawick green on Sun 23rd June with the Jedburgh Club represented by the Gents Pair of John Taylor and Greg Nagle (skip) and once again by last years qualifiers Ann Michie, Jeane Ervine, Ann gilfillan, Irene Watters (skip) in the Ladies Rinks.
Unfortunatly this year the Ladies fell short of qualification against a very strong four from the Chirnside Club losing their match by 25-3
The Gents, on the other hand, had a great result by defeating the much fancied a previous qualifiers of Neil McNally and Kenny Johnstone from the Melrose Club by 16-10.
The Jed pair got off to a fantastic start and shot into an 8-0 lead and kept going to be 12-2 up after 8 ends of play.
The Melrose men dug dep though and did manage to close the gap to 13-10.
This turned out to be as close as they got as Jed managed to see the game out to qualify for the finals.
This is Gregs 2nd time at Ayr after helping the rink to the semi finals in 2011 and John, The club President's 1st time on the greens at Northfield.
They play their 1st game on Fri 26th July at 3.30pm. Anyone looking to go and stay over please ask D lightbody as beds are available. Hurry!!
Playing their 1st home game of the season the Jedburgh boys went into this one with high hopes after defeating the men from Selkirk earlier in the year.
However, draws seems to be Jeds thing this year as this turned out to be their 3rd of the season.
Team Hill were unable to repeat their form from the previous game and despite efforts went down by 10 shots
R Lindores's men had a steady game and were unlucky on the last end as only a good bowl by the Selkirk skip stopped them claiming a 6, however, a 4 shot win helped the cause.
Team Nagle, despite winning will perhaps feel it was more like a defeat as a one stage they were 15 shots up only to let it slip and ended the day with only a 2 shot win.
Dougie Munros rink was last off the green and needed two shots to claim the won for Jed. They gave their all and lay the 2 shots only for the Selkirk 3rd to spoil the party and cut them to 1, thus ending the game in a draw.
Euan Lindores's four summed up the evening with a draw but were unlucky not to have taken the win after a fortunate bowl fron the Selkirk skip stopped a home win.
N Hill 8 v 18 C McKinnon
R Lindores 15 v 11 D Macleod
G Nagle 22 v 20 S Hislop
E Lindores 16 v 16 I Borthwick
D Munro 20 v 16 S Henderson
Top Rink: No top rink as the prize was shared.
This was a game that had the potential to make or break the season with a win still keeping slim hopes of a league title alive.
Unlike previous games, the visitors came flying out of the blocks were 9 shots up after the 1st end. A lead which they never gave up.
Dougie Munro's team finally managed a win (flags oot) with a hard faught victory over the vetern Pat McNally, Dougies rink shot into a 7-0 lead but found themselves 10-9 down before turning the gas back on and ended by winning by 7.
Greg Nagles four had a shocker and struggled in all departments. To thier credit they never gave up but sadly lost by a convincing 19 shots.
Euan Lindores's squad had a steady 5 shot win over George Cessfords team with Euan inparticulary having a good game.
Niki Hill's rink had another good night at the office with his rink taking the pressure off Nagles demise with a fine display. All four playing well again saw them reach a fine 12 shot win.
The game wasnt done and dusted untill the last couple of ends and this was helped greatly by Team Robbie Lindores picking up 8 shots in the last 2 ends. This followed a steady night for the lads and helped them to win by 11 shots.
This was a great win for the Team on what was our last away match of the season.
We can now look forward to seven home games on the trot and well WHO KNOWS??
R Lindores 22 V 11 A Moffat
N HIll 25 v 13 P Scott
E Lindores 14 v 9 G Cessford
D Munro 20 v 13 P McNally
G Nagle 5 v 24 N Keller
Top Rink: D Hill, R Hogg snr, D Scott, N Hill (skip)
A sense of disapointment fell over the Jed team as they narrowly mised out on claiming thier 1st Tweedside trophy in over 40 years.
After defeating Ancrum overall the jed team needed to avoid defeat at the hands of Kelso and beat Berwick by more than 6 shots but sadly for Jed in the Kelso game they were all square going in to the last end and unfortunatly lost by 2.
In the other game the Jed side, needing to win by 6, gave themselves an uphill struggle as the fell 5 shots behind early on. They did rally but only ended up with a 3 shot win which was not enough.
Ironicly it was the Ancrum team that won the day on shots diff from Berwick with Jed in 3rd and Kelso 4th.
Senior Singles; Hughie Fisher. Lost 21-17.
Pair; John Taylor, Greg Nagle. Won 12-11
Unfortunaly Our Senior Single, Hugh Fisher was unlucky not to make it to the final qualifying day in Hawick as he lost 4 shots at 17 all to sadly miss out.
However the pair will be joining the ladies rink in Hawick on sunday 23rd after claiming a scrappy win over a Berwick pair by 12-11.
Good Luck!!
Played on a windy day and with a bit of shower dodging, the annual 2 Bowl Pairs took place within the shadows of the new Club house.
A decent turnout saw a final emerge between Ann Gilfillan and 'Podge' Somerville against Laura Lightbody and Irene Watters.
The final did see some great bowls played by all four but the winners emerged as Ann and Podge with a 5-1 win.
R-up; L Lightbody, I Watters
Winners; Ann Gilfillan, G Somerville
In a match that Jed knew they had to win and taking in the fact that Ettrick Forest have won both the two previous meetings of the Clubs, this match was vital to Jeds season.
Getting back into winning ways was vital for the Jed boys and they did so with some style.
Robbie Lindores's rink had a hard fought game and some fine front end bowling from Hughie Fisher and Michael 'Breeks' Weekley helped vetern 3rd Jim Straker and skip Robbie to a comfortable 10 shot win.
Euan Lindores's rink all played well resulting in a steady 5 shot victory.
Team Hill had the biggest win of the evening with all four playing extremly well. Dave Hill, Rob Hogg sn,r Darrie Scott and Niki were in great form and never really gave the men from Selkirk a sniff. A mighty 19 shot win giving the team a great boost.
Greg Nagle's rink struggled early on and were a 5 down at one point. They soon found some form and eventually took the lead and ending with a fine 3 shot win.
Dougie Munros invisible moustache shaking continued as he and his rink walked into yet another rink all playing well. The Ettrick boys were having a blinder and the Jed boys, not playing badly themselves, struggled to stem the flow of shots. At one stage they were 10 down but Munro and co managed to get back to within 2 shots. Unfortunatly they were unable to make it a clean sweep of wins, losing by 5.
A good win played an a nice sunny evening and even Dougie managed a smile.
N Hill 31 v 12 G Sandilands
E Lindores 18 v 12 S Bell
R Lindores 19 v 9 P Mcvie
G Nagle 18 v 15 G Rees
D Munro 12 v 17
Top Rink; D Hill, R Hogg snr, D Scott, N Hill (skip)
Note to all Gents playing the the Club Championship.
ALL 1st round ties must be played or arranged before the 14th of June or entries WILL be scratched.
Tournament Committee
This was a night to forget for the Jed team as the wheels well and truly fell off!!
The closest the Jed team got to their rivals was on the 1st end when the imediatly went 10 shots down across the baord with all rinks losing shots.
Greg Nagles rink started slowly and were soon 10- 3 down. a fight back ensued though and they went in to the last end at 17 all and onlt a great bowl by Kelso skip Ronnie Paxton condemnd the Jed boys to defeat.
With Robbie Lindores sunning himself on a beach somewhere, John Taylor stepped back up to skip. They too started slowly but did manage to pull the score back to a defeat of only 4 shots.
Niki Hills rink flew out of the blocks and raced to an 11-1 lead. However, this rink summed up a difficult night for the Jed team as they never scored again and went on to lose by 9 shots.
Team Munro suffered the worst defeat of the night when his rink walked in to a Kelso rink that had all 4 players on form. They dug in deep and not for the want of trying still fell short and lost by 14.
The only plus point this evening fell to the rink led by Euan Lindores. another decent show from their front end helped and along with a solid performance from Pup helped them to a comfortable 6 shot win.
Things will have to improve next week as a loss to Ettrick Forrest will really put the Jed team into a relegation battle however a win could see them jump up to 4th.
G Nagle 17 v 21 R Paxton
J Taylor 14 v 18 W Scott
e Lindores 19 v 13 D poloczek
N Hill 11 v 20 G Frogley
D Munro 7 v 21 S White
Top Rink: N Ervine, C Hogg, D Lightbody, E Lindores. (skip)
Jedburgh sent two rinks to Chirnside on Sinday 2nd June to the annual qualifying day for the Tweedside competition.
The two rinks consisting of Jo Lamb, Michael Weekely, John Taylor, Greg Nagle (skip)
and Ann Gilfillan, Rob Hogg snr, David Lightbody and Dougie Munro set off knowing that a Jed side hasn't qualified for the finals for over ten years and haven't won the tournament since the 1970s
This time was to be different as the Jed team picked up 6pts out of 6 winning all three games by some margin against teams from Chirnside, Coldstream and Ayton.
The Finlas will be held on the Lauder green on Sunday 16th against the other qualifiers of Ancrum, Kelso and Berwick.
Senior Singles; Hugh Fisher - Bye
Singles; D Lightbody - lost 21-11
Pair; J Taylor, G Nagle - Won 18-3
Rink S Fisher, G Somerville, D Munro, E Lindores; - Lost 17-13
Jed travelled back to Gala in boyant mood after last weeks win over Abottsford.
The Waverley has been a happy hunting green in the past for the Jed outfit but this time the Waverley boys were ready.
Greg Nagles team had a tricky night and with the front three not having the best of games, Greg often found himself under preasure and the rink eventualy went down by 9 shots.
Robbie Lindores found the going even tougher and his rink was never really at the races and went down by a dissapointing 21 shots.
Team Munro looked like they too were going to be on the end of a hiding but they managed to dig deep and after being 10 shots down came back earned a decent draw and were actually unluck not to have won thier game.
Niki Hills rink carried on their own good from with a solid 4 shot win with the skip himself playing particuarly well.
Euan Lindores's rink perhaps played the most consistant over the night helped by a solid performance at the front by Noxie Ervine and Davie Laidlaw,winning by 9 shots.
On refection the team did come back slightly but a win never looked likely.
More practice required!!!
G Nagle 13 V 22 B Blackwood
Niki 18 V 14 D Wilson
E Lindores 26 V 17 R Crawford
D Munro 17 V 17 R Nicholson
R Lindores 8 V 29 D Miller Jnr
Top Rink: N Ervine D Laidlaw, D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
Please note, the picnic pairs are on Sat 25th May. Have your names in by 12pm and NOT 1pm as stated on the fixture list.
Bring your Picnic
Senior singles; Hugh Fishe.r - bye
Singles; David Lightbody. won 21-1
Pairs; John Taylor, Greg Nagle - bye
Triples; Robert Hogg Snr, Jim Straker, Darrie Scott. Lost 12-9
Rink; Steven Fisher, G Somerville, Dougie Munro, E Lindores. - Bye
Senior Rink, D Anderson, Joe Lamb, David Cook, David Hill. Lost 17-7
Standings after 5 games
P | W | D | F | A | Diff | Pts | ||
Melrose | 5 | 5 | 0 | 415 | 339 | +76 | 10 | |
Waverley | 5 | 4 | 0 | 407 | 321.5 | +85.5 | 8 | |
Selkirk | 5 | 3 | 0 | 382 | 382 | +48 | 6 | |
Jedburgh | 5 | 2 | 2 | 377 | 377 | -1 | 6 | |
Earlston | 5 | 3 | 0 | 378 | 394 | -16 | 6 | |
Abbotsford | 5 | 2 | 0 | 401 | 383 | +18 | 4 | |
Wilton | 5 | 1 | 1 | 364 | 393 | -29 | 3 | |
Ancrum | 5 | 1 | 1 | 371 | 402 | -31 | 3 | |
Kelso | 5 | 1 | 0 | 367 | 399 | -32 | 2 | |
Ettrick Forest | 5 | 1 | 0 | 340.5 | 459 | -118.5 | 2 |
Hail! Hail! Jed managed a fine win in Galashiels on Wednesday night but the real winner was the weather.
Abbotsford has never been a good hunting ground in the past so the Jed team traveled to Gala with low expectaions but with high hopes with the return of some key players.
The weather played a part in the game as at times it took on biblical proportions with heavy rain and several hail storms slowing the play down.
This week Jed were a little bit slower out of the blocks but generaly the team kept the scores fairly close until opening up a 14 shot lead around the 10 end mark.
The usual large colapse accross the board once again reared its head with the team loosing 11 shots whilst only managing to score 1. This time the team dug deep and stayed in the game.
The return of Greg Nagle helped the Jed cause with Gregs team playing well and late in the game Greg himself playing some big bowls to gain single shots when lying 6 and 5 against. They went on to win the sweep, winning by 10 shots.
Robbie 'dog' Lindores seemed to have the better of the opening exchanges against the vastly expierienced Tommy Mann Jnr, however the Abbotsford rink stretched out a lead and only some determind play from the likes of Steven Fisher and the returning Robert Hogg jnr kept the score to only a loss of 4 shots.
Niki Hill's rink were going along nicely with some decent bowling on show. A steady night for the jed rink was only marred by the loss of 3 shots on the last and which tightened things up accross the board, never the less, a great win the the Jed rink.
Dougie Munro's woes continued as he was up against the dogged Brian 'spock' Anderson,who was having a blinder. The scores dont tell the whole story though as some great play by Jed 3rd John Taylor and Dougie himself kept the score to a loss of 11 as the hom rink threatened to break out.
Euan 'pup' Lindores's four seemed to be having a difficult night in what was a low scoring affair. Never being more than 3 shots down Pups rink dug deep and when trailing 10-9 they managed to score 5 shots in the last 4 ends to win by 4 shots.
Overall testing conditions were overcome (just) and an unlikely hard fought victory puts Jed in joint 3rd place in the league.
G Nagle 21 v 11 J Manczak
R Lindores 11 v 15 T Mann
E Lindores 14 v 10 C Hancock
N Hill 19 v 12 E Hancock
D Munro 12 v 23 B Anderson
Top Rink; J Straker, D Cook, G Somerville, G Nagle (skip)
This match was always going to be a toughie with the Melrose side sitting at the top of the Div and boasting numerous county players in their ranks but it was to be the Jed side that once again got of to the better start being 16 shots up at the half way piont.
D Munro's rink were on the wrong end of a 10 shot difference but the scoreline didn't really reflect his game as it was a run of loosing 9 shots in 9 ends that ultimatley proved the difference.
Pup Lindores's rink knew they were in a battle and managed to get the scores to 8-8 thansk in part to Jed 3rd D lightbodys inspired performance. This was to be in vain though as the Melrose rink pulled away to win by 8.
Robbie Lindores's rink had managed to find some form in the previous game and had a great tussle with former Scottish Pairs winner Iain Crawfords rink. The Game went all square down the 17th end but unfortunatly for Jed a loss of 1 shot proved the difference.
J Taylors rink got off to a flyer. Helped by a great performance by 3rd 'Podge' Somerville, the Jed boys opened out a 10 shot lead which looked promising to Jeds hopes. This didnt go to plan though as the Melrose rink changed up a gear or two and realed the Jed boys back in and eventually took the lead to win by 1 shot.
N Hill's game emulated J Taylors has they to got off to a promising start. Once again the Melrose rink shifted up a gear and when holding a 2 shot lead on the last end Jed managed to concede 3 to loose by 1.
Stamina and concentration seems to be a problem this season for the Jed team as we seem to start well but are falling away come to business end of the games.
More practice required??
D Munro 9 v 19 L Haldane
E Lindores 9 v 17 K Johnstone
N Hill 18 v 19 M Thin
R Lindores 14 v 15 I Crawford
J Taylor 21 v 20 N McNally
Top rink; N Ervine, D Cook, G Somerville, J Taylor (skip)
Another draw out of the jaws of victory. This one was a little tough to take as Jed looked in total control of this local derby.
The Jed boys made the short trip out the Ancrum village with a severly depleted squad, missing six regulars, yet still were confident of victory.
The game got underway and team R Lindores were in fine form with steady bowls from the front end and Jim 'laces' Straker having a great game. Lindores himself having the best of some fortunate results ment the team had a great chance with them finishing 20 up.
John Taylor playing back at skip, led his team well all night and had an excellent draw against the vastly experienced Bruce Cowan.
Pup lindores didn't fair to well this evening not helped by the a poor showing from the front three, Pup was always up against it eventually loosing by 7.
Niki Hill seemed to be cruising and on the last end was 3 shots up Then! disaster struck. A loss of 6 on the last end ment they lost by three and that left Dougie munro's rink with 5 shots to play with going into his last end.
Would you believe it!! a combination of short bowls and good Ancrum play left munro with 4 against him with Dougie having his last bowl to play.
He plays a fine draw and cuts the Ancrum score to 1 shot, however Ancrum Skip Stuart Skeldon played a superb chap and lie thus giving his team the 5 shots the needed for the Draw.
So unbelievably, two weeks running Jed managed a draw which is hard enough in its self but just like the previous week the score was 76 all.
Congratulations to Jeds Tony Turnbull for making his league debut. Well done!!
R Lindores 24 v 4 G Scott
N Hill 15 v 18 B law
D Munro 15 v 25 S Skeldon
J Taylor 12 v 12 B Cowlan
E Lindores 10 v 17 D Oliver
Top Rink; S Fisher, J Lamb, J Straker R Lindores (skip)
As last years Borders Area champions and qualifiers the Jedburgh Ladies rink went in to the 2013 Championships with high hopes and with a slighty changed line up.
This years four of Margaret Gray, Ann Michie, Ann Gillfilan and Irene Waters (skip) started their campain off playing a strong four from the Hawick Wilton Club on the Gala Waverley green.
Jed got off to a reasonable start but the Wilton Ladies soon found some form and with only three ends to go wilton held a six shot lead.
However a decent count of four shots brought the Jed Ladies back into it and on the second last end another single shot ment that Jed was only one down.
On the last end a while lying one shot, a fine bowl from Irene ment the Jed ladies held two. The Wilton Skip unable to draw near and so Jed progressed.
In their second game of the day Jed played Melrose to see who got through to the finals day to be held in Hawick.
Playing on a very tricky rink the Jed ladies got off to a shocking start and were soon six nil down.
Fortunatly for Jed they soon picked up a gear or two and closed the gap and with a decent count of five they took the lead, a postition that they never gave up going on to win by four shots.
So for the second year running the Jedburgh Ladies Rink will play on Finals Day on the 23rd of June, this year on the Hawick green, to see who represents the Borders at Scottish Championships in Ayr.
The current Jedburgh Ladies Singles Champion and last years Mixed Pairs qualifier, Laura Lightbody, went into her first Scottish Championship qualify games with no expectations as having never played a Singles match outside of the Jedburgh green and the young Jedburgh Lass had potentially a baptism of fire ahead as first up she had the small matter of playing last years Borders qualifier from Melrose. on the Gala Waverley green.
Laura, un fazed by this daunting task soon got into her stride and gave as good as she got in the opening exchanges.
Gaining in confidence with every bowl, Laura got into her stide and took a comanding lead and going on to win by an amazing 21-7 sending last year champion home.
In her second round match Laura was playing the Hawick Buccleugh Champion. This game would determine whpo would go through to the semi-finals in Selkirk.
Struggling to master the rink laura found herself 4 down before scoring and a little later was 8-4 down.
Undetered, Laura once again found some form and opened out an 18-11 lead over her guttsy opponent.
Despite giving a shot away and having the gap closed to 18-16 laura managed to get over the line with a count of three and confirmimg her place in Sundays semi-finals at Selkirk where she plays former Scottish Singles Champion and British Singles finalist Maria Todd from Newtown.
On the Sunday Laura travelled to Selkirk with no real expectations but soon found some confidence once on the green winning the first 4 ends.
Todd the former Champion was not detered by this and the 'Vetern' soon found her stride with some great play.
The scores remained fairly close and Laura often out drew her opponent but in the end Todds expierience began to pay off and she played the presure bowls well with trails and chaps getting her decent scores.
Todd stretched out a lead and crossed the line winning by 21-10. A score line many thought flattered the vetern but was well deserved win.
Laura took great confidence from this run and has gained a few admirers in and around the ladies circut.
Gents are reminded that we have two games this week ahead starting on Monday night away to Ancrum.
The same team has again been selected to play at Melrose on Wednesday evening.
Please check the team sheet in the changing room or at the CO-OP for selectons as there are a few changes this week
This game was a cracker!!!
With the Jed team on its travels once again the Hawick Wilton boys, after a fine win away to Kelso last week, were keen to keep their momentum going at home.
Similar to last week the Jed boys were sluggish to start and were soon 12 shots down across the board.
This lead was cut to around 6 shots and thats were it stayed for most of the mach untill around the 13th end where Jed had a few scores around the green and managed to take a narrow lead.
Team Hill once again played well with the front end of Dave Hill and Rob Hogg snr playing particulary well, ending the day as sweep winners by 5 shots.
Greg Nagles rink which had an indifferent game were once well down then well up but ended the day 1 shot down.
Young Pup Lindores rink started off slowly and after 2 ends were 5 shots down. They managed to claw their way back into it at 5-5 only to let it slip again to 8-5. They once again clawed it back to 8-8 then once again let it slip to 12-8 this time they managed to claw it back and take the lead and only some huge bowls by the Wilton skip Andrew Kyle stoped a comfortable win by the jed boys but they did manage a 3 shot victory
The final two games left on the green were the rinks led by Dougie Munro and Robbie Lindores, both with 2 ends left to play and with Jed in front by 2 shots
Lindores was having a tricky evening and lady luck was certainly not on his side and the second last end they lost a count of three. At the same time in Munros game, while lying 1 shot, Dougie, trying to draw round a short Wilton bowl, only succeded in knocking the Wilton bowl in for 1 shot.
Things were looking desperate for Jed now and many thought it was all over, Wilton were now 2 up. Many thought lightning couldnt strke twice but it did and when team lindores were lying well, 3rd Hugh fisher managed to knock another Wilton bowl next to the white.
In the other game Jed were lying 1 shot with only the two skips having 1 bowl each left to play.
Back to team Lindores. (tense eh??) A chance, Robbie sees the opportunity to chap and lie the Wilton bowl, and with his final bowl of the evening does just that to score 4 shots.
At the same time as Dougie watched on, Wilton skip Graham Brownlee, plays a nervous bowl and as his bowl shot down the green it hits the Jack and instead of going to the large group of Jed bowls at the back to shoots sideways and sat in the middle of three Wilton bowls.
Munro gives his trademark shake of the head of dis belief and decides to fire at the cluster of bowls.
He steps up, lets fly and although being slightly off target manages to clear two of the Wilton bowls away to leave homself only 1 shot down.
Over all both teams were happy with the point in a game played in great spirits.
G Nagle 13 v 14 A Brady
N Hill 16 v 11 C MacDougall
E Lindores 17 v 14 A Kyle
D Munro 16 v 13 G Brownlee
R Lindores 14 v 24 C Sutherland
Top Rink: David Hill, Rob Hogg snr, Darrie Scott, Niki Hill (skip)
Just a reminder to all members that Subscriptions are now due before Mon 11th of May if you wish to be entered into the Club Championships.
Subscriptions remain at.
- £50 for Gents (+£2 for Championship entry.)
- £50 for Ladies
- £50 for Seniors
- £10 for Juniors
- £10 for A Social Membership
A Social membership entitles you to have the full use of the Club house and any function held within but does not allow you to use the green.
Subscriptions can be paid to treasurer Steven Fisher at 36 Howden Cresent or to David Hynd in the TSB bank.
Cheques are to be made out to Jedburgh Bowling Club.
A decent show from the ladies section turned out to contest the annual Agnes Veitch pairs tournament.
Playing in a round robin format ment everybody played four games of five ends and the ladies served up some great bowling whilst having to play in some blustery conditions.
Two pairs were in contention come the final games. These were Pat Watts with Jean Ervine and Babs Hogg with Magaret Gray and after the final bowl was played both pairs entered the club house with three wins out of four games each.
With the result being decided by a shot dif count back the winners B Hogg and M Gray by a slender single shot.
R-UP; P Watts, J Ervine (skip)
Winners; B Hogg, M Gray (skip)
The new 2013 Fixtures Card are now available.
Cards may be collected from the 'Changing Room'
or is now available to by clicking here Fixtures 2013
The Gents league team managed to get the 2013 Border Bowling League off to a winning start with a steady win away to Selkirk BC.
With the team having to play all of the 1st half of the season away from home to to the construction of the new Clubhouse, the Gents are keen to aquire as many points as possible to try and secure our place in Div 1.
Played on a clear yet chilly night, the Jed boys got off to an indifferent start with the scores being close untill the half way point.
The Team then managed to pull out a 13 point lead, thanks in part to a solid performance by the rink led by Euan 'Pup' Lindores, but at one stage that lead was closed down to 8 shots.
Dougie Munro's and Robbie 'Dog' Lindores's rinks were finding the going tough but both rinks rallied slightly to close the gaps wilst Greg Nagle's rink was having a tough tussle and ended with a draw.
Niki Hill's Rink also enjoyed a steady win after tight start winning by five shots in the end.
This is a good start for the Jed boys over last years Div 2 Champions but, with all respects, tougher games lie ahead starting with Wilton away next week so improvements will have to come to secure the points
I Borthwick 8 - 24 E Lindores
C McKinnon 11 - 11 G Nagle
S Henderson 16 - 13 D Munro
S Hislop 16 - 10 R Lindores
D Macleod 13 - 18 N Hill
Top Rink: G Somerville, A Law, D Lightbody, E Lindores (skip)
The Ladies pairs will take place on Sun 5th May at 12.30pm
Pairs will be drawn out of the hat on the day and once again they will be playing for the honour of taking home the Agnes Veitch Trophy.
Any ladies interested in playing should have their names in the hat by Wed 1st May by calling Ann on 01835 864356
The annual Starrett Cup was held in the shadows of our brand new clubhouse which is begining to take shape.
This year the tournament took place as a triples format with all the triples being drawn out of the hat.
A extreamly competative days bowling took place with all triples playing three games of five ends
In the end, the eventual winners of T Hyland, J Ervine and J Straker (skip) ememerged out of the pack with a tally of two wins and a draw giving them five points in total.
Winners: T Hyland, J Ervine, J Straker (skip)
The team sheets for the league teams will be put up in the changing rooms. The gents will also have a copy posted in the Co-op.
Please keep a regular check on the sheet for the team, and travel information.
The Starrett Cup will take place this coming Sunday (28th April).
Names are to be in the hat for 12.30pm for a 1pm Start.
Calling all Jedburgh Bowlers, there will be a practice night for the Gents league team on Wed Night (24th april).
This is open to all and it is really just a bit of fun to get us back into the swing of rink play.
Anyone interested in playing on wed night should have thier names in by 6.45 so the selectors have time to sort out the teams.
There is no obligation to play in the team, this is mearly a practice session so come along!!
The Draws for the Qualifying rounds of the 2013 Bowls Scotland Championships have been made.
To view the draws all the Gents competition click here.
To view the Ladies qualifying click here.
New President John Taylor led a band of 20 brave club members in opening the green for the 2013 season.
With the weather deciding to continue on from last years dreek sodeness, President Taylor asked for a minutes silence for the passing of former President Graham Macdonald and former 2 time champion, John Gibson, who have sadly passed away over the close season.
President Taylor asked the members of the club to be patient whilst the new clubhouse is being completed and promised that when we are finally blessed with the new facility we will have a full on and exciting end to the year.
He the invited his partner, Ann, to roll the first jack of the year.
A short match was held between the presidents team and vice president but with the weather taking a turn for the worse it was decided to call a halt on proceedings, luckily for the Presidents team they held a 1 shot lead at that time so the score stood.
To view more pics from the opening day please click here Bowling Gallery
Due to the weather, the Jedbrugh Bowling Club will now be opened on Sunday the 21st April and not the 14th as first advised.
At 2pm President Taylors partner, Ann will throw the 1st Jack of the season, following this there will be the annual Presidents V Vice Presidents match.
All are welcome. names to be in by 1.45pm.
As there will no Club House, people are to meet outside the green where provitions will be made to grant access on to the hallowed turf.
The Borders Bowling Association has just went online. To keep up to date on everything from the Hamilton Trophy to the U25's as well as the Matt Purdie Trophy click the link.
Comming soon will be the new 'Link' section to the Jed BC where you will find all the local and national websites you'l ever need
The Jed BC held thier AGM on Sun 18th of March in the Royal British Legion.
Out going President thanked all the members and committee for all thier help in making his year in office a memorable one even if the weather did try to dampen things. He went on to congratulate the Ladies rink and mixed pairs for qualifying for the Scottish finals and wished the new president of John Taylor well for the forth comming season.
The 2013 John Taylor then took office and requested tha,t because of the forth coming season being somewhat of a missmash due to the new clubhouse being under construction to most of the playing season, that he would be able to fill the office for two years and that outgoing President, Rob Hogg would sit as vice president for one year and be replaced in 2014. this was aggreed.
Long Standing Treasurer, David Hynd informed to AGM that after 17 years he wished to stand down as club treasurer. David was thanked by all for his conrtibution over the years and President Taylor then proposed David, also a past president, as an honourary life member. This was aggreed. Steven fisher then took up office as Club Treaurer.
for the full list of office bearers and committee please click here Office Bearers 2013
Members of the thriving club are now hopeful that the replacement facility will be completed by the start of August.
The project has been made possible thanks to a £60,000 investment from sportscotland, £45,000 from the Jedburgh Common Good Fund, £30,000 from BCCF Environmental Group, £5,000 from Roxburgh Sports Council, and £5,000 from Scottish Borders Council’s Community Grant scheme.
Once completed, the new facility will incorporate separate changing rooms, additional toilets, full kitchen facilities, and a large recreational area. The project is supported by Bowls Scotland and the club will now form part of the governing body’s regional framework.
The club already has good links with Scottish Borders Council, but this project will help to further increase participation by strengthening connections with Active Schools and Sport Development teams.
Commenting on the investment from the sportscotland Sport Facilities Fund, Louise Martin, Chair of sportscotland, said:
“We are delighted to be supporting this thriving local club to build a new clubhouse, which will undoubtedly become a real asset for the whole community.
“sportscotland is committed to maximising the opportunities for people across Scotland to become involved in sport and this investment shows our commitment to help develop and support a world-class sporting system at all levels, which will inspire future generations to be the best they can be.”
John Taylor, secretary of Jedburgh Bowling Club, added:
“We are absolutely delighted to have finally reached this stage, having started the process way back in April 1998. “
Without the support and assistance from sportscotland, BCCF Environmental Group, Jedburgh Common Good, and Scottish Borders Council this project could not have gone ahead.
“Credit must also go to the committee and members for all their hard work, and finally to the townsfolk of Jedburgh who regularly support our weekly lottery and fundraising events enabling us to raise sufficient funds of our own. “
Hopefully when people see the new facility they will take the opportunity to try out the sport.
The club would like to apologise to walkers for the short term inconvenience to the pathway whilst building works are in progress.”
Due to some technical problems the 2012 remainder of the 2012 season reports wil be written here:
Ladies Championship. Played between Laura Lightbody and Irene Watters, this final was a close affair untill late in the game when Laura pulled away to win her first final 21-13
Gents Championship. With both players each winning thier semi finals 21-20, this final shapped up to be a cracker. David lightbody was playing in his 4th final looking for his 2nd title whilst Euan Lindores was playing in his 1st final. Unfortunatly for the spectators this was not to be a close exciting affair but they did get to see Lindores play some great bowls to wipe the floor with Lightbody to win by a masterfull 21-8
Gents H' Cap. This was another final which on paper shapped up to be a close one as the last time these two met was in the 2010 Champ Final with Lightbody winning 21-20. John Taylor was playing well and took an early lead but David was able to claw him back and with the scores tied at 13 all D Lightbody pulled away to win by 21-13.
Sets. Played between Club President Rob Hogg and David lightbody, this tie was always going to be a close affair tith Hogg playing in the final for the 2nd year running and D Lightbody playing in his 3rd Major final of the year. Hogg came out of the block on a flyer and never gave lightbody a sniff winning the 1st 2 sets by 7-3 and 7-4. the 3rd set looked like Hogg was going to claim the trophy 3-0 but with the scores set at 5-5 lightbody claimed 2 shots to sneek it 7-5. The 4th set saw lightbody win it 7-0 but hogg rallied in the 5th to take the scores to 4-4. Lightbody then went on to win the trophy by 7-5 and by 3 sets to 2
The Club Pairs got under way with a full days bowling infront of the gents.
The 1st semi final was between D Scott and J Straker v J Taylor and G Nagle.
This was to be a tight one with all 4 players on top form.
The Game came down to an extra end and Nagle played a cracking shot to lay game. Unfortunatley for him, Straker hadn't read the script and with his last bowl traiked the jack to win the tie.
The 2nd semi was a repeat of last years final between D Lighbody and E Lindores v R Lindores and D Munro.
This time revenge was had over the ageing pair and the young guns took them down to win with 3 ends of the 11 to spare.
The final its self was another cracking match with D Scott in inspired form and E Lindores matching his every bowl.
It all came down to the last 2 bowls of the last end with the scores standing at 9 all.
E Lindores playing a tricky shot, nailed the chap and lie and held the shot. Straker needing to chap the shot bowl to spring the jack to his back bowls missed it by the smallest of margins leaving Lightbody and Lindores to lift the trophy.
Winners; D Lightbody, E Lindores.
R Up; D Scott, J Straker.
Best Dive of the day: J Straker 9.99pts for artistic impression.
Jed travelled to Wilton in this re-arranged match having been 17 shots up in the rained off match.
Under league rules the game is restarted but this time there was to be no repeat of such scoring for the Jed boys.
4 of the rinks started brightly enough but team Munro were toiling and ended the evening with a heavy defeat.
The other 4 rinks fought hard for results but it was to be in vain as it was the home side that ran out comfortable winners.
Playing the relegated Gala side, Jed had high hopes of claiming the 2 pts.
The game was lucky to be on as 2 days beforehand the green had been under 2" of flood water and as a result the game was held on different rinks as normal.
This ment a slow start for the Home side as they got used to playing on the other rinks.
However, They soon built up a healthy lead and neaver looked back, winning comfortably in the end.
Top Rink, S Fisher, G Sommerville, D Scott, N Hill
Jed travelled to the League leaders looking to avenge the drubbing they suffered at home earlier in the season.
A heavy rain shower, just as the game got underway, nearly brought an early end to the game but fortunatley this soon blew over and the match carried on.
The visitors were in a determind mood and were giving as good as they got. At the half way stage Jed held a slender lead of 6 shots.
As the game approached the final end, Waverley had actualy taken a 2 shot lead but 4 out of the 5 Jed rinks scored and jed went on to win by 6 shots.
A great performance which should give the club some much needed confidence.
Top Rink. I Dick, D Hill, D Lightbody, D Munro
In another 1st for the club, the Mixed pair of Laura Lightbody and Dougie Munro have qualified for the finals of the 2012 mixed pairs competition to be held at the Bainfield Club in Edinburgh from the 17th-19th Aug.
Qualifying over 5 weeks the pair have seen off some top pairs and are now preparing for the Finals.
Good Luck
report to follow.....
The Ladies Rink of Helen Hogg, Mabel Dick, Ann Gilfillan and Irene Watters (skip) travelled through to Ayr to take part in this years Scottish Championships.
This was the 1st time in the Clubs history that we managed to get a Ladies Rink through to the Finals and they took a sizeable support through with them.
Playing a foursome from Balgownie The Jed team started will and at one stage held a 4 shot lead.
However, the closing few ends turned out to be a close affair and playing the last end Jed held a slender 1 shot lead.
Unfortunatley this proved to be the last end that the Jed Ladies would play in the 2012 Championships as they unfortunatley lost 3 shots to go down by 15-17.
Well done to the Ladies for their performance on the day.
Playing at home for the 1st time in a fortnight the Jed boys were slow out of the blocks in this one.
Earlston came to Jed knowing a win for them would all but see them safe in Div 1 for next season and they certainly started off on a mission.
At one stage the visitors were over 30 shots up on the hosts but in the space of 2 ends Jed cut that lead to 16 and over the last 6 ends Jed cut it down to 1.
The last game on the green saw team Nagle looking for 2 shots to claim an unlikley win however with a dangerous head a count of 1 for Bagle was enough to draw the game.
Over all, a point gained rather than a point lost
Jeds gents headed to Gala in this re-arranged match in a boyant mood and looked to pick up the 2 pts over the struggling Gala team.
The match started slowly for the Jed boys but after 5 ends 4 rinks began to pull away with only D Munro's 4 struggling.
Some superb Bowling from the visitors imparticulary David Cook, saw them race away to win by a confortable margin.
Top Rink; J Straker, D Cook, R Hogg jnr, G Nagle.
Jed travelled to Gala to take on the strong Abbotsford team hoping to create an upset to keep their title dreams alive.
The reality was that the Jed boys seemed to leave their bowls back in Jed and after a long night they were on the end of a heavy defeat with all but 1 rink losing.
This result all but ends Jeds chances of winning the League this year but the team is still pushing on to finnish as high up the table as possible.
Congratulations goes to K. Cassie for a fine debute performance as the selectors look to the future by introducing some younger blood.
P W D F A Diff PTS
Waverley 12 10 0 1064 731 +333 20
Melrose 11 7 0 883 819 +64 14
Abbotsford 11 6 1 875 817 +58 13
Jedburgh 11 6 0 836 836 0 12
Kelso 11 6 0 863 893 -30 12
Wilton 11 5 1 811 754 +57 11
Earlston 11 5 0 845 889.5 -44.5 10
Ancrum 12 5 0 883 975 -92 10
Hawick 12 3 0 850 973 -123 6
Gala 10 2 0 664.5 883 -218.5 4
Hawick travelled up to Jed looking for a much needed result to help them climb out of the relegation zone but the Jed team were also looking for a result to help climb the league and consolidate their position in Div 1 for next season.
It wasn't the best of starts by the Jed team and and a loss off 7 shots by Euan Lindores's rink on the 3rd end left the home side trailing by 11 shots.
The lead then changed hands several times before the Jed boys finally took hold of the match to take the lead and close out the match by 12 shots.
This win takes Jed up to 4th in the League
Results so far...
1st May Earlston/Melrose 66 - 41 Jed
8th May Jedburgh 72 - 41 Selkirk/Ett Forest
15th May Wilton 59 - 49 Jed
29th May Newtown 44 - 53 Jed
5th June Kelso 63 - 41 Jed
12th June Jed 63 - 39 Buccleuch
19th June Peebles 43 - 49 Jed
26th June Jedburgh 63 - 43 Gala
After a slow start to the season with winning and losing on alternate weeks, we now have a string of 3 wins in a row. Two of these were against Buccleuch and Gala who are currently challenging at the top of the league – so well done and let’s keep it up. Both of these wins were by a substantial margin and hopefully we can continue on this winning streak. We are now only a couple of points off the league leaders.
Fair to say, there hasn’t been any outstanding triple this season and we have played more like a team overall.
There are still a couple of games to go before we reach mid-season, so there is still a long way to go to retain our status as champions. With the addition of the combined Selkirk/Ettrick Forest team to the league, our season does not finish until the end of September. Let’s hope the weather improves although we have been lucky so far in having virtually dry conditions for every game.
The biggest problem for the selectors this year, has been the larger number of players available for selection than before and the disappointment that many of our opponents have been unable to raise a reserve triple. As a consequence of this, several players have not yet had a game or have only played a few. We hope you understand the situation. The consolation is that Jed bowlers must live longer than our colleagues in the other clubs.
The Gents travelled the short distance down to kelso looking to keep their good run of form going and a win would see them move into 3rd place overall.
With this in mind the Jed team came out fighting and took a slender lead early on. However, the Kelso side had other ideas and played some brilliant shots to pull right back.
Unfortunatley for the Jed team, with the scores near level, the last 3 ends proved to be a disaster and several rinks lost heavy scores resulting in a 20 shot defeat.
Top Rink; D Hill, C Hogg, H Fisher, D Munro
On a dull overcast day, 9 triples took part in the annual Club Triples tournament.
Always a popular tournament, a hottley contested days bowling got underway and after 6 hours play the final came down to a battle between Ann Gilfillan, I Waters and J Taylor against J Straker, D scott and R Lindores.
It was a cracking final with both triples going hammer and tongs at it. but at the end of the 9th end it was J Taylor's triple that came away with the title
R-up; J Straker, D Scott R Lindores (skip)
Winner; Ann Gilfillan, D Scott, J Taylor (skip)
After suffering a 7 shot defeat at the hands of Melrose, the Jed team were out for some revenge over the reigning Champions.
From the start, all the games were a close run thing except for D Scotts rink who shot into a 8 shot lead. This was a margin that they were able to extend to 12 shots and help the team to a famous win
A really close game with just the one jed rink managing to pull away and 2 drawn matches made for an exciting nights bowling.
Top Rink; D Laidlaw, R Hogg snr, D Lightbody D Scott (skip)
In the 1st local derby in over 6 years the Jed boys travelled the short distance to Ancrum to take their friendly rivals.
With the Villagers looking to put one over on their neighbours, the Jed boys turned up in a determind mood. This was to show itself on the green with some great play from the visitors and they set about laying down a commanding lead early on.
Some great front end bowling from D Hill, Pringle S Fisher, A law, Somerville and Cook gave the back end the confidence to play some attacking shots to keep the score ticking over.
Overall a great team performance!.
Top Rink; D Cook, G Somerville, J Taylor R Lindores (skip)
After last years eforts by the Gents Rink, who went all the way to the semi finals at Ayr, the club set a target of getting a qualifier through to Ayr once again. The Ladies sent out a pair and a rink whilst the Men also sent out a pair and a rink.
Unfortunatly for the two pairs, Helen Taylor, Margaret Gray and Robbie Lindores with Dougie Munro, both went out in the earlier rounds whilst the gents rink of John Taylor, David Lightbody, Greg Nagle and Euan Lindores, managed to reach the semis of the area once again but this time were defeated by an Eyemouth rink by 1 shot 13-12.
However the ladies rink of Helen Hogg, Mabel Dick, Ann Gilfillan and Irene Watters (Skip) made it it the finals day down at the Spital green.
Playing against an experienced Gala Waverley rink the Ladies shot into a 9 -0 lead early on and never looked back winning through to the finals bu 21-13.
A Fantastic result fot the ladies and the club and we think this is the 1st time in the clubs history that we have had ladies represent the club at the National Finals.
The 2 Bowl pairs were played out on yet another glorious day with over 14 pairs entering this years competition.
The Final was played out between Babs Hogg with Noxie Ervine and Connor 'two in a row' Hogg and Robbie Lindores who were drawn out of the hat together for the 2nd competition in a row.
The final was played in great spirits and was a close run thing untill Hogg and Lindores pulled away late on to win the title.
This was Connors 1st title and together with Robbie a thoroughly deserved one.
R-up; B Hogg, N Ervine (skip)
Winner; C Hogg, R Lindores (Skip)
A night to forget.
Jed came up against a strong Waverley who were out on a mission as the Jed green is not normally a happy hunting ground for them.
From the off Jed were up against it and it stayed that way right to the end as Waverley boys never took their foot off the pedal all evening with some superb bowling. A great result for them and a wake up call for the hoem team.
No top rink this evening as there were no rinks up.
On a glorious day 12 pairs, drawn out of the hat,set out to win the annual Challenge pairs title.
Some top class bowling was on show and the final came down to a shoot out between Connor Hogg with Robbie 'the Dog, Lindores and John Taylor with Greg Nagle.
Connor was playing in his first Club Final and had played some great bowls all afternoon but Unfortunatley for him Nagle had his shooting boots on and played some fine weighted shots to help him and Taylor claim the title.
R-Up; C Hogg, R Lindores (skip)
Winners; J Taylor, G Nagle (skip)
Jed traveled to Earlston for what turned out to be yet another nail bitting finnish.
Trailing by 6 shots going into the last end, big counts from team Munro and R Lindores led to J Taylors rink defending a 1 shot lead.
Whilst as a rink they were being defeated by 19-11 at the time the rink dug deep to claim 1 shot which gave Jed a 2 shot win overall.
Top Rink D Hill, G Pringle, H Fisher, D Munro
The Jed boys looking for two home wins in a row took on the Wilton boys in what turned out to be an cracking match.
With only one game left on the green the whole match came down to a measure but unfortunatly for the home side it was the Wilton side who took the honours by the thinnest of measures.
On reflection, A Cracking game but perhaps 2 points thrown away.
Top Rink S Fisher, A Law, D Lightbody, R Lindores (skip)
Playing thier 2nd home game of the season the Jed boys were hoping to continue thier winning ways against a strong Abbotsford outfit.
After a close 1st few ends the Jed boys slowly started pulling away and at the half way mark led by 11 shots.
Some big bowls from the Hill brothers, Lindores's, Fisher, Law and Hogg Jnr led to Jed stretching the lead even further to win by a handsome 23 shots.
Well done also goes to Connor Hogg for a fine debut performance.
Sweep winners; S Fisher, A Law, D Lightbody, R Lindores (skip).
scores to follow
5 pairs took to the green on yet another cold and windy sunday afternoon to compete for the Agnes Veitch trophy.
A round robin tournament was held with all pairs playing each other and just like the Starrett Cup the result came down to a count back on shots between the pairs of L Lightbody, I Watters and Ann Michie, Anne Gilfillan. with both pairs winning 3 games and losing 1.
A tense shot countback took place and the man with all the counting skills of Fred Goodwin at the helm, John Taylor, needed all of his fingers and toes to come to the final result. A win by 1 shot went to Ann and Anne.
Winners; Ann Michie, Anne Gilfillan (Skip)
Runners Up; Laura Lightbody, I Watters (skip)
The Jed team headed to last years Div 2 champions Hawick, still looking for their 1st win of the season and on a green that hasn't held much fortune for the visitors in recent seasons, were in for a real battle.
This time the Jed team shot out of the blocks and headed into the lead straight from the off.
As the game went on the team across the board held off any sort of fight back and took a commanding lead which they never looked like surrendering.
Overall a good performance by the Jed boys to take the 2pts back over the Dunion.
M Chrysty 6 - 30 E Lindores
N Amos 11 - 14 J Taylor
A Renwick 13 - 21 D Munro
l Clarkson 15 - 10 G Nagle
G Scott 17 - 13 N Hill
Sweep winners; I Dick, G Somerville, G Hill, E Lindores (skip)
Jed's 1st home game of the season ended in a comprahensive defeat to local rivals Kelso.
Jed never really turned up on the night with only two rinks enjoying narrow wins and two rinks being heavily turned over.
This result leave jed with no wins from 2 games.
E Lindores 16-11 R Paxton
D Munro 20-17 S White
J Taylor 11-27 A White
G Nagle 13-21 R Purdie
N Hill 12-16 D Polozek
Sweep winners; I Dick, G Somerville, G Hill, E Lindores (skip)
The annual round robin tournament, the Starrett Cup was played on a cold Sunday afternoon.
Twenty six entries were taken with the format being pairs playing three games of five ends.
A very good afternoon's bowling led to Scott Taylor and I Dick claiming the Cup after a shots count back.
Winners; S Taylor, I Dick (skip)
The Gents team got their 2012 season underway with a tricky away match to current Champions Melrose.
Jed arrived full of hope and optimism to cause and upset but this was to turn out to be a faulse hope.
Jed were never actually infront but at the 10 ends mark they had cut Melrose's lead from 16 shots down to 3. Unfortunatly Melrose hit back and regained the 16 shots. A late charge from Jed proved too little to late and Jed were defeated by 7
Well done goes to Michael Weekley for a fine Debut performance playing 2nd for G Nagle.
K Johnstone 12-15 E Lindores
L Haldane 12-19 J Taylor
I Crawford 16- 18 G Nagle
B Swanston 18- 10 N Hill
N McNally 21 - 10 D Munro
sweep winners; R Hogg snr, J Purves, R Lindores, J Taylor (skip)
On sunday 15th April President Rob Hogg officially declaired the green open for season 2012.
After addressing the members, President Rob went on to raise the Club Flag and then ask his wife, BIB, to roll the first jack of the year.
After the ceremony, the annual President v Vice President game was held with a norrow victory for the Presidents team being the result.
This year the Club house will be opened on sat 14th April will an evening of fun bowls and a stovie supper.
The evening will start at 7pm and all are welcome.
President Hogg will open the green on sun 15th April at 2 pm by raising the club flag and by asking his wife, Bib to roll the 1st jack of the season.
The annual President team V Vice President team match will then be held.
Names to be in by 1.50pm. Cream tea and sandwiches to be had in the clubrooms afterwords.
The Club AGM was held in the Royal British Legion at 2pm on sunday the 18th March. President Laidlaw welcomed everyone to the meeting and a minutes silence was obsrerved for the passing of former member Angus Tyson.
President Laidlaw went on to thank everyone who helped make his term of office a happy and successful one and commented that the Gents team gaining promotion to div 1, the Rink making to the semi finals at Ayr and the Senior Team winning the Morning League as special highlights of his year.
The Vice President was next to be elected and this year, long standing Secretery, John Taylor took up the position.
THe only other change to the Office bearers was that after 18 years, Match secretery Niki Hill wished to stand down. Niki was thanked by the meeting for his hard work over so many years and Greg Nagle took office.
With the Gents League season starting earlier the Club is looking to open the green earlier than normal to get people back into the swing of things. A date of Sat 15th of April set to open the clubhouse and Sunday 16th to open the Green.
A Social function will be held in the Club house on Sat 15th April so watch this space for more info.
Subscriptions remain the same
Sunday 3rd July 2011
Carrying on the weather from Friday night it was an extreme heatwave down at the Jedburgh Green today but no-one was complaining as this made the green play like a dream for all involved. The Tom Hutchison Singles is a very popular tournament which is a real tribute to the man himself who once graced our green with some quality bowls and he would have been very proud today with the standard of bowling today.
In the end the final was betweend Jedburghs own Darrie Scott and Ancrums Bruce Cowan, two of the most consistant bowlers on the day which made it a very even final. In the end it was Scott who took the spoils and picked up the "hutchie" trophy and the £100 prize.
We would like to take this oppurtunity to give our sincerest gratitude to the L.S. Starrett Company for sponsoring this tournament and who are great supporters to the club, we couldn't hold these tournaments and other club tournaments without them.
Friday 1st July 2011
A great night for bowling as the sun stayed out for the duration of the tournament. The format for this years tournament was to be played in triples and the green was full with a nice 24 entries. There seemed to be a few very close games and in the end it prooved the case as the eventual winners only won by a few shots overall. Winners being the triple of I. Livingston, D. Cook & I. Watters so well done to them and here's hoping we can have this tournament on Friday Nights every year!
Saturday 4th June 2011
the two bowl pairs was played in group format with an entry of 8 pairs, 4 pairs per group. Luckily we had no rain as it looked threatining all day. However, the green ran very well and with some very close group games, there would be no confirmed winners until the last game.
The final consisted of the pairings of group 1 winners Noxie and Jean Ervine versus group 2 winners Laura Lightbody and Greg Nagle. it was an interesting final as it could have really went any way. Nagle having the edge as they were undefeated in the group and that record was going to remain intact as they went on in the end to win 12-7 and collect the trophy, Lightbody winning it for the 2nd year running.
Sunday 29th May 2011
The club held its annual club triples on what was a fine but windy day which made for difficult bowling conditions. However, there was a fair entry which allowed for plenty of bowls to be played. The final was to be between the triple of Robert Hogg Jnr, Laura Lightboday & David Lightbody versus 2010 winner Ann Gilfillan, Irene Watters & John Taylor. A family clash one could say, which made it all the more special. Both teams had been on form all day so it was going to be very interesting. It was team Lightbody that raced off into the lead going 6-0 up, but a great comeback saw the game being very interesting near the end being 11-8 to Lightbody and co. going into the last end. However, Taylor could not find the required shots and the game finished 12-8.
The competition that always draws the entries was well competed by all involved and it's good to see the club members turn out. Let's hope we can encourage even more entries as we enter the start of the summer.
Saturday 21st May 2011
Craws nest Challenge Pairs? Why the name you ask? because this was to be a new type of tournament which was pretty much made up as it went along and it turned out a huge success with all involved really enjoying it.
The format was to be to two groups of four pairs completely drawn out a hat. You played each game being 6 ends but there was a twist.... 3 ends of that were with your drawn out partner and then you swapped over with your opposite opponent and played the remaining 3 ends of the game with his partner. Everyone had their own seperate scorecard and marked each end, whether they won or lost it, with the score in that end. So at the end of the group games all cards were scored, with 1 point being awarded for each end won then if needed, overall shots. Top two players from each group would compete as a pair in the final.
The final was to be the pair of Davie Laidlaw and Gary Pringle (group 2 top two) versus Ann Michie and Robert Hogg Jnr (group 1 top two). As the rain belted down in the final, there were still some good bowls played, but Laidlaw and Pringle prooved too strong a combination and took the victory with a 10-1 win. With this new format being a great sucess, let's hope that we can have more competitions like this and hopefully on a drier day! :)
Sunday 1st May 2011
There were 26 entries for the 1st club tournament of the season which is a real positive for the club! The weather was perfect for bowling, usually fleeces and wooly hats are required at this time of year still! however, it was the triple of John Taylor, Joe Lamb & young Paul Domingo who took the cup beating the triple of Rob Hogg Snr, Andy Whitecross & Mabel Dick overall on points and best shot difference.
Sunday 24th April 2011
There was a large turn out to see the official opening of the jedburgh bowling green. President Davie Laidlaw's wife Lorna had the job of rolling the 1st jack and play commenced after that. As usual this was a close game throughout but it seems as though the result is always the same in the end, with President Dave and his team defeating Vice-President Rob and squad by a single shot!
The Green will be opened on Sat 23 April at 7pm followed by fun bowls and a social evening. the following day there will be the annual President V Vice President match at 2pm.
The Annual General Meeting of the Jedburgh Bowling Club took place in the Royal British Legion on Sunday 27th march. A decent turn out of members welcomed the incoming President of David C Laidlaw to office and thanked the out going president, Niki Hill for all his work during his term in office.
The First duty performed by David was to propose Robert Hogg Snr to the position of Vice president which was accepted.
There were no further changes within the Office Bearers but the General Committee had Greg Nagle and Dougie Munro voted on and the Agm thanked the retiring Ivor Hughes for his hard work over the past two seasons.
There is an all new selection committee for 2011 with D Munro, D Lightbody and S Fisher taking on the challenging post.
Subsciptions are to ramain the same at £50 for a full member, £10 for juniors and associate members.
On the Green the biggest change for the comming year is that a new Club Dress code has been installed for the Gents and ladies league teams. The new club dress will now be BLACK trousers with an all new style polo shirt (white with royal blue paneling) the club Jearsy will remain the same. The new polo shirts are priced at £12 each. The seniors will decide at a later date whether or not to implement the change.
The financial report can be obtained by contacting Club Treasurer D Hynd.
The Green will be opened on Sat 23 April at 7pm followed by fun bowls and a social evening. the following day their will be the annual President V Vice President match at 2 pm
Attention all members old and new. The Club AGM is to be held on sunday the 27th March at 2pm in the Royal British Legion. See you there
Welcome to the mens section. Here you will find information about the mens league with results & scores. Also look out for progress in the Mens Championship & Handicap competitions throughout the season!
Well unfortunately we were unable to take advantage of Hawick's last slip up against Peebles and in the end we finished second in the mens league, only losing out to both the Hawick teams. Yes we were very disappointed but at least we have been promoted back to the top division where we belong, with 9 other teams. It will be interesting to see how we cope in the 2012 season but a well deserved congrats to the league team for their hard work throughout to ensure our place in division one next year!
Wednesday 13th July 2011
After a week off with the Jethart festival, it was back to business for us on monday night and tonight. We secured victory over Newtown St. Boswells at home on Monday in very comfortable fashion and tonight was no different as we cruised to victory over Lauder at their home ground by an impressive margin, final score being 111-68. We had four rinks well up in the end and one rink finishing in a draw which is very encouraging for the next few weeks ahead.
Hawick suffered a devastating blow to their chase for the title as suprise package Peebles claimed a victory over the teries at Hawick. This result puts us in the driving seat with three games left to play, our shot difference far superior than Hawick so really only we can throw the title away now.
Wednesday 29th June 2011
What a performance away from home tonight as we simply destroyed the opposition on all rinks to win by the largest of margins against Peebles. The game got off great across the board and we simply never looked back. Although the green was very tricky, it played well at points and looked in very good condition. Top rink tonight was Dougie Munros team, winning by a massive 37-9. Special mention to Lead Steven Fisher who played a blinder all night to set up this win. The final score overall was 120-54 to Jedburgh. Congrats team great result, but we must keep this consistancy going to achieve our goal of division two champions.
D. MUNRO | 37 | 14 | S.DOUGLAS | ||
G. NAGLE | 16 | 11 | B. AU | ||
E. LINDORES | 22 | 9 | A. BORTHWICK | ||
N. HILL | 25 | 7 | B. DRIVER | ||
J. TAYLOR | 20 | 12 | B. RAWDEN |
Wednesday 22nd June 2011
The Jedburgh team achieved the double over Selkirk tonight and by doing so securing our position at the top of the table after last weeks disasterous result over Hawick. It was a very close game but we managed to scrape by in the closing ends of the game to win by the narrowest of margins. Final Score was 76-72 to Jedburgh.
E. LINDORES | 15 | 9 | I. BORTHWICK | ||
G. NAGLE | 15 | 16 | S. HENDERSON | ||
N.HILL | 11 | 23 | H. BELL | ||
D. MUNRO | 18 | 12 | D. MAC LEOD | ||
J. TAYLOR | 17 | 12 | C. MC KINNON |
Wednesday 15th June 2011
The mens team faced their toughest task of the season when they ventured over to Hawick to face nearest rivals. As expected, this was never going to be an easy game and that proving to be the case, as we were never in the lead. Hawick capitalised on our weak start and pulled away and kept control of the game throughout to win by 82-69.
It's a shame that we couldn't compete better tonight but it seemed as though we weren't getting the rubs of the green across all the rinks. We still lead the table at the half way stage with a more superior shot difference over Hawick in second, however we face some daunting trips away to likes of Lauder and Peebles respectively. If we are to keep on track for the league title we mustn't slip up and maintain some good form especially away from home!
G. NAGLE | 13 | 13 | A. RENWICK | ||
E. LINDORES | 15 | 20 | E. MCGREGOR | ||
N. HILL | 17 | 14 | G. SCOTT | ||
D. MUNRO | 16 | 12 | N. AMOS | ||
J. TAYLOR | 8 | 23 | L. CLARKSON |
Sunday 12th June 2011
The District finals were held at the Melrose Green today, where the Jedburgh rink of J. Straker, R. Lindores, G. Nagle & E. Lindores looked to create club history by winning the district rinks and qualifying for the national championships in Ayr. A rink that achieved incredible results in previous weeks against the likes of Alistair White (Kelso) and George Cessford (Earlston) to be crowned the East division champions. Confidence was high within the four, but they knew they faced tough opposition from a strong Abbotsford who had clinched the West division title.
Skip Euan Lindores looks onto the head as Jedburgh got off to a shaky start, being 9-0 down after just 3 ends.
With the worst possible start, thing had to pick up and fast otherwise it could have been a cricket score. Jed did well to score their first shots and incredibly got the scores back to an even 13-13 to after 13 ends. Lead Straker had to change gameplay and he did so by decreasing the length of jack and this seemed to stumble the opposition as Jedburgh came on to a game and in outstanding fashion. Jed took the lead 16-13 after the 14th end and they never looked back....until the final end.
A nervous final end where the scores were 19-13 to Jedburgh and in the home straight. You couldn't see any way for Abbotsford to score a miracle.
That was until the Abbotsford skip trailed the jack to his own bowls, however he only picked up 3 shots to make the final score 19-16 to team Jedburgh!! The team were over the moon, just an amazing comeback when they looked down and out. Well deserved from the four men and I speak for all at the Jedburgh Bowling Club when i say "congratulations and the best of luck to you at Ayr, do us all proud!"
Wednesday 8th June 2011
A trip along the winding road to St. Ronans (innerleithen) was on the cards for the Jedburgh team as we looked to keep our winning streak rolling over tonight. Usually known as a tricky and very heavy green, this was not going to be an easy task, as the home side were hot on our trail in the league table. The rain persisted for most of the night which perhaps was to St. Ronans advantage as they took an early lead over the boards. However the sun crept out, and this was a game change as we took over pole position, the rink of Euan Lindores leading the charge with a big lead.
This was to be our night in the end as we went on to win by a score of 78-60. Very big boost of confidence for us in the league going into the Hawick game next week, Hawick being in second place only two points behind. We've also nearly reached the half way stage in the league and we are half the way to achieving our goal and returning to the top division!
G.NAGLE | 19 | 6 | J. DOUGAL | |||
J. TAYLOR | 18 | 12 | J. BORTHWICK | |||
D. MUNRO | 9 | 15 | D. PEARCE | |||
E. LINDORES | 22 | 11 | A. CALDWELL | |||
N. HILL | 10 | 11 | P. RUTHERFORD |
Wednesday 1st June 2011
Buccleuch were the visitors on our turf tonight as we were looking to maintain our 100% record. It was never going to be easy and it proved the case as we only scraped a win in the closing stages of the game, winning by 88 shots to 72. At one stage we were quite a few shots down overall, but clearly it was very fortunate that Greg Nagles rink finished 28-7 up. we remain the only undefeated team in the league, but now teams are aiming for us and with two hard away trips to St. Ronans and Hawick in the next two week, this will make or break our season.
Wednesday 18th May 2011
A very interesting away fixture for Jedburgh as we faced a very stuffy Newtown St. Boswells team who were out on their home ground to try and proove they could compete. The game was very even during the half way mark although Euan Lindores rink were comfortably up. That proved to be very decisive in the end as Jedburgh went on to a emphatic win by 98 shots to 64. Good display on a very long green by Jed, things are looking good in the league as we remain the only team with a 100% record!
Wednesday 11th May 2011
Another great win for Jedburgh on home turf against newly promoted Peebles. The game started off evenly across the boards but eventually Jed pulled away into a commanding lead. All rinks were victorious apart from Euan Lindores rink playing out on rink 5. Final score was 102-61 to Jedburgh. Newtown St. Boswells is the next game away, hopefully we can keep our 100% record rolling over.
G. NAGLE 27 10 B. Au
Wednesday 4th May 2011
Jedburgh Bowling Club held its annual General Meeting in the Royal British Legion on Sun 21st March 2010.
With a healthy turnout retiring president Douglas Munro thanked all concerned with the club for helping the club celebrate its 150th season and he wish the new president of Niki Hill all the best with his term in office. The meeting then went on to elect David Laidlaw as the vice president and with Ronnie Kingswood retiring from committee duties and Davids promotion to an office bearer the meeting elected Steven Fisher and James Straker onto the committee with all other committee members staying as they were!!!!
On to matters on the Green. After missing out on the League Title by 1 point with a last game of the season Defeat the Gents team will be going all out to redeem themselves and of course the Ladies have it all to do once more but were sure results will turn in their favour.
The Green is due to be opened by President Hill on Sat 17th April followed by a social event in the clubhouse in the evening and on Sunday 18th will see the annual Presidents v Vice Presidents Match.
We wish all members Old and New, Young and the not so Young, and even Jim Straker the very best of luck for 2010. LETS MAKE IT ANOTHER GREAT ONE!!!!!
The Club Will be opened on Sat night (17th) by President Hill at 7pm. In an effort to attract more members we are asking current members to help by encouraging some of your friends to come and give us a try. Opening night is a great opportunity to bring anyone who is interested in the game down to the Club to check out our facilities. Remember that after the Bowling a social night will be held in the Club house. see you there!
The Robert Robson Order of Merit is a new competition that will run throughout the season and is designed to encourage members to enter all the Club and Open tournaments held at Jedburgh over the season with the emphasis being on the taking part and not the winning.
The Order of Merit works by each time you enter a tournament you will receive 5 pts, by making it to the semi finals you will receive an extra 2pts=7pts, runners up each get 5 extra pts =10pts and the winners will receive 7 extra pts =12 in total
We are hoping this formula will encourage members to enter more of the events and competitions that the Club hold. look out for the Order of Merit on the Board
Next up is the Club 2 Bowl Pairs on Sun 2nd may at 1.30pm
and Remember you have to be in it to win it!
The Club was delighted to welcome the Mount Vernon club all the way from Glasgow on Saturday to play in a friendly match.
The game was unusually played under a big bright orange thing in the sky and this helped make the occasion an enjoyable one for all and many new friend were made.
The scores mean little on a day such as this but it was the home side that took the win by 100-99 and with some truly shocking bowling on display.
When it came to the prize giving the only one that counts is the worst rink of the day and with Greg Nagle taking his league form into this game, his tag as fav for this title proved to be a good bet leading the rink of J Lamb, S Taylor, I Dick and G Nagle to a loss of, well lets just say a lot of shots and earning them the famous wooden spoons
New Friends
Presidents together. John and Niki
Down to business
A fine day was had by all and we hope this is the start of a good relationship between the two clubs.
Unfortunatley the final few games of the season were not reported but we can tell you the Gents team were sadly relegated to Division 2 follwing a last game defeat to Hawick Wilton and a Kelso win over Earlston. SEE YOU NEXT SEASON
Monday 12th July 2010
The Jed boys traveled to Kelso on Monday night with a great chance to stave off the relegation fear. A win would have put the side 6 pts clear of the bottom 2 with only 8pts to play for but unfortunatly a win was just out of reach as the home side, themselves in a spot of relegation trouble dug deep to win by by 77 - 71.
Team E Lindores looked to be getting off to a good steady start and a comfortable win looked on the cards but slowly the Kelso rink skipped by C Patterson clawed their way back into the game and on the 16th end a fine bowl from the kelso skip saw them claim 4 shots to tie the scores at 18-18. Lindores did claim the last end with 1 shot as they won by 18-19.
J Taylor, still enjoying his return to skip came up against the formidable Alister White and they battle out a topsy turvey game. At one stage White held a 6-1 lead but a strong fight back by the Jed boys saw them only down by 8-6. White then responded for the home side and pulled away again but to Taylors credit the never gave up and went down by 16-11.
At the same time as Taylor was 6-1 down, team Munro were !-6 up and looking good for a fine win but a run of unfortunate results saw them slowly loose that and they eventually lost by 14-12.
Team Hill who were having a rough couple of weeks had to respond when drawing the other White brother Stuart. Early on it was some fine bowling by the Jed skip was the only thing that stoped them being on the wrong end of a drubbing.. Steadily though the Jed rink got their act together and at, 6-1 down, responded to claw themselves back into the game and turned the negative score into a positive one, winning by 13-15.
Team Nagle was the last game left on the green and were left with the task of needing 5 shots on the last end to claim the win, and they nearly did it!!. Nagle played a superb trail with his 1st bowl and the Jed rink lay 7 shots. Kelso skip Ronnie Paxton felt the pressure but didn't let it affect his bowls as he drew the 2nd shot and hid his bowl from the driving foils of Nagle. Greg did have a pop at the bowl and only succeeded on squeezing the jack to to edge of the rink where Paxton had an easy draw to claim a 16-14 win.
The evening could have been so different had things went our way but this was not to be and only a win at home v Hawick will do on Wed night
Wednesday 30th June 2010
It was to be yet another fine night at the jedburgh club where we played hosts to Earlston, both teams looking to secure the victory on the night. The home side needed to perform alot better that last week at Melrose where we showed no fight at all and in the end, were outclassed. Alot different atmosphere tonight was shown by Jedburgh and we managed to take the victory and claim two priceless points at this stage. Winning 97-61.
Team Greg Nagle were out to keep their good consistancy going and this prooved to be their night. Up against Peter Scott was always going to be a tough task for the young rink (and Straker). However some big bowls were played resulting in very decent scores throughout. Perhaps a bit fortune now and again by Skip Nagle but it was to be his night as the rink went on to claim a very handsome 28-10 win. Credit to the front end of Jim Straker and Dave Cook, who played some very handy bowls.
Team Dougie Munro, playing on rink 3, had come onto some good form lately as a team and tonight was to be no different as they had a great 22-14 win against D.Moffat. It seemed as though they were lying very well most ends and never looked like losing.
Team John Taylor drew rink 1 on the night, perhaps the best playing rink on the green at the moment. A very nip tuck game throughout, with Taylor being promoted to skip and deservidely so, playing some very handy draws when needed. Nothing between the two rinks, however it was the away side that claimed the victory but 14-11.
Team Euan Lindores once again claimed the sweep with a remarkable exhibition of bowls against the experienced George Cessford out on rink 4. The jack was regularly surrounded by the red and blue stickers all night which left Cessford with it all to do. Miller and Lamb taking control at the front, with Robertson playing some very nice bowls, Lindores finishing of superbly to claim the win by 27-3.
Team Niki Hill needed a win after last weeks defeat to boost the confidence for the four players involved. Never an easy task out on rink five and up against it with Paddy Mc Nally and Alex Moffat to face. Perhaps a few crucial ends didnt go the home sides way when they were down, leaving Moffat to pick up the pieces and claim a small conselation for the away side where already the damage had been done across the boards.
A great home victory for Jedburgh especially winning by so many shots which could proove crucial nearer the end of the league campaign. Next week is our local festival so we have no game but the next again week we have a double header up against hawick and kelso, both being must wins if we are to keep up the pressure on the top sides.
Wednesday 16th June 2010
For the second week running it was the Jedburgh green that played host to what promised to be a cracking encounter between Jedburgh and Hawick Wilton tonight. With both teams sitting beside each other in the table, focus was high all night to take bragging rights. In the end it was to be rather comfortable for the home side as we went on to win 99-69 and overtake Wilton in the league table.
Team Euan Lindores got the ball rolling early doors, looking very comfortable all night long against Chris Mc Dougall and his team, Lindores took the early lead and never really looked back. Securing some big counts was the key in this game. Credit to Hugh Fisher who moved from third to lead on the night and played his usual steady game. This rink must of definitely been the inspiration in the Jethart fight all game with the good scoring when the rink next door was struggling. Lindores going on to win 28-9 and claiming the sweep.
Team Dougie Munro went up against A. Waugh on the famous, midge-infested rink 5 tonight. With Munro once again accompanied by the holiday maker Robbie Lindores, this definitely brought strength back into the rink and this prooved to be the case as the rink were playing well all night. Close game maybe up until the second half where Munro played some big, game changing shots to go into a big lead. A very good 26-11 win for Dougie on home turf, now needing to carry that good form onto the away greens.
Team Niki Hill had the pleasure of playing on rink 1 tonight up against the experienced Alan Brady. This game was close throughout, nothing seperating the two sides. Hill and Lightbody playing consistent as ever were keeping control of the game and never far off the heads. Good to see a strong finish from hill and co. as they went on to win yet again 17-10.
Team Greg Nagle played on rink 4 for the second week running. Nagle had a score to settle with Wilton skip Reece Taylor after both competed in the Scottish district Junior singles final last year. There was always going to be nothing between the two and it prooved all night as both had their glory of the shots. Being the last game on the green and at this point the match decided, pressure was off Nagle as he took the last few ends in his stride to claim his revenge and win 22-10 in the end over Taylor.
Team Darrie Scott were to be the unfortunate ones tonight however up against A. Kyle on rink 2. Never an easy task with Wilton's "Jock the Dog" never off the white ball all night, the away side cruised up to a massive 23-0 lead with Scott and co. scratching their head thinking of a way back. They did, however, score eventually and maybe this spurred them on to claim a few more shots in the end. Fortunately at this stage Jed were comfortably up elsewhere so this was alot more comforting for Scott who ended up going down by 6-29.
A brilliant win against a good Wilton side who usually do love a fast green as was the case tonight. This win sets us back on track in the league table and lets other teams know that we are real challengers for the title. Melrose away next week, not our favourite place to go but we mustn't let our history destroy our future in this league, let's give it our all men!!
Wednesday 9th June 2010
It was the home side tonight that played host to the unbeaten and ever confident gala waverley side in what was a must win for both clubs to keep up the pressure at both ends of the table. Although both sides are either side of the tabe, that was not even to be considered in tonights fixture as there has been some very close encounters in the past few season. Tonight was to be no different, both teams starting very confidently and sharing the leads throughout, however the gods favoured the Jedburgh team on the night as we pushed on in the end to claim a narrow 72-67 victory and perhaps a priceless 2 points in fight to push away from the relegation battle and back into the title challenge where we belong.
Team Niki Hill, being of late the most consistant rink of the league campaign so far, were full of confidence walking onto rink 3 tonight. However, they had a tough task tonight against the experienced Ralph Nicholson and this prooved to be the case as Nicholson raced into an early lead. This left the back-end combo of Lightbody and Hill scratching their heads thinking of how to combat the opposition tactics and when they finally got on the scoreboard the game changed for the better. Confidence was growing end by end with nothing between the two rinks. Hill could finally breathe easy in the end as Jed were up in the last end with this game last to come off. Although Nicholson claimed the last shot of the game to win 16-15, it was enough overall to claim the win.
Team Dougie Munro were on the favourite rink 1 tonight up against Michael Blackwood. Munro knew that things havent been going his way for his rink as of late, now was the time to get back on track and he did it in style, racing off to an early lead with no reply. It was only near the end that Blackwood pulled back with some big bowls. Munro, however, was in no mood for another defeat and being the leading skip that he is, gathered his troops and they battled their way to secure a 17-12 victory and of course the sweep for the night!
Team Darrie Scott drew the short straw of the night away out on rink 5 up against Dougie Wilson. No love lost here between the two and this prooved to be the case all night. With some brilliant heads being produced and of course some very good weighted shots, this was to be close scoring all the way through the 17 ends. Not even Strakers tactical gassing could upset the away side as they went on to win the tussle by 15-11.
Team Euan Lindores put last weeks miserable affair at the abbotsford behind them and moved on tonight to clinch a great 14-12 win against Dave Miller Jnr. With a whole new front end of Podge Somerville and Joe Lamb out to stake their claim in the team, they performed very well to keep the pressure up on Miller. Hugh Fisher also played his usual steady self, playing the big bowls when required. Good to see Lindores back on the winning track, keep it up!
Team Greg Nagle had the task of playing Borders skip Robert Crawford on rink 4. Nagle got of to a great start being 7-0 up after 4 ends with no reply, but never count out the experience of the waverley skip and they came back with a vengeance to take the lead at the half way stage. The game was nip tuck throughout as was expected but it was the young guns (and Taylor) that went on to win the game 15-12.
A brilliant result for the home side against the previously unbeater Gala Waverley side, who aren't great fans of coming to the Jedburgh green it has to be said. Confidence has to surely be high in the Jed camp now, if we can defeat the top side, we can surely defeat any side in the league. We play Wilton at home next week in another must win game, let's do the business men.
Wednesday 2nd June 2010
The Gents Team unfortunatly didn't manage keep on a winning track for 2 weeks in a row as they lost on the road to a strong abbotsford side. The weather was ideal and the game was even played with the sounds of the nearby Circus ringing out loud.
Game 1 for Jed went well for the Jed boys and some fine bowling from the veteran back end of Jim Straker and Darrie Scott led to them leading by 4-11 at the halfway mark. The men from Abbotsford did make a small inroad to the Jed side but Jed managed to hold on to win by 11-17.
On rink 2 Team Munro were in a great tussle and were never far away from the home side but some fine bowls from abbotsford skip Brian (Spock) Anderson in the later ends saw them stretch their lead to win 19-10.
Rink 3 held the match between team Nagle and team J Murry and an epic battle ensued. the Lead change hands 7 times but at the half way stage they could not be split at 8-8. This was to be the way of things and on the 16th end the scores were still tied up at 15-15 but it was to be the home sides day as the sneaked 1 shot on the 17th end to win by 16-15.
Game 5 was a night of could have beens as team Hill led by 1-9 early doors only to have a bad 3 ends and find themselves 10-9 down. The Jed boys then came back onto their game and pulled out a 11-17 lead but then disaster struck. A loose end was the last thing thing they needed just as the team as a whole were making a comeback across the board, but that's what happened. A count of 6 for the home side tied things back up at 17-17. The small consolation for team Hill was the did finish the game up winning by 19-21.
Team E Lindores were really up against it as they found themselves out on a tricky end rink that the home side new well. fighting on 2 fronts (the rink and their opponents) tthe Jed boys struggled early on and after 9 ends they were 15-1 down then 2 ends later they were further behind at 19-3. The Jed boys to their credit never gave in and finished the stronger picking up 9 shots in the closing ends to only loose by 9 shots at 20-11.
On reflection a difficult away fixture for the Jed team on a green that we don't have a lot of success on but never the less it was still another 2pts dropped and now the relegation battle is very much on!!
Wednesday 26th May 2010
The Jed boys managed to get their League campaign finally underway on Wed night with a fine 72-92 win over the Hawick side.
Hawick also without a win, this game was a must win for the visitors and with the selectors sticking with the same players that faced kelso all be it with a shuffle of positions, the Jed boys dug in for a rare win away to hawick.
On rink 1 Team E Lindores lost an early 6 and found themselves 10-5 down at the half way stage. Team Lindores were often lying large counts but the fine bowls of the Hawick skip R. Skitter kept them at bay. Fortunately the relentless pressure caused by the Jed front end proved too much and the Jed boys ran out 12-21.
N Hills four were in command for most of the evening and early on led 0-9 and 1-13. The Hawick four did make a small inroad in to the Jed score but it was to be to little to late as N Hill went on to claim the sweep 11-21.
It was to be the old "game of two halves" for team Munro as they also led by 1-13 at the halfway stage but the vastly experienced team led by Les Clarkson made a huge comeback and led 15-13 going into the last end only for Munro to tie the game, drawing with his last bowl to end the game 15-15.
Team Nagle found themselves down 6-1 early on and had a great dogged game with the determind Martin Chrystie. With both teams going all out the Jed boys fought back and took over the lead and went onto win the game 17-24.
Team R Lindores, who have been up against it of late, drew arguably the toughest opponent of the night in the borders skip of N Amos. In a game in which the Jed team were never in front but never gave up,the run of unfortunate results continued and they had a respectable loss of 11-17.
Summing up this was a welcome win on the road and President Hill finally got to use his winning after game speech at the fourth time of asking calling for more of the same next week!
Wednesday 19th May 2010
The sun beat down on a vastly improved jethart green as the scene was set for the first local derby of the season between Jedburgh and Kelso. With very close games last season, both sides were out to secure an early advantage in the highly competitive border league season and claim bragging rights. However things weren't to go the home sides way as Kelso continued their good form to take all points and leave Jedburgh sitting in an early relegation battle, securing a 77-70 win in the end.
Team Robbie Lindores put up a valiant effort against the magnificent Allister white and his team from the start gaining an early lead. White, however, had different ideas on the night playing on his favoured rink 1. Taking a healthy lead at the half way stage, our only hope was a Lindores comeback...this was not to be on the night as White took the comfortable 29-7 victory.
A night to forget for senior Lindores was a night to remember for junior Lindores as Euan and his vastly experience rink played a stormer against Stuart White and his men. Lindores knew that he was keeping the home side in the game with a high lead, however you can never take the foot of the pedal against Stuart, who secured a few vital shots near the end for his team across the boards. Lindores secured the sweep with a 21-8 win.
Immediate past president Doug Munro played kelso president Colin Patterson on a really good rink 3. Another nip tuck game with perhaps the away side having most of the fortune early doors putting Munro and his team on edge throughout. With sheer frustration, Munro felt it was time for the heavy bowls to come out in the mixer. It was to be one of those nights though as nothing went Jeds way, eventually going down 20-8.
Greg Nagle got his first win of the league season against Ronnie Paxton in another evenly balanced game. Early pressure sustained was the key on the fast green was enough to take an early lead, Nagle very rarely having to go up to the mat with the shot against. In the last end, however, it was Paxton who had the final say with a brilliant last bowl draw to take the final score. Nagle winning 18-6
President Hill was eager to do the same as Nagle and gain his first win in his presidential campaign and he did so in the close battle with Dennis Poloczek way out on rink 5. All four of Hills rink were performing brilliantly as a team as it showed taking an early lead. Poloczek managed to claw back and this was going to be a tight finish. However Hill, and his sparkly new blue bowls, were to have the final say with a wonderful last end draw to take the victory at 16-14
So thats 3 out of 3 losses for the Jedburgh club in what has been a disappointing start to our league campaign considering we missed out on the title last year by a single point. We must get a win and fast if we are to stay in the top division. Let's get our finger out and do the business at Hawick next wednesday night men!
Wednesday 12th May 2010
It was a case of da-ja-vu for the Jed team as they once again let an early lead slip and this time were on the end of a heafty defeat loosing by 95-72.
The evening started well across the board and the Jed boys held onto the lead for most of the game up until the 12 end mark and once again concentration levels dropped and the momentum swing in the favor of the home side.
It was a night to forget for team Nagle as after being tied at 3-3 after 2 ends they never scored again until the last few ends and they were on the wrong end of a 26-7 loss to Earlston's G Cessford.
Team E Lindores were in another close game and once again went down by 1 shot 15-14 to S.Mcnally.
Team Hill are struggling to produce the form of last season and let a handy lead of 7 shots slip to go down by 17-12 to A Moffat
Team R Lindores had a night to forget as 0-6 up they lost a count of 7 then they fought back into the lead only to loose a count of 5 and then within the next 2 ends they lost another 5 and a 4 to eventually go down by 28-13.
The best performance from the Jed boys came from Team Munro. Once again played on an outside rink (no excuses this week.) The visitors played well all evening and went onto a decent win by 9-25.
Another defeat for the Jed boys and President Hill was keen to tell the team not to let loosing become a habit. so lets hope for a change in fortune with Kelso visiting Jed next week.
Wednesday 5th May 2010
The Gents team got their 2010 league season under way with a disappointing home defeat at the hands of the vastly experienced Melrose outfit going down by 62-71.
The evening got underway with the Jed team bursting out of the blocks with all the rinks taking early leads and with only 5 ends to go the Jed team were up overall by some 16 shots but a late collapse saw that lead disappear and by the end of the evening only 1 Jed rink went on to produce a win.
Team Nagle saw a slender 5 shot lead disappear and by the end of the evening lost 10-13 to the rink led by Lee Haldane.
Team Hill Didn't fair much better and saw a 6-0 lead disappear to lose to Ian Crawford by 14-20.
Team E Lindores looked to be Jed's best chance of a result and at the half way mark led by over 8 shots but Melrose's new signing, Kenny Johnstone drew on his vast experience and sneeked it at the end 14-15
Team Munro playing on the tricky rink 5 (he needs an excuse) found himself up against his good friend Neil Mcnally and they had a ding dong battle all the way but his former Team mate came away with the bragging rights with a 12-14 win
This left team R Lindores holding the fort for Jed and up against Billy Swanston they were always in a fight but some brilliant play from the vetern, Lindores saw them home by 12-9.
Unfortunatley we have not been able to bring you full reports on all the club competitions
For a complete list of winners and runners up please check put the CLUB CHAMPIONS tab thanks, ed
Saturday 12th June 2010
The Club triples tournament was played on a bright Saturday afternoon down at the Jedburgh club with 10 triples competing in a knockout competition. There were some very strong triples including the likes of Ronnie Kingswood, Dave Hill and Darrie Scott and the team of Hugh Fisher, Steven Fisher and Ian Yule. However it was not be to their day as both teams had an early exit in the first round.
It was to be the triple of Greg Nagle, Robert Hogg Jnr & Dougie Munro up against Ann Gilfillan, Irene Watters & John Taylor competing in the final. A very close game throughout although maybe team Taylor had most of the fortune as they went on to win 10-3 and claim the prize deservedly on the day.
A great warm up for the Kerr Memorial Pro-am which takes place this Saturday (19th June). We are still looking for more entries which will close on Thursday night so please get your name down. Even if you don't want to play you are more than welcome down to enjoy this great days fun bowling. Play commences at 12noon up until "yon" time! :)
The Club 2 Bowl Pairs got underway on Sunday with a total of 22 names going into the hat and all trying to gain more points in the Order of Merit.
The draw threw up some interesting pairs and as the day went on the bowling standard increased with every shot. This competition is played over 11 ends so every shot is vital and there is little room for loose bowling.
The Semi-finals were keenly contested affairs and in the 1st semi the pair of David Hynd and Greg Nagle managed to see of the interest of Jean Ervine and Steven Fisher finishing 9 shots up.
The 2nd semi was a much closer game with the favourites of Ian Dick and John Taylor coming up against the Husband and Wife pair of Laura and David Lightbody. The game was so tight that after 11 ends they couldn't be separated and it took an extra end to see Laura and David claim the vital shot to win through 8-9.
The Final saw David and Greg get of to a flier and after 2 ends the led 5-0 but some dogged determination from the matrimonial pair seen them claw their way back in to the game and they led 5-6. The next end could have proved crucial as Laura and David held 4 shots but Greg had other ideas and drew a perfect shot with his last to claim 1 shot and tie things up again at 6-6. Things stayed much the same and going into the last end the scores were tied at 8-8. This is where Laura stepped up and, as she had all day, she put her 2nd bowl right on top of the Jack and this proved to be the winning shot, and sending the trophy back to the Lightbody house hold.
This victory gives David 2 out of 2 for the season and also sees Laura with 1 win and a runners-up.
STARRET CUP WINNERS 2010; Ann Gillfillan, Andrew Dalrymple, David Lightbody (skip)
To mark the clubs 150th anniversary we were visited by the S.B.A. (Scottish Bowling Association) Presidents for a friendly match on the bowling green. It is was a great honour for this occasion to have taken place and we now join a very elite group of clubs in Scotland to have reached this landmark. For the record, amazingly, Jedburgh recorded the victory by a single shot 69-68. I was also informed that the S.B.A Presidents had a few internationalists playing on the day and they were believed to have played some outstanding bowls.
Top rink on the day was the team of Ronnie Kingswood (LEAD), Robert Hogg SNR. (SECOND), Davie Laidlaw(THIRD) and Darrie Scott (SKIP)
S.B.A. President and the Jedburgh President
Familiar face "Tosh" Donald with Jedburgh bowler George Somerville
The game in progress and highly competitive
Monday 27th July 2009
It was to be an all or nothing for the Jedburgh team tonight as they were truly up against it, playing a Gala Waverley team, who on the night, could secure a win on their home ground and if arch rivals Gala Abbotsford were to lose to Hawick, they would be crowned the division 1 champions on which they have claimed many times in their long history. The away team travelled through the Gala "toon" knowing that a victory was the only result they required to keep in the title hunt. Being a green Jedburgh have not had a lot of success on, Waverley were full of confidence as they allowed the away team to wait on the green patiently for their arrival, possible mind games before the big game were in play. In a very see-saw match, nerves were showing from both sides with so much at stake, this was never going to be a one-sided game. With Jedburgh looking to celebrate the 150th anniversary style, after a very shaky start, the Jedburgh men stuck in and played out of their skins and showed true heart to claim an outstanding and arguably one of the greatest victories for a good few seasons, against Gala waverley by 86-79.
As said above, Jedburgh got of to the worst possible start with all but 1 rink conceding the shot in the 1st end. It was only to hope that this gave the team yet another wake up call and eventually thus was to be the case as steady scoring throughout resulted in the well earned victory.
Team Euan Lindores, playing furthest away from the clubhouse, were up against it on what was said to be the toughest rink to play on. Perhaps this helped the home side as to having a slight knowledge of the rink and how the hands played. This was the case in the first half of the game as skip M. Blackwood guided his rink well clear of Lindores to take a 16-4 lead after 8 ends. However the confidence of the young skip Lindores over the past league season has always seen his side playing very positively and effectively as was to be the case with Lindores claiming a 5 and a 3 shot score in two cosecutive ends to reduce the home side to a 1 shot lead of 17-16! This prooved to be the comeback Jedburgh needed and all credit to Straker, Miller, Fisher & Lindores whose good play and patience paid off. However they could not secure the victory and it was game to the home side by 23-19.
Team Robbie Lindores, top rink from the previous week, were on a high and playing some very positive bowls throughout the night which was what was needed against David Miller JNR and his rink. Things didnt look too bright to start off with as the away side conceded a 4 shot score in only the 2nd end. However with the rink playing very well as a unit, the results started to turn in favour of Lindores, who really played some incredible shots all night, and suddenly found themselves 12-7 up after 11 ends. Miller was feeling a bit under pressure at times as their was always a jethart bowl or 2 near to the jack and at times was forced to play the weighted bowls which at times did pay off but not so much in the final 4 ends as Lindores and his men scored 9 shots in total to claim an excellent 21-10 and Jedburgh top rink two weeks in a row!
Team Niki Hill, the on form rink recently, didnt get off to the dream start they have often seen this season as they were trailing Brian Blackwood and his men early doors 8-1 after 6 ends. Hill, who is always a cool character under pressure succomed to this and eventually the rink got off the marks and clawed their way back to a 10-9 lead after 11 ends. This really setup for a close finish and neither side were willing to give up the victory as the plays on the rink suggested. Blackwood looked to be staking the teams claim as they were awarded with a 4 shot score in the 12th end.....but this was to be the last reply from the home rink as steady drawing from Dalrymple & Hogg and some very accurate play from the back end combination of Lightbody & Hill ensured they kept their well earned reputation with a 18-13 victory.
Team Greg Nagle, on the back end of a convincing defeat last week, were out to make things right again. However they were up against a well experienced rink which included Dougie Wilson and Robert Crawford. Things didnt start too well as the home side claimed 3 shots in the 1st end and maybe just the thought of last weeks defeat crept into the mind and perhaps haunted Nagle a little bit. Those thoughts were very quickly shooken off as Nagles side took a 9-7 lead after 10 ends. With both sides having the share of surrounding the jack, it was to be very sure that it would not last long when the back ends played their bowls. A very even game throughout indeed, a clear winner could not be picked until the last few ends where the home rinks experience perhaps shone through and went on to claim a 20-14 win over team Nagle.
Team Dougie Munro, a rink that just plugs away every game and always finds consistency throughout, were up against the experienced skip Ralph Nicholson in what was a rematch of the earlier encounter in the season at the Jedburgh green. Munro was the only away rink to score in the first end and this was to be an omen throughout this encounter as they raced into a 10-3 lead after 10 ends. A close tussle between the front end, with Jim Wilson making his season debut at second with the ever present Steven Fisher leading the rink, was displayed throughout the game. However this was the last game left on the green as both sides watched nervously from the clubrooms. Munro & Nicholson have had some tremendous tussles in the past and this one was to live up to all expectations as both played some brilliant bowls. However, with Jedburgh being 4 shots up overall in this last end, this was to go down to the last bowl from the home side. Nicholson approached the mat knowing that Jedburgh were lying 1 shot with 3 Gala Waverley bowls lying close together at the back of the rink. Nicholson required a trail of the jack with his bowl following all the way to the back for an overall draw of the game. He was close, he trailed the jack, it was approaching to his required destination......until it hit of a Jedburgh bowl amazingly and Jedburgh received a 3 shot score and the overall victory!
An astonishing result against an ever determined Gala Waverley side looking for the title on the night. Some great results when you look at the scores across the game and it was a true credit to the Jedburgh mentality of never giving up until the last bowl is played. Gala Abbotsford recorded the win against Hawick which sets up the last week as a nail-biting finish for all 3 teams involved in the race for the title. We play Melrose away knowing that a win is required and in the hope that the Gala Waverley beat arch enemies Gala Abbotsford to secure the division 1 championship on our 150th anniversary. We must believe thats it is highly possible but concentrate only on the task at hand against Melrose! Come on men lets do this!!
Top Rink: Robert Hogg Jnr (LEAD), David Hynd (SECOND), Darrie Scott (THIRD), Robbie Lindores (SKIP)
Wednesday 22nd July 2009
A victory tonight would have left the Jed boys one step off of winning the Division 1 Title but a very impressive Gala Abbotsford stood in the way. Abbotsford themselves are going for the Title and were in no mood to roll over and they saw off the challenge of the Jed team to give them their 1st home defeat of the season.
Team Munro got off to a nightmare start loosing 6 shots in the 1st 3 ends. Munro did well to pull back and after 13 ends the game stood poised at 14 all but a fine run in gave the Abbotsford boys 7 shots without reply to give them a 21-14 win
Team E Lindores started well but a closely fought game saw the visitors catch up and ease to a 19-14 win.
Team Nagle struggles all evening on the notorious Rink 6 and found themselves down by 20-6 after 14 ends. A Few shots were clawed back in the closing stages but this was not to be enough as the went down by 21-12.
Team Hill once again proved why they are Jeds most consistant four and started brightly to move 10-3 up after 9 ends and 15-5 after 12. with the rink playing well as a unit it looked like this team could perhaps push the Jed boys on to victory but this was not to be as the Hancock boys fought back well over the closing ends to loose only by 16-12
Team R Lindores had one of their best results of their season. Up against the experienced Brian Anderson they had to fight all the way to secure the win. Loosing by 11-7 after 10 ends the Jed rink dug in to finish strongly and claim a 16-11 win claiming their 1st sweep win of the season(About time)
Final Score Jed 72 Abbotsford 84
Sadly for Jed this result leaves us needing to defeat Waverley and Melrose away from home and we also need Waverly to defeat Abbotsford on the last night of the season. All Possible so "LETS GET STUCK IN"!!!!
Top Rink: Robert Hogg (LEAD), Ronnie Kingswood (SECOND), Jim Straker (THIRD), Robbie Lindores (SKIP)
Wednesday 15th July 2009
To think that this was going to be a comortable night for the jed team against a gala team missing a few experienced skips was an understatement as yet another late comeback from the home side was vital as Jedburgh pulled away in the end to take a 30 shot win by 93-63 and maintain their place at top of the table with Gala looking likely to go down.
Team Scott conceded the first end having playing on a very slippery surface caused by the rain but this was to be a very close affair with both rinks having the share of the lead. However with some brilliant bowls being played in the closing stages it was Scotts rink that pulled away to record an excellent 17-9 win.
Team Nagle pulled off a comeback to remember in their game as this probably urged the team on all across the board. Playing on the tricky rink 5 it was the away side that got of to a dream start being 15-4 up after just 10 ends. However Nagle pulled off some of his trademark weighted shots late on to score in all of the last four ends andpull off a 20-17 deserved victory.
Team Lindores once again found their top form from earlier in the season to once again become top rink on the night. Although against the experienced Les Thin, Euan and his troops battled through and went into a deserved 15-7 lead after 10 ends. With all the play working well in their favour they capitalized extremely well and never looked back claiming a great win by 24-9.
Team Munro amazingly drew the dreaded rink 6 yet again which was maybe a blessing in disguise they adjusted to the tricky rink as did the opposition. Always a very tight one to call throughout, both sides played some great bowls on the night and was to no surprise that the scores were level at 8-8 after 10 ends. With Third Taylor finding form in the latter stages and munro securing shots with some fine draws, Munro kept his cool and went on to win by 16-13.
Team Hill being our saviour on so mny occasions recently, on this night they took a back step but yet played some great bowls yet again and are really functioning so well as a team. Although this was the case, they were actually always down all game until the very last end where they claimed a valuable 4 shots to win their game by 16-15!
After an early scare, it took jed until about the 12th end to realise that they can't give up their position at top especially with this being the 150th anniversary. With 2 of the toughest games coming up against 2nd and 3rd opposition we must win both games to guarantee us league champions with a game to spare against Melrose. lets do this men, we know we can!
D. Scott | 17 | M. Blyth | 9 | |
N. Hill | 16 | R. Fulton | 15 | |
E. Lindores | 24 | L. Thin | 9 | |
D. Munro | 16 | J. Dickson | 13 | |
G. Nagle | 20 | D. Pearce | 17 |
Top Rink: Jim Straker (LEAD), Ryan Miller (SECOND), Hughie Fisher (THIRD), Euan Lindores (SKIP)
Come rain, Come shine, Jed adjust to the conditions!
Wednesday 1st July 2009
After a true heatwave during the day, there was promise of a lovely night for the bowling at Jedburgh tonight as they played against close rivals Kelso in what was a must win game to keep the border league title hopes alive!.....But maybe this game wasn't going to get played on this night as sudden rumblings of thunder followed by a 10minute heavy downpour had flooded the surface of the green. Only due to the rain stopping, dedicated members of the club decided to risk it and get the rain swept of the green so that this match could be played!
Amazing work by the guys got the green surface clear of water!
With the game being delayed half an hour, play finally got underway and it was the away side that got off to the best start 3 out of 5 of their rinks scoring in the first end. However this was always going to be a close game and the game was always very close throughout with neither sides looking like crumbling at the finishing post. However, with sheer determination and crucial finishing, it was the home side that went on yet again to claim the win and keep the 100% home record very much alive beating Kelso by 83-76.
Team Nagle were very much up for this game as was away skip Bob Purdie and his men and it was to no surprise the scores were level at 9-9 after 10 ends. However with Jed at this point needing a rink to pull some shots off, who better than Nagles rink to do this, claiming all ends until the last and even remarkably pulling of a huge 7 shots in the 14th end and going on to win this encounter 24-10.
Team Euan Lindores, however, weren't so fortunate on this night as they were always going to be up against it against Borders skip Stuart white. Usually playing so consistantly well, it was a huge shock around the club that Lindores was fighting a battle being 2-16 down after just 9 ends. This wasn't helping situations across the board and a fightback of some sort was needed greatly. Lindores kept popping on slowly, just enough to keep Jed in the lead overall when it came to the last, Jed were 14 up so the game was won by now but white and his team had the last word and picked up another incredible 7 shots and the honours of Kelso top rink winning by 12-28.
Team Munro had picked out the famous rink 6 against the truly class bowler Allistair White and this was going to be a cracker. Munro pushed on the pressure early on to claim a 10-5 lead after 9 ends but never count White out and with some nice drawing play from both front ends, the game got to 15-12 after 16 ends. However this was to be Munros night and his men picked up a 2 in the last to claim an excellent victory by 17-12.
Team Scott were frustrated all night against Ronnie Paxton and his rink as this was closer than the scores reflect. With Scott taking a 6-4 lead after 8 ends perhaps this could of been a tight affair but Paxton had other ideas. Playing some brilliant drawing shots in the latter stages, Kelso never really looked back and Scott and his men could only pray that other rinks done them a favour and pulled the scores back. Final score was 7-22 to the away side.
Team Hill are playing increasingly better every week and are really functioning well as a rink but they were really up against it in the form of Dennis Poloczek. However they decided that tonight was going to be once again their night as they stormed into 13-2 lead after 11 ends which was much needed overall. With the front end of Andrew Dalrymple and Rob Hogg never far away, The back end of David Lightbody and Niki Hill backed them up with some brilliant draws and weighted shots when required to win their match by 23-4 and ultimately win the game for Jedburgh....well done team, keep it up! :D
Well it was a much needed win to sustain our place at the top but all credit to Kelso who at one point looked to have the game wrapped up. The green did play well considering the heavy downpour it received and maybe this helped the away side a bit more. Let's keep it up after the festival as we are on the road to a hungry Hawick side!
G. Nagle | 24 | R. Purdie | 10 | |
E. Lindores | 12 | S. White | 28 | |
D. Scott | 7 | R. Paxton | 22 | |
D. Munro | 17 | A. White | 12 | |
N. Hill | 23 | D. Poloczek | 4 |
Top Rink: Andrew Dalrymple (LEAD), Rob Hogg (SECOND), David Lightbody (THIRD), Niki Hill (SKIP
Sunday 28th June 2009
in one of the more popular tournaments, the Australian pairs was played on Sunday with a good entry allowing for three groups of 4 pairs playing. The format of this tournament is that the leads plays his 2 bowls first and then the skip comes up and plays his 2 bowls, then the lead plays his remaining 2 bowls and finally the skip finishes of the end with his last 2 bowls. This always ensures for some interesting plays going on throughout games with each player being allowed to play diferent types of shots!
As the rain managed to stay away for a change, the weather was starting to heat up as was the group stages with alot of close positions and alot of good ties being played. A winner from each group plus the best overall runner-up would then go on to the semi-finals.
Eventually the stage was all set for the final which involved the pair of David Hynd & David Robertson against the pair of James Hogg & Euan Lindores. On paper this had the making of a cracker of a final with both teams playing very well throughout the groups and semis. However, it looked like Hogg and Lindores had kept their momentum from previous games and really impressed in the final amazingly going 16-0 up after 6 ends and it was game over an end early. All credit to both teams for making the final and it was a shame the final wasn't a close one.
Australian Pairs Winners: Euan Lindores (SKIP), James Hogg (LEAD)
Saturday 20th June 2009
An excellently ran tournament was played on Saturday as it was the Kerr Memorial Pro-Am rinks tournament which always brings great crowds down to the bowling club. It's a chance for two bowlers to bring along two non-bowlers to try the game perhaps for the first time, or a yearly regular which is always encouraging! The was enjoyed by all and some great bowls were played as the alcohol went down a treat on this fun day. The weather held up most of the day and the sun was clearly shining down upon the eventual winning rink of the ex-callants skipped by Niki Hill who, in the end defeated Jim Straker and his rink to claim the title. A special thank you has to go to Norman Kerr for bringing this great fun tournament to the club in memory of his father the late adam kerr and donating the cup.
Kerr Pro-Am 2009 winners: Craig Smail (THIRD), Niki Hill (SKIP), Clark Scott (SECOND), Adam Lees (LEAD)
Tuesday 23rd June 2009
Hiya folks, just a quick message to inform you all that i am unable to add all the previous reports since early May. As i was aware of an upgrade of this site, i only found out that the company i am with decided on doing this about 3 weeks after i sent in the request and took me by surprise. Even though this has occured, i promise to bring alot more to the website and keep it running smoothly. Thanks very much :D
Wednesday 17th June 2009
It was the turn of Melrose to come down to Jedburgh on what looked to be a very nice night for bowling indeed. With Jed needing a win to keep the pressure on both Waverley & Kelso, this was never going to be easy against a Melrose side, whom for the first time in a long time, were fighting a relegation battle near the bottom. With Jed not keen on letting the top two get out of their site, we fought back from yet another comeback to secure a valuable home victory by 84-79.
The past few games have seen us unable to score in the 1st end but this was not the case this time as all but 1 rink scored in the 1st end.
Team Euan Lindores were up against the ever present melrosian Bill Swanston Snr. and this could be described as a very frustating night for the young skip and his team. You could say Lindores men were always in control throughout....until Swanston went onto the mat. At time the home side were lying well with fours and fives until Swanston playing some truly remarkable bowls to either cut down the count or even draw the shot himself which was incredible to watch. Although this was the case, Euan and his rink kept their heads up and kept playing steady bowls to go 14-7 up after 11 ends. Lindores really pushed the pace after this and managed to secure a brilliant 18-14 victory. One has to think what the final score would have been if Swanston wasn't playing?
Team Dougie Munro drew out the dreaded rink 6 against Mick Patterson which was always going to be an old grudge match going back to Munros time at Melrose. As usual the rink always produces close games as both sides had their share of the fortune on the rink and it was to no surprise that the scores were level at 10-10 after 11 ends. However Munro played some desperate shots when the opposition were lying very well and picked up two fours and a three to claim a well deserved 21-15 win.
Team Nagle, whom were the youngest rink for the home side on the night were up against former Scottish National Pairs Champion Ian Crawford so this wasn't going to be an easy game. The only rink not to score in the 1st end, you had to wonder if this was going to be an omen & it appeared so with Nagle going 5-18 down after 13 ends. At this point the game was won on this rink for the opposition but the home rink had to shut off from this and try get some shots back for overall scores. Being the last rink on the green and 6 and four shots up overall it was vital that Jed secured shot in the last end. The older & much more experienced head in the rink Ian Dick played 2 remarkable bowls to lie the shot and his bowl stayed there to secure the overall win for Jedburgh. Final score here was 7-22.
Team Robbie Lindores were up against Billy Swanston Jnr. on a tricky rink described by both teams as it was a struggle to keep a good head going throughout. Was to no surprise that the scores were even at 8-8 after 9 ends. Swanstons men managed to play a few great bowls and could say they never really looked back as they went on to secure a 12-21 win. Not much can be said, it was never going to be easy for team Lindores.
Team Niki Hill and his men are playing consistantly well last night and to be fair, if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have won tonight. With the front end of Andrew Dalrymple & Rob Hogg Snr. drawing so well, the back end rarely went up to the mat with the shot against and this help alot. Borders player Neil Mc Nally always prooves to be tough competition for any team but somehow he didnt seem to get going until late on in the game. Hill cruised into a 16-1 lead after 10 ends and at this point we were looking very good for the win overall. However, things werent looking suddenly so good as mcNally picked up a 2 and a 4 in the next 2 ends and suddenly the home side were bamboozled! Could this be the turning point in the game?.........No. Hill and the rink done incredibly well to lift themselves back up and in the end secured a comprehensive 26-7 win and claim the sweep to be hot on Team Euan Lindores trail for 2009 top rink.
A brilliant win for Jedburgh. Melrose always proove to be tough opposition no matter what position they are in the league. It is crucial we keep this up as teams below are starting to play well.
N. HILL | 26 | N. McNALLY | 7 | |
E.LINDORES | 18 | B. SWANSTON SNR. | 14 | |
D. MUNRO | 21 | M. PATTERSON | 15 | |
G. NAGLE | 7 | I. CRAWFORD | 22 | |
Top Rink: Andrew Dalrymple (LEAD), Rob Hogg Snr. (SECOND), David Lightbody (THIRD), Niki Hill (SKIP)
Saturday 23rd of May 2009
The 3-2-1 tournament took place at the bowling club early Saturday morning and lasted all the way through the day until 7pm at night. Being the popular tournament that it is, this competition was played in great conditions and there was great bowling achieved by all involved. The rules of the tournament are that a team of 3 bowlers enter, firstly playing in a triple match together and then splitting up the 3 to form a pair with the remaining bowler playing the singles match. There are 3 groups of 5 teams involved and the 2 finalists are determined on total points scored then the best shots scored. It was always going to be interesting as to who could keep performing consistently throughout the day.
With the triples competition being close throughout, in the end overall it was the team of Andrew Dalrymple, Niki Hill & John Taylor that finished best overall triple by four shots over the team of David Lightbody, Robert Hogg Jnr & Ryan Miller. Both teams seemed to have some very close games with team Miller being level with the opposition going into the last end in all 3 games!
Top triple team member Niki Hill
The pairs were always going to be tough with some interesting ties being played. In the end, the best overall pair on the day was Graeme Renwick & Robbie Lindores with 3 wins out of 3.
Impressive throughout, Graeme Renwick & Robbie Lindores take top pair
The singles being played over 10 ends looked to have top quality bowlers involved and it was to no surprise that the top singles player went to Jedburgh league lead Steven Fisher. Steven played consistently all day and played some huge bowls to secure his teams place in the final against the statistically best overall team of Andew Dalrymple, Niki Hill & John Taylor.
showing great form on the day, Steven Fisher took top singles player
The stage was set, the sun was beating down on the Jedburgh green & the crowd were ready for what was going to be a very even and entertaining final. The triples game was showing no signs of a clear winner in the early stages.
Skip John Taylor up & attacking against the opposition
1 down is the call from Hughie Fisher in the closing stages
The crowd watch on as Niki Hill is about to play
In the end it was team Fisher that took the lead, making it 1-0 in the series and securing a huge advantage going into the final two games of the day. With the pairs & the singles both taking place at the same time, it was never going to be easy for the teams to maintain concentration on their respective games.
John Taylor drawing very well in the singles
The pairs enjoying a good, close game on rink 1
Both games in the closing stages & team Fisher in control
Although it was a very close and even final, in the end it was the team of Ian Yule, Hughie Fisher and Steven Fisher that took the win in a clean sweep of 3-0 in the final. A very highly rated tournament with plenty bowling involved was enjoyed by all on the day.
3-2-1 winners 2009: Hughie Fisher (SECOND), Steven Fisher (SKIP) & Ian Yule (LEAD)
Thursday 21st May 2009
The mens championship prelims were played with some interesting opening ties being played on the green. The results were as followed:
- Graeme Renwick def. Dave Cook 21-13
- Robert Hogg Jnr. def. Andrew Dalrymple 21-10
- Robbie Lindores def. Ivor Hughes 21-20
- Ryan Miller def. Gary Pringle 21-17
- Hughie Fisher def. David Hynd 21-7
- Jim Straker def. Ian Dick 21-18
Wednesday 20th May 2009
Jedburgh made a good start to the bowling league with 2 wins out of 2 in their league campaign. The Jedburgh teams confidence was sky high going into the local derby with Hawick. A dry day setup good bowling conditions for this game and with scores being nip & tuck all game, it was the sheer determination of the Jed boys that seen them comeback from behind again to claim a valuable win and keep their 100% winning record going.
In the early stages of the match it was very even scoring by both teams, although team Niki Hill made a great start scoring 7 out of 8 ends against the great Norrie Amos and his team to take a 13-1 lead after 8 ends. This looked to wake up the opposition and they started to slowly crawl back up the scoreboard, with Amos playing some great shots when needed. Hill and his men did enough after the 17 ends to keep a respectable 19-11 win and claim the Jedburgh top rink.
Team Lindores, however, were in deep water for most of the game. Being 16-5 down after just 9 ends, there was trouble at mill. it was always going to be tough to come back from the deficit. The Hawick front end were drawing well and adjusting to the weight which didn't help matters. Skip Robbie Lindores played some very big bowls to prevent big counts at times which, in the end, became vital in the final score. Team Lindores kept their heads up and managed to keep the score at 13-22.
The rink skipped by Greg Nagle were up against Les Clarkson and his men in what looked like an even contest. With mostly single shots being scored, the scores were even at 13-13 after 14 ends which would setup and interesting finish. With Jedburgh needing shots at this point, great front end drawing and big back end shots were played and it was Nagles team that grabbed the win deservedly by 16-13.
Team Euan Lindores had the toughest task of all by playing on rink 6 and it prooved the case also for the opposition. As the sides could not be seperated with some good bowls being produced, a draw at 12-12 was the fairest result. As this game was going on, there was a lot of supportive shouting from both the teams and this seemed to add alot more determination to snatch the win, especially from Jedburgh.
Being last team on the green and being 5 shots up with 1 end to go, Team Dougie Munro still felt that more shots were required. They played well all night and had a share of some outstanding bowls against Martin Chrystie and his team. Alot of weighted shots were played by the 2 skips and some excellent results came out of them. Although it was a good effort, Munro conceded 1 shot in the last end but won their game 18-16.
Excellent home win against a hungry Hawick team. It was left late again to secure the win though. We need to keep this consistency especially as we have two away games in a row next against Gala & Gala Abbotsford.
N. HILL 19 N. AMOS 11
The Jedburgh Bowling Club 150th Anniversary Dinner took place on Friday the 28th of August 2009 in the Jedburgh Town Hall. Over 150 people attended this special event to celebrate the clubs tremendous achievement. Speaking on behalf of the club, i would like to extend a great thanks to all who attended this occasion, without you all this event could not have took place. A special thanks has to go to our guest speakers and singers who really kept us all entertained throughout the night doing what they do best. A night to remember for all, below are some photographs of the evening. If anyone has some more photos of the dinner please do not hesitate to email them to me and i will get them up as soon as possible!
Let the evening commence!
The tables starting to fill
The top table for the evenings proceedings
George Mc Neill, argueably Scotlands greatest sprinter, in full flow
President Dougie Munro reading his speech
Giving us his version of American Pie which was brilliant